Chapter 872 Being considerate
The unkindness in this tone was very obvious.

Lei Xiaoyu heard it, was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips and said, "Then let's not try. If there is anything else you want to see, madam, I will take you there."

Yin'er wanted to say something else, but Qiu Huixian glanced at her. The little maid immediately stopped and stood beside Qiu Huixian obediently.

But he couldn't control his expression very well.

Lei Xiaoyu didn't know what was going on, and felt a little embarrassed.

Qiu Huixian smiled softly: "I'm a little tired after working around for a day, why not-"


At this time, Lei Xiaoyu suddenly shouted behind Qiu Huixian.

Qiu Huixian looked back and saw that not far away, Lei Jun and Xie Changyu were walking towards this side.

Lei Xiaoyu ran to Lei Jun.

After taking Qiu Huixian around for a whole day, she was attacked by her maid. I don't know why Lei Xiaoyu was also in a bad mood.

Lei Jun frowned as he looked at her. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with her.

After hesitating for a moment, Lei Jun and Xie Changyu said, "Your Majesty, I remembered something trivial, so I'll take my girl to work for a while."

Xie Changyu waved his hand without looking back.

Lei Jun left with his daughter.

When they got further away, Lei Jun asked her: "What's wrong with you? Who messed with you with such a face?"


Lei Xiaoyu turned around and ran towards his mother's tent: "You don't understand even if I tell you."

Lei Jun: "..."

How do you know I don't understand if you didn't say anything?
At the archery range, Xie Changyu walked up to Qiu Huixian and said, "She has no ill intentions."

"I know."

Qiu Huixian said softly: "She is still young and has a simple mind. She thinks that the things she likes are the best, so she takes me around to take a look. It's just human nature."


Xie Changyu nodded, "Madam is quite considerate."

Qiu Huixian wants to experience a lot. As long as she is willing to use her brain, she will see through many things at a glance.

Some people are too lazy to see through it, so they are rarely confused and live a smooth life.

Sometimes it is actually not a good thing to see too clearly.

The more intelligent and transparent a person is, the more troubles they will find themselves in, and their lives will be very tiring.

"Want to try?"

Xie Changyu went to the wooden stand and took a smaller bow, and came to Qiu Huixian.

Priscilla Qiu hesitated for a moment, "Then give it a try."

In fact, Qiu Huixian had some thoughts when she watched Lei Xiaoyu shoot arrows.

She used to shoot target with her brothers and sisters at home, but although her accuracy was good, her arm strength was really poor. If she couldn't pull the bow in front of the little girl, she would lose her standing.

So when Lei Xiaoyu invited her, she was going to refuse.

Unexpectedly, Yin'er was so outspoken that the whole place froze.

Now in front of her husband...

Since the two are husband and wife, they have no distinction between each other and share weal and woe, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about or avoid.

Xie Changyu handed the bow to her: "Be careful, it's a bit heavy."


Qiu Huixian nodded and went to catch it with both hands. As soon as it fell into her hands, Xie Changyu let go and the bow suddenly fell down.

Qiu Huixian was startled and subconsciously grabbed it with both hands.

But Xie Changyu reacted faster and immediately reached out and held the fallen bow in his hand.

Qiu Huixian pursed her lips and stared at Xie Changyu with a stern look on her face, "How many kilograms of bow is this?"


Xie Changyu obviously expected that she wouldn't be able to catch her.

With such a slender and delicate body, it is strange that she can hold such a bow. "This is a bow used for soldier training. Generally, bows at shooting ranges are divided into five levels according to weight. This is the first level. After that, each level will add an additional twenty kilograms..."

Xie Changyu held the bow handle and raised the bow in front of Qiu Huixian.

Qiu Huixian hesitated, "You lead me to pull? But your injury..."


Xie Changyu tapped his chin on the handle of the bow and urged him a little.

This 20-pound bow was incredibly light to him. He could draw it to full capacity with just one hook of his fingers, without even using his arms.

He had just been sitting by the ring when he noticed that Qiu Huixian was watching from the side and behind for a long time. After that, he ordered the others to watch the competition. He and Lei Jun asked her where she was going and came to the archery range.

Lei Xiaoyu was shooting arrows at that time.

Although there was still some distance, Xie Changyu saw a flash of eagerness in Qiu Huixian's eyes.

Now that she's here, she knows a little bit more. Is she just thinking about it?

So Xie Changyu took the lightest bow.

Qiu Huixian hesitated for a while, then held the bow handle with her left hand, her slender white hand under Xie Changyu's big hand, and then pulled the bow string with her right hand.

Xie Changyu also raised his right arm and covered it with his wife's right hand.

Originally Qiu Huixian had some difficulty in pulling the bow string, but with her husband's slight guidance, the bow string quickly opened, and the arrow on the string flew out and stabbed steadily into the bull's-eye not far away, destroying Lei Xiaoyu's previous An arrow fell down.

Yin'er said excitedly: "Miss, you are so amazing!"

Qiu Huixian smiled a little embarrassedly.

Most of the credit goes to her husband standing behind her.

The bow that was very difficult for her could be fully drawn with just one stroke.

Qiu Huixian remembered that Lei Xiaoyu said earlier that he could pull a hundred-jin bow, but she didn't know how powerful the arrows shot by that hundred-jin heavy bow would be.

It's no wonder that such a heroic and strong man can lead people to hunt a white tiger and capture it alive.

"Want another shot?"

Xie Changyu asked.

He stood behind Priscilla Qiu, and had become accustomed to slightly bowing his waist and lowering his head when speaking, to match his wife's figure.

From the corner of her eye, Priscilla Qiu could see her husband's bright armor.

He raised his arms, leading her to draw the bow, as if he were holding her in his arms. Such a clear difference in posture reminded her of the names of the two of them next to each other last night.

Each has its own style, but they are both pleasing to the eye when placed together.

Qiu Huixian's heart softened, she shook her head and loosened the handle of the bow.

She raised her head and looked at Xie Changyu: "My husband is so brave that he ranks among the three armies, but I am so weak and weak."

Xie Changyu didn't quite understand what she meant by this, so he asked, "So?"

"I am still very timid. When I see a white tiger, I am so frightened that my legs weaken. I am rigid and don't know how to adapt. I don't care about my husband, which makes him angry."

Xie Changyu was silent for a moment and then asked: "So?"

"So...although I am a good wife and mother that my husband needs, it doesn't seem to be in harmony with his bravery."

Xie Changyu lowered his eyes and looked at her: "Then what kind of coordination do you think I am with?"

"One who can fight side by side with her husband?" Priscilla Qiu asked lightly, "Maybe one who can control both internal and external affairs, and be both civil and military."

Xie Changyu was silent.

This was really his standard for choosing a wife in the first place.

It's just that there are very few people who can meet this standard and are suitable for him in other aspects such as family background and temperament.

Xie Changyu didn't understand why she suddenly said this today.

This topic doesn't make much sense.

Any hypothetical question is a waste of time.

She was already his wife and he was happy with everything.

But he also roughly understands that women's thoughts and men's thoughts sometimes deviate greatly.

Qiu Huixian is not a person who is aimless, and she may have other ideas when she says this.

(End of this chapter)

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