Indeed, nothing major happened in the camp.

Previously, Xie Wei always told Xie Changyu not to stay in the military camp all day long.

Stay in the camp for two days and come home for two days.

The military camp is twenty or thirty miles outside the city. It only takes an hour to get there if you have something to do.

But Xie Changyu refused.

He has been in the military for many years and is already used to it.

But I'm not used to living in a house.

When he first brought Xie Huan to Youyun, he stayed at the house to accompany the child for half a month. Later, he arranged for the child to go to Qingyun Academy, and Xie Changyu basically stayed in the camp permanently.

In previous years, during the Chinese New Year, I stayed at home for at most two or three days.

When I go to the camp, I will take Xie Huan with me.

But this year during the Chinese New Year, I stayed at home for more than half a month.

It was only a few days after I returned to camp that I returned to my home again, and fell asleep without thinking about it.

Thinking of this, Xie Changyu slowly opened his eyes and looked at Qiu Huixian, who was about to put on her clothes on the inside of the bed.

Getting married is still good.

With the warm fragrance of nephrite to comfort myself, I am still a person who knows both cold and heat.

"I'll get up first and prepare for my husband -" Qiu Huixian said while tying her belt. Before she could finish her words, Xie Changyu pulled her wrist and threw herself in front of him, taking a sharp breath.

Qiu Huixian was confused: "Husband?"

Xie Changyu said hoarsely: "Are you really feeling unwell? Call the doctor to take a look."

"I know it myself." Qiu Huixian lowered her head and looked at her hands in front of him.

She could clearly feel the strong texture under the fabric in her palms.

Certain images flashed through her mind uncontrollably, and Priscilla Qiu couldn't help but feel red behind her ears, and looked away, "My husband came back late last night, please sleep a little longer."

"it is good."

Xie Changyu slowly withdrew his hand from Qiu Huixian.

Qiu Huixian narrowed her eyes, got down from the corner of the bed, pulled out her black hair from under her clothes, and then straightened her skirts.

Xie Changyu put one hand behind his head and watched quietly.

It was a casual and indifferent look, but Qiu Huixian's back felt hot. She hurriedly tied her clothes and left without looking back.

The door was closed, and Xie Changyu silently withdrew his gaze.

He was indeed very tired.

I couldn't eat that night and didn't sleep well.

Xie Changyu closed his eyes again.


Qiu Huixian did not invite Yin'er to come in and serve.

After getting married, as long as Xie Changyu rested in the room, neither Yin'er nor Nanny Cui would come in.

She dressed herself, and before leaving the room, she picked up the cloak, soft armor and robe that Xie Changyu had thrown on the ground carelessly last night, and carried them outside.

Only then did Yin'er come in, "Miss——"


Qiu Huixian made a quiet gesture.

Yin'er quickly fell silent.

The master and servant went to the clean room, and Yin'er helped Qiu Huixian wash up.

Except for bathing, Priscilla Qiu rarely comes to the clean room.

When I got up early to wash up, Yin'er and Grandma Cui fetched water and brought it to the bedroom.

Today, I have deigned to come to the clean room. I am afraid that the prince is still sleeping in it, and I don't want to disturb the prince's dream?

While serving Qiu Huixian, Yin'er thought that since the prince and the lady got married, most of the time the prince would get up first, and the lady would be a little later.

This was the first time that the young lady got up earlier than the prince.

She is still young, and although she is smart, her thoughts are out of the ordinary and not so calm.

At this moment, while serving Qiu Priscilla, he carefully looked at Qiu Priscilla, looking at her neck and behind her ears, wondering what happened last night, and the prince was so tired that he didn't even get up.

However, there were no traces that usually appeared on Qiu Priscilla's body. Why is it gone?

"What are you looking at?" Priscilla Qiu glanced at her, "Be serious."

Yin'er quickly came back to her senses, laughed sarcastically and didn't dare to look around anymore, and served her in a polite manner.

After Qiu Huixian finished tidying up and came out, she ordered Yin'er to prepare breakfast, and then she went to the couch to tidy up Xie Changyu's leather armor and clothes.

Xie Changyu can be as simple as possible in life.

There are no requirements for clothing, food or drink.

He seemed to be easy to serve, but to Priscilla Qiu, his living habits were really not good.

For example, it happened many times last night that I threw my clothes directly on the small table next to the bed.

There are also habits such as washing hands and rinsing mouth.

It was obvious that he had never had one before.

And when Qiu Huixian handed him the handkerchief and mouthwash, she also found that he was reluctant.

But Priscilla Qiu pretended not to see it.

You also have to smile sweetly and use the gentlest gesture to make him have to do it.

Qiu Huixian couldn't help but think that he was indeed a man who had been in the military camp for so many years.

That is to say, he is in a high position and has people around him to take care of his daily life, so that he will not get dirty.

If he had no status and his temperament, he would definitely become a solid stinky man who would not be able to stand being near him at all.

Qiu Huixian thought as she arranged her cloak, soft armor, wrist guards, and outer robes.

The clothes smelled of honey locust and sweat.

It actually doesn't smell bad.

But for a woman like Qiu Huixian, who has grown up in a house and has been steeped in the scholarly atmosphere, this taste is somewhat unpleasant.

She frowned slightly and put away her soft armor and wrist guards.

He also folded his cloak and robe, ready to be cleaned.

At this moment, something inside the cloak fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.

Qiu Huixian lowered her head suspiciously and picked up a long wooden block.

The wood block looks a bit rough. It was made by randomly cutting a piece of wood and whittling it twice with some sharp tool. There are wooden thorns on the side.

Qiu Huixian didn't pay much attention when she picked it up, and a wooden thorn pricked her finger.

She frowned slightly, put the piece of wood on the table, and went to deal with the wood thorns on her hands.

When she pulled out the thorn, Qiu Huixian glanced at it inadvertently and found that the wooden block she threw on the table was hollow.

It turned out to be a box.

The lid was a little crooked because of her throw.

Priscilla Qiu picked up the box again, moved the crooked lid to the side, and looked at the objects in the box, the light in her gentle and quiet eyes moved slightly.

She looked at it in silence for a while, then took out a bright red flower from the box.

Even though she had read a lot of poems and books, she didn't even know what kind of flower it was.

The flowers are as red as fire and full of vitality.

The two dark green leaves on the flower stem are slightly curled.

Qiu Huixian thought of the mountain plum earlier and wondered, was this a small object he brought to her?

At this time, footsteps sounded in the courtyard.

A flash of light flashed across Qiu Huixian's eyes.

She lowered her eyes, glanced at the flowers again, put the flowers back into the wooden box, closed the lid, and carefully put the box away, then turned to Yin'er who came in: "Is the food ready?"

"Not yet...there are guests at the house."

Qiu Huixian frowned slightly.

What kind of guest is coming at this hour?

Yin'er leaned over and whispered to Qiu Huixian, "It's the young master's classmates in the academy and their families who said they came to visit the young lady."

Qiu Huixian remembered that some classmates from Xie Huan Academy had sent New Year gifts before.

She returned the gift thoughtfully.

It's the end of the first lunar month now. Logically speaking, these people shouldn't come to the house again. Could something be wrong? (End of chapter)

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