Chapter 874 Xie Changyu, you are crazy
Qiu Huixian politely called "husband", then set the meal and prepared warm water handkerchiefs.

Xie Changyu took a look and thought to himself: Okay, it's business again.

Aunt Cui and Yin'er stepped back one after another.

Qiu Huixian walked up to Xie Changyu and said, "Husband, please wash your hands and eat."

Xie Changyu threw the scroll on the table and stretched out his hand towards Qiu Huixian.

This was how he asked her to serve him yesterday, so Qiu Huixian took the handkerchief to wipe his hands. Unexpectedly, as soon as she touched his hand, Xie Changyu took her palm and gently pulled it into his arms.

Qiu Huixian was stunned: "It's time to eat!"

Xie Changyu put his arms around his wife's waist and hugged her, "It's not rational for you to be jealous of a child."


Qiu Huixian was startled at first, and then realized something. After a moment of embarrassment and embarrassment, she put on a decent face and said, "I don't understand what your husband is talking about."

Xie Changyu smiled: "If you're jealous, just say you're jealous. You'll talk nonsense without saying anything important. How can I understand it?"

"I didn't, husband, you think too much."

That tone seemed a bit too angry to admit it.

Xie Changyu asked: "Really? Then I'll ask her to come and see my injury later, and take her out for horse racing in the afternoon."

Qiu Huixian said indifferently: "Then I will help my husband prepare clothes. I hope he can have a good time."

Xie Changyu: "..."

Qiu Huixian struggled to get up from his arms, "Eat."

Xie Changyu hugged her tightly and couldn't help but lower his head to kiss her. The hand that was wrapped around Qiu Huixian's waist also reached up, and his fingertips penetrated into the collar.

"You -" Qiu Huixian pushed Xie Changyu's shoulder, but she couldn't push it, and she was afraid of hurting him, so she could only hide from him and avoid him, feeling extremely angry.

"How can you speak so hard with such soft lips?"

Xie Changyu gently sucked the corners of his wife's lips, and his palms were already covering the softness he loved most. He was neither graceful nor polite, "Mother is right, women are duplicitous animals."

Qiu Huixian hurriedly saved her clothes and pushed away his rough hands. In the blink of an eye, she was out of breath.

Xie Changyu grasped her slender waist with both hands and gently lifted her up into a shameful sitting position astride her.

Qiu Huixian's face was red and white, her heart was ringing with alarm, and her tone suddenly softened: "Husband, husband, you haven't eaten yet, let's eat first and then talk!"

"You won't die of hunger if you don't eat one meal."

Xie Changyu pressed her lower back and pressed her tightly into his arms, lowered his head and kissed Qiu Huixian's ear: "Axian, she is just a child, are you jealous of her?"

"I didn't-" Qiu Huixian blocked herself and him with her arms, and said quickly: "You are thinking too much, really you are thinking too much."

Xie Changyu smiled lightly and said: "It's okay if you don't admit it, but I think some things should be made clear - there were other recruits when White Tiger Claws rescued her, and there were many people. I was given a book to teach you how to whip."

"Choosing a horse for her is a horse selection for several children together, not a special one."

"I hugged her when she was born. She is almost like Huan'er to me. She must have some kind of close relationship. It's like half a daughter."

"That's it, let's get down to business."

Xie Changyu's rough fingers pushed aside Qiu Huixian's clothes, and he lowered his head to smell the alluring fragrance of his wife, "Let's have a baby as soon as possible. Once you have a baby, you won't be restless and have random thoughts."

"But husband, your lunch -"

Xie Changyu ignored her at all and concentrated on fighting with her skirt.

Priscilla Qiu called him "husband" several times and tried to persuade him with nice words, but when he didn't listen and continued to act nonsense, Priscilla Qiu was shocked to realize that he was not trying to scare her, but was really...

This is a military camp, and there are guards and patrols outside.

Yin'er and Grandma Cui are also outside. He didn't eat lunch when it was laid out, so what did he think of her as something to chew on?

Still ready to go, obviously don't let her go?

Qiu Huixian's face turned pale with fright, and she said angrily: "Xie Changyu, are you crazy? I tell you, I will be angry!"

Xie Changyu laughed and said casually: "A-Xian is the most stable and decent wife, how can she get angry casually? I don't think you can, you will serve your husband."

Qiu Huixian: "..."

Okay, okay, she was hesitant to speak before, wanting to get a little comfort.

What you didn’t say was very straightforward and you said everything you needed to say, right?
He didn't respond and didn't answer the question.

Come here now to bully her like this, and use her past words to block her?

Qiu Huixian was ashamed and angry. She scratched Xie Changyu many times and punched him many times, but she still couldn't stop the tempted man from giving up the delicious food.

The faint sound of drums and the sound of horses sounded alternately.

The footsteps of those patrolling soldiers seemed to become clearly audible in Qiu Huixian's ears.

Unable to resist, she could only grit her teeth, not daring to make a sound, feeling ashamed and angry to death.

Her back was pressed against the edge of the table and it hurt a little, so she had to hold on to her husband's shoulders and pray that everything would end quickly.

Xie Changyu was already familiar with the taste. From her reaction, he knew that she couldn't resist and obeyed, and a bit of bad excitement arose in her heart.

I didn't want to make her angry, so I acted recklessly like this.

But she was really... not very smart in this matter. He had to be tough to talk to her nicely, which made him want to see how long she could be tough.

He didn't have any food last night, and he was very unhappy.

Now that she brought it to her door herself, don't blame him for being rude.

After a while, Qiu Huixian lost strength and could only lean weakly in front of her husband.

He was brought to the couch again to do some nonsense.

The food on the table was already cold and no one cared about it.

If a man who has been idle for too long really gets bad, it is something that a conservative woman like Qiu Huixian cannot imagine.

She still remembers gritting her teeth and not making a sound at first, but later she lost control and called "husband" with a soft gasp, not knowing whether she wanted to beg to be let go or something else.

Before Qiu Huixian fell asleep, she felt rough fingers falling on her lower back, and then she felt a little cool.

She narrowed her eyes and realized that Xie Changyu was holding her in front of her.

Xie Changyu kissed her forehead: "It's a bit broken, please apply some medicine."

Qiu Huixian had no strength and didn't want to say anything. She closed her eyes against him and fell asleep completely.


When Qiu Huixian woke up again, the tent was filled with light.

She stared at the tent with her eyes open for a long time, then suddenly turned over and sat up.

The clothes on her body were messy, her shoulders were half exposed, and there was an unspeakable soreness somewhere.

Qiu Huixian gritted her teeth. The previous events flashed through her mind, and a surge of anger rushed to her forehead, making her head dizzy.

She took a deep breath, turned over with a livid face, and looked for her clothes.

That smelly man didn't know how to deal with the aftermath, and her clothes were still scattered on the desk and chair, reminding Priscilla Qiu of what happened before.

(End of this chapter)

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