On the way back, Xie Changyu was still riding a horse and Qiu Huixian was in the car.

The whole team moved forward very slowly.

Xie Changyu held the horse's reins with one hand and glanced at the carriage from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but think of what happened in Qiu Mansion.

After he came out of the main hall, he walked around freely in the Qiu Mansion courtyard, and somehow he ended up near the boudoir where Qiu Huixian had been before she got married.

He didn't come closer.

But his ears were sharp and he heard what was said in the courtyard.

When she came out of Xie's Mansion, Priscilla Qiu seemed worried. He thought it was because of some difficult things at home. He also thought that since he was her husband, he would naturally support her.

As a result, Qiu Huixian dealt with the careless elder alone, which made Xie Changyu look at her with admiration.

But then I thought about it, with Qiu Huixian's experience, she should have such ability to manage a family.

Then Xie Changyu was bored and went to the garden to kill some time.

Qiu Lingyun and Qiu Mingjie followed.

Xie Changyu has made it this far. Although he has a cold temperament, he also has a keen mind.

As soon as they opened their mouths, Xie Changyu understood that these two young men were asking about his attitude towards Qiu Huixian.

Xie Changyu doesn't like others asking about his personal affairs. That would make him feel uncomfortable being spied on.

But this time the person who asked him was Qiu Huixian's younger brother and sister... He probably knew that the two young people were worried about their sister's life in Xie Mansion.

So he responded a little bit to reassure them.

Little did they know that his response was almost like no response to the Qiu family siblings.

In order to inquire more and liven up the atmosphere, Qiu Lingyun mentioned that Xie Changyu was the governor of Youzhou, with strong martial arts, superb archery, etc., and said that he must give advice when he had time.

Xie Changyu had no patience at that time.

When they talk about giving advice, they will give some pointers along the way.

The result was the scene that Priscilla Qiu saw when she went there.

Xie Changyu was a little puzzled.

Priscilla Qiu looks very stable, but her younger sister is really out of touch, and her younger brother doesn't look very smart either.

Moreover, the two siblings said they had practiced martial arts, but in fact they only practiced martial arts.

When practicing martial arts, you need to practice more solidly in order to protect yourself and your family.

Maybe he should send a suitable person over to give them serious guidance.

At this time, the team arrived in front of Duke Liang's mansion.

Xie Changyu turned over first and walked to the side of the carriage.

Qiu Huixian happened to bend down and get out of the carriage. She was stunned for a moment when she saw the hand he stretched out towards her. She smiled and said "Thank you" and put her hand in Xie Changyu's palm.

He led him gently out of the car.

When the two entered the house, they walked quietly to Changfeng Garden together just like when they left the house from Qiu's house.

Along the entire road, Xie Changyu didn't go further and waited for Qiu Huixian, and the footsteps were surprisingly coordinated.

When he returned to the gate of Changfeng Garden, Xie Changyu said, "I'm going to see the child. I'll be back later."

Qiu Huixian nodded "yes", entered Changfeng Garden, and ordered people to prepare dinner.

She called Yin'er into the room to change clothes.

When the meal was ready, Xie Changyu returned to the room.

Qiu Huixian did not ask Xie Huan how it was.

At this time, Xie Huan should be ready to sleep.

She is a stepmother herself, so just give her the right amount of warmth, but too much enthusiasm will make her appear indifferent.

She didn't want to rush around like that, nor did she want others to look at her awkwardly.

The two of them ate their rice in silence.

Xie Changyu himself is not a talkative person, and because he is often in the military, he eats very quickly. He will never speak during meals, let alone chat with Qiu Huixian.

Qiu Huixian knew this very well and had no intention of chatting with Xie Changyu. After finishing the meal and putting down the dishes, Qiu Huixian talked about the gifts that Xie Changyu had asked people to prepare.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to prepare so much next time. Favors come and go in a measured way. I know it well. If there are many good things, I can save them so that I can be prepared in the future."

Xie Changyu said indifferently: "You can make your own decisions on these, there is no need to tell me."

Qiu Huixian knew that these words were not indifferent, but trust.

Qiu Huixian pondered for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Why does the Crown Prince trust me so much?"

"Shouldn't I trust you?" Xie Changyu looked at her, "You are my wife and a person worthy of trust."

Qiu Huixian was startled and then smiled.

But she thought too much.

Qiu Huixian said seriously: "Then I will definitely not let down the prince's trust."


Xie Changyu nodded and stood up.

Qiu Huixian also stood up, took the tea from Yin'er's hand and handed it to Xie Changyu.

Xie Changyu frowned.

This time when he came back to live with Priscilla Qiu, he felt that many of Priscilla Qiu's living habits were really unnecessary.

For example, wash your hands before meals, rinse your mouth after meals, drink tea and soup, etc...

But looking at Qiu Huixian's gentle face, holding tea in both hands and bringing it to him, Xie Changyu still took it, rinsed his mouth under Qiu Huixian's care, and then said: "I'll go to the study for a while and I'll be back later. ."

Qiu Huixian smiled and said "Okay", but in fact she was already complaining in her heart.

He will be back later and will definitely go to bed directly.

He misses it almost every night.

This is really a torturous thing for Qiu Priscilla.

The education she received since she was a child has given her a neat way of running a family.

But deep down he is actually very conservative.

Such frequent skin-to-skin contact, completely exposing oneself to others without any reservation, is really an embarrassing and extremely embarrassing thing.

Even though that person is her husband.

While Qiu Huixian was taking a bath, she was thinking about how to make some changes.

By the way, what day is it today?

He should be going back to the military camp soon?

After he leaves, I can relax a bit.


The sound of the door opening rang.

Qiu Huixian, who was still bathing in the clean room, got excited and asked Yin'er to get her clothes.

When she left the clean room wearing soft and comfortable pajamas, she saw Xie Changyu coming to the table to serve tea. He took a sip and then raised his eyes to look at her.

He had changed into a light home robe, and his hair was damp and dripping with water, and he looked like he had just taken a shower.

Qiu Huixian gritted her teeth secretly.

She thought Xie Changyu went to the study to do some official business, but did he go to take a bath?

"Go back."

Xie Changyu waved his hand casually and put the tea cup on the table. His eyes were dark and deep, staring at Priscilla Qiu like a bottomless black hole, "Come here and talk."

Yin'er and the others quickly retreated.

Qiu Huixian's fingers hanging under her sleeves were gently squeezed, and she walked forward with a forced smile, "Your Majesty..."

Xie Changyu held her wrist, pulled her gently, and brought her into his arms. He lowered his head and sniffed her hair, "It smells very fragrant. What kind of fragrance was used? There seems to be some fragrance in what the little sister gave me."

"Take a look and see if it tastes like yours."

As he spoke, he explored with his hands through his clothes. (End of chapter)

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