The lucky little prince's doting wife

Chapter 318 Xie Jihuan is not ashamed to talk about poverty

Chapter 318 Xie Jiuhuan is not ashamed to talk about poverty
Lin Deyi and Xie Jiuhuan stood at the gate of Qin's palace, also discussing.Lin Deyi didn't want to go into the palace, there was no reason, he simply didn't want to.Xie Jiuhuan felt that Father Lin had specially asked someone to come back and call him, so it seemed that it would be bad not to go.

"Our father is not someone who just looks for trouble," Xie Jiuhuan told Lin Deyi, "He called us to come into the palace. Someone must be looking for trouble."

Lin Deyi: "Who is looking for trouble?"

Xie Jiuhuan: "We will find out when we enter the palace."

Lin Deyi asked: "What can we do if we know?"

Xie Jiuhuan was asked, "You can't hit people in the palace, right?"Could it be that they wanted to go to the palace and scold the troublemaker?
Lin Deyi: "Let's go."

Xie Jiuhuan: "Where are you going?"

Lin Deyi: "Back to Yuansheng Lane."

Now that Lin Deyi had decided so, Xie Jiuhuan could only look at the little brother who came back to deliver the message with regret, and said to Lin Deyi: "Okay."

The young man who came back to deliver the message was Father Lin's long-term attendant, his name was Er Le, and he looked very simple and honest.Seeing that the Fourth Young Master and the Fourth Young Mistress refused to enter the palace, Er Le wanted to persuade them, but his ability might be limited, and he didn't know how to persuade them.

Mu Dong ran to fetch Lin Deyi's horse, and Xie Jiuhuan was about to get into the sedan. This time Xie Jiuhuan was ready to go back to her parents' home, and at this moment, Chuan Lian ran out of the house.

"Eldest brother asked us to go to the palace." After listening to Chuanlian's words, Xie Jiuhuan said to Lin Deyi: "Are you going to listen to eldest brother or go back to my house?"

Lin Deyi: "That's my home too."

Xie Jiuhuan didn't understand why Lin Deyi was so obsessed with this at this time?
Chuanlian: "Her Royal Highness the Princess and the Young Master will be out soon..."

Facing Lin Deyi's gaze on him, Xie Jiuhuan felt that he had just bullied this person. "Ah, yes, yes," Xie Jiuhuan could only say, "This is our home. I made a mistake just now. I'm sorry."

Chuanlian: "Fourth Young Master, the eldest Young Master asked you to wait for him and..."

Lin Deyi lifted the sedan curtain for Xie Jiuhuan and asked Xie Jiuhuan, "Do you like this sedan?"

Xie Jiuhuan has made several sedan chairs in her life. Her aesthetic appreciation of sedan chairs is limited to their appearance.

"The car windows are all made of carved wooden windows," Xie Jiuhuan looked at the two people in front of him carrying the sedan and said, "This sedan is very beautiful, but it looks very heavy."

Why should people sitting in a sedan care about whether the sedan is heavy or not?

Not only Lin Deyi couldn't understand it, but also the bearers carrying the sedan chair couldn't understand it.

Lin Deyi said: "The sedans are all the same weight, right?"

The fourth young master also had no research on the sedan. He held up the curtain of the sedan with one hand, and then bent his other hand to knock on the door frame of the sedan, making people look at it. It seemed that the fourth young master could know the sedan by just knocking like this. How much the same.

Chuanlian finally figured out that the fourth young master and the fourth young mistress probably didn't listen to him at all.Chuanlian stopped talking. He turned his head and looked in the door. Now, if words can work, except for the eldest son, even Her Royal Highness, it should not work for anyone else.

Fortunately, because they were studying the sedan, Xie Jiuhuan and Lin Deyi didn't leave in a hurry, so when the eldest son came out of the house, these two were still "studying" the sedan.

The eldest son walked up to the sedan, took a few glances, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

What's so good about a sedan chair?

Lin Deyi: "The sedan that Jiu Huan rode in before was not like this."

The eldest son thought that Xie Jiuhuan was not satisfied with the sedan in front of him, so the eldest son said: "If you don't like it, then change it to another one."

There are still ten sedan chairs in the family. This one, the eldest son looked at it again. The one in front of him looked a little too plain.

Seeing that the bearer was about to follow the steward when he lifted up the sedan chair to get a new sedan chair for himself, Xie Jiuhuan hurriedly shouted "No".Eldest Young Master: "What?"

Xie Jiuhuan began to tell the eldest son about the sedan she had sat in. There are several price ranges for the sedans that can be hired on the street. The cheapest ones are more like lift chairs, the kind that are not covered, and the second one is made of wood for the bottom of the sedan. It was a small sedan with a cloth body, and Xie Jiuhuan had only ridden in this kind of sedan once, so it was considered very luxurious.

"This kind of sedan is light and takes no effort to lift," Xie Jiuhuan told the eldest son.

The eldest son has not studied the sedan chairs in the world, and he does not have the time.So after listening to Xie Jiuhuan's talk, regardless of whether this knowledge is useful or not, for the eldest son, he has learned new knowledge.

"Then how much does it cost to sit in this kind of cloth sedan chair?" The eldest son asked Xie Jiuhuan with interest.

Xie Jiuhuan: "Four copper coins, it's still a short distance."

The eldest son wanted to say that four copper coins was very cheap, but looking at Xie Jiuhuan, the eldest son did not say this.

"Oh," Xie Jiuhuan sighed, "I've only ridden once. It's cheaper and faster to hire a donkey cart."

Of course, their family travels mostly by walking, and walking doesn't cost money, so Xie Jiuhuan won't talk about it.

The eldest son laughed. He had never met someone like Xie Jiuhuan who was not ashamed to say that he was poor before in the eldest son's world.In his world, everyone cares about face. Even if the hatred has reached the point of endless hatred, they still have to maintain the so-called respectability of the upper class aristocrats on the surface.Say you are poor?What is the difference between this and publicizing family disgrace?
Whether Xie Jiuhuan is like this is good or bad, the eldest son cannot judge for the time being, but he is not disgusted, but finds it very interesting.

Lin Deyi suddenly said: "I remember that my sister-in-law's sedan chair seems to be inlaid with gold."

Xie Jiuhuan's eyes widened: "A sedan made of gold?"

Lin Deyi thought for a moment and said, "It's my sister-in-law's dowry."

"Oh!" Xie Jiuhuan sighed with envy, "It's gold."

Lin Deyi: "Yes, I have seen it."

Lin Deyi didn't know whether the second sister-in-law's and third sister-in-law's dowries also included sedan chairs, because he had only seen his elder sister-in-law's sedan chair.

Xie Jiuhuan suddenly reacted and said, "Dowry? Why is there a sedan in the dowry?"

If this were true, it would cost her biological father and second mother to live again. How could his family afford to sell the sedan?

Lin Deyi said: "We don't need a sedan. You have a horse and you keep it in your house. Don't you remember?"

Thanks Jiuhuan! ! !
Lin Deyi didn't say anything, but she didn't even remember that when she and her eighth brother-in-law went to Yulin Guard to find Lin Deyi, Lin Deyi gave her a little white horse that had just turned three years old!
"The sedan is still useful," the eldest son glanced at Lin Deyi. Can my younger siblings be like you and ride horses everywhere? "When you have time later, you go shopping with your siblings to the sedan chair shop. If you find something that your siblings like, buy one back. If you don't like it, you can order one at the sedan chair shop."

Lin Deyi learned a lesson.

Xie Jiuhuan pointed to the sedan in front of her and said, "Brother, I think this is very good. I like it very much."

The eldest son: "Let Tiger accompany you. This sedan is too plain."

Xie Jiuhuan: "Okay..."

It is said that it is the mourning period for the Queen Mother, shouldn't she sit in a plain sedan chair?

"What are you talking about?" Princess Le'an, dressed in mourning clothes, put her hand on Mrs. Wang's arm and walked out of the mansion.

Lin Deyi said honestly: "I'm talking about the sedan chair."

Princess Le'an had a question mark on her forehead, what can she say about the sedan chair?

(End of this chapter)

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