Qiu Huixian held the crying child in tears, feeling sour in her heart and a little moisture in her eyes.

Everyone in the Qiu family was in jail.

Qiu Huixian's father was full of character and would rather hang himself in prison than give in.

The mother also passed away after her father committed suicide.

The elderly grandmother experienced this tragic incident of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person away, and she died in depression not long after she was released from prison.

Qiu Huixian was forced to grow up from a daughter protected by her parents to an independent eldest daughter of the Qiu family. No one knew the pain behind it.

How many nights in the dead of night have I been helpless, hiding in a dark corner with wet eyes.

She could feel this helplessness and misery with her own skin.

The child in my arms is only eight years old...

Qiu Huixian exhaled a somewhat suppressed breath, feeling a little heartbroken in her heart, and couldn't help but hold her child a little tighter.

After Xie Huan cried loudly for a long time, he gradually lost the strength to cry and began to sob quietly.

After a while, the crying finally stopped.

Xie Huan's body trembled and his voice became hoarse.

He pushed Qiu Priscilla away, sat down on the bed, and said twitchingly: "What are you doing here in the middle of the night? You still climb through the window, aren't you the eldest lady? How can the eldest lady still climb through the window?"

"I came to say thank you." Qiu Huixian pinched Xie Huan's nose with a smile, and said softly: "I just met the Duke, and he told me everything."


Xie Huan glanced at Priscilla Qiu and hummed: "Grandpa, why do you like to talk too much?"

"Don't think too much, I am doing this for the sake of my father and Duke Liang's palace..."

Qiu Huixian smiled: "Of course, I understand, I won't think too much about it."

Xie Huan added: "And I didn't do anything. I just went over to take a look. That Princess Hanshan came to you, didn't she just ask you to pick up your sister?"


Qiu Huixian briefly mentioned the matter with Princess Hanshan to Xie Huan.

Xie Huan said "Oh", "Then we need to find talents. With so many people looking for them, they should be able to find them."

"Definitely, it's just a matter of time."

Qiu Huixian stood up, opened the door, and ordered outside: "Bring some hot water."

She turned around and returned to the inner room. She first opened the cabinet and found a set of clothes, then returned to the bed and sat down. She reached out to Xie Huan and said, "My clothes are a little wet. Please change them."

"I'll change it myself."

Xie Huan took the clothes and stared at Priscilla Qiu.

Qiu Huixian smiled and nodded, put down the bed curtain that had been hung up earlier, turned around to light the lamp, and picked the candle wick. When she heard someone outside asking for permission, she whispered "come in".

Yin'er came in with a basin of hot water.

Qiu Huixian washed an embroidered handkerchief, took it to the bed and stood there.

There was a rustling in the tent for a while, but there was no sound.

Qiu Huixian knew that Xie Huan had already changed his clothes, so she waited for him to lift the curtain.

As a result, after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

Qiu Huixian bent slightly: "You are not asleep, are you?"


Xie Huan's voice came from the tent, and he said muffledly: "Why don't you leave? It's so late..."

Qiu Huixian knew that this child was awkward, so she didn't say anything. She opened the curtain and sat on the edge of the bed.

Xie Huan stared at her with his eyes wide open, and his small mouth moved twice to say something, but finally remained silent.

He just cried profusely, and his eyes were washed with tears and turned black and white, and they were ridiculously bright.

"Your eyes are so beautiful."

Qiu Huixian praised Xie Huan sincerely, wiped the tears on Xie Huan's cheeks with the warm handkerchief, and wiped his hands.

Xie Huan hesitated for a moment, but did not refuse her gentle care, and said: "Aunt Wan Ning said that I look like daddy, but I have a lot more warmth than daddy."

"Indeed." Qiu Huixian said warmly: "Is Aunt Wanning beautiful?"

Xie Huan nodded: "She is very beautiful. She has always taken care of me when I was a child."

“We had a lot of fun while we were at Penn State.”

"My great-grandfather is also very kind to me in Pennsylvania, but my great-grandfather is old, so Aunt Wanning stays with me most of the time."

"She is very nice to me. She takes me to study, teaches me how to write, and eats with me..."

"After arriving in the capital, she seldom smiled."

"At that time, I just wanted to keep her by my side and be with her forever."

"She did stay later, but she seemed even more unhappy..."

"I think she actually doesn't want to be my father's concubine. No woman likes to be someone else's concubine, and Aunt Wanning is not happy either."

"It's just that she is helpless and has no choice but to accept other people's arrangements."

"It would be nice if I could be more sensible at that time. I could let her lean on me and let her choose a way of life that she likes..."

Xie Huan said that there was some moisture in his eyes.

He sniffed hard to push back the tears.

Qiu Huixian sighed in her heart and said Rourou: "You are already very sensible."

Many things in this world always make no sense.

Many fates were broken unexpectedly.

Qiu Huixian has experienced a lot and knows the pain of life, but Xie Huan is just a child, and she will not tell Xie Huan those big principles of life.

She knew Xie Huan didn't want to hear that now.

Qiu Huixian held Xie Huan's hand: "Huan'er...can I call you that?"

Xie Huan bit his lower lip and looked at Priscilla Qiu for a while, then nodded.

Priscilla Qiu's smile was extremely gentle: "If you miss your aunt, just tell me and don't hide in a corner and cry alone, okay?"

Xie Huan's dark eyes reflected Qiu Huixian's gentle face.

His fingers gently hooked Qiu Huixian's and nodded, "Okay."


Early the next morning, as soon as Qiu Huixian got up, she heard a dull "swish" sound coming from the door of Changfeng Garden.

She recognized that it was the sound of armor.

The armor of the soldiers in the house is not this voice, this voice——

After a pause, Qiu Huixian slightly lifted her skirt and walked to the door. As expected, she saw Xie Changyu stepping into the morning mist and leading four armored soldiers into the courtyard.

The soldiers were fully armored and carried swords at their waists.

While walking, there was the "swish" sound that Qiu Huixian heard just now.

Xie Changyu wore soft leather armor, leather wrist guards and gloves, and did not bring any weapons.

He was covered in frost and dust, and one could tell at a glance that he had returned overnight.

Just as Qiu Huixian glanced at her, Xie Changyu had already stepped to the corridor door.

Qiu Huixian quickly bowed and said, "The prince is back."

However, as soon as he bent a little, his elbow was held by Xie Changyu and lifted up, "Don't be too polite."

Qiu Huixian was slightly startled.

She was always polite and considerate to Xie Changyu. A few times before, Xie Changyu had said "no need to be too polite" and the like, but usually she only said a word or offered a support, looking very indifferent.

But this time not only did he help her get up, but his voice was also different from before.

The words "Don't be too polite" are a bit emphasized.

Qiu Huixian sensed a bit of displeasure from this tune.

It seems that he really doesn't like how polite he is. (End of chapter)

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