Xie Changqing always had a cold face.

Perhaps it's because he has been used to being cold-faced for most of his life, and has a cold and resolute appearance.

If he is happy in his heart and sincerely laughing, then he will smile like an unruly sea breeze.

But if it's not sincere and it's just a forced smile, then it's really a forced smile... Shalan can tell it at a glance.

How could she not tell the difference at this time.

Shalan stared at Xie Changqing for a while, her eyelashes as long as small fans flickered, and she hummed: "Xie Changqing, you learned how to deal with me, but you've done it badly."

Xie Changqing argued: "Who can I learn from?"

Shallan pursed her lips and fell silent.


This camp is full of old men. Except for Uncle Li, who has a family, wife and children, most of the others seem to be single.

Xie Changqing's good brother Xie Changzhi actually brought a very friendly girl with him.

But Xie Changzhi...

Can that honest and courteous look teach Xie Changqing how to deal with girls?

So Xie Changqing figured it out on his own?

He is indeed a bad breed!

Shalan thought about this in her heart, but didn't say a word. She hugged Xie Changqing and leaned in front of him to enjoy the tenderness.

It's the end of June now, and the sun is really poisonous.

It feels hot in the sun.

If you stay out in the sun for a while, you will feel a little uncomfortable, and it will feel like your skin is being lifted up by the sun.

After Xie Changqing drove his horse forward for a while, he looked down at Shalan who was leaning in his arms.

He stayed in Yaocheng for ten years, exposed to wind, sun and rain.

It can be said that he is thick-skinned and not afraid of anything.

But Shalan, a delicate girl, is naturally different from him.

He asked in a low voice: "Do you feel uncomfortable in the sun? Why don't you go to the car to cool down a little bit?"

"I won't go." Shalan murmured, "It's very comfortable to bask in the sun."

"Is it?"

Xie Changqing recently took the time to read through Xie Changyuan's thick stack of letters.

Among them, Xie Changyuan wrote that Chen Shulan was sunburned, and then reminded Xie Changqing that the sun in Yaocheng was even more powerful, so he should pay more attention to see if his girl was sunburned.

At first, Xie Changqing only thought it was outrageous and thought that Chen Shulan was too delicate.

In the next few days, he watched the daily training and walked among the camps, and found that there were indeed sunburns. Some soldiers couldn't stand the sun, and their faces would peel off in the summer.

The camp medical officer will also specially prepare some ointments.

For soldiers with severe sunburn.

However, the soldiers here are all permanent. Over time, everyone has become as rough-skinned and thick-bodied as Xie Changqing, and only a few will get sunburned.

In addition to the women in the prostitutes' tents, there are also some older women who are responsible for living security, such as distributing toilets and other tasks.


When the weather gets hot, these women wrap themselves up tightly in scarves, leaving only their eyes exposed.

I am really afraid of the sun.

At this time, looking at Shalan lazily leaning in his arms, Xie Changqing was also worried that she would be uncomfortable in the sun.

He raised his hand and landed on Shalan's cheek, and felt a piece of coldness. He then explored further, and felt a piece of ice on Shalan's neck. He wondered: "How can it be so cold?"

"This Sameley is very refreshing."

Shalan lifted the seawater-blue gauze covering her cheeks and said, "Wearing it, you won't feel sunburned at all."

Xie Changqing's hand fell on the veil.

The sun is shining brightly above my head, but the gauze is still soft, cool and comfortable.

Xie Changqing's face looked a bit foul.

It turned out that she was wearing a veil to enjoy the cool weather... Xie Changqing thought she was sensible enough to hide her beauty.

"Xie Changqing..." Shalan was no longer so sleepy after being disturbed by his hand. She leaned against him and asked in a low voice: "Xie Changqing, you ride a horse very well. I can't even ride a horse."

"When will you teach me?"

"Huh? Why don't you speak?"

Sha Lan stood up from Xie Changqing's arms, looked around a little, and wondered if he felt that talking to her like this would undermine his majesty as a general?

But he put her on his horse and carried her for such a long distance.

Are you considering the majesty of the general now?

Shalan looked around and found that everyone was staring intently, and no one dared to take another look here.

While Sha Lan was impressed by Xie Changqing's prestige in the military, she was even more confused at the same time.

She poked his chest with her finger.

This is her habitual action.

"So you like to teach your nephew and the princess's son to ride horses, but don't you like to teach me?" Shalan smiled softly, "Have you taught that princess to ride horses before?"

Xie Changqing slowly lowered his head.

The look in his eyes was deep and complicated, and a little bit evil.

Shalan's heart suddenly twitched and she pursed her lips, "Why are you staring at me?"

She didn't say anything wrong.

He was like that back in the capital!

Now that she is going to the capital again, Shalan thinks of those things from time to time.

Moreover, she had become accustomed to talking to Xie Changqing in such a strange manner, and Xie Changqing never had any fits.

Now suddenly this look...

What, did it get to your heart?

He was about to return to the capital. He was thinking about what happened in the capital in the past, and he was still worried about Princess Anyang. Xie Changqing was also thinking about it, so she was not allowed to mention it?

Shalan also stared at him, feeling angry in her heart.

Xie Changqing frowned.

Shalan felt as if she heard him sigh darkly, and then the veil on her face was lifted.

The hand around her waist tightened.

Shallan was forced to step forward.

Xie Changqing lowered his head and kissed her at this moment.

Shalan's hands immediately grabbed the clothes on Xie Changqing's shoulders.

She almost felt everyone's eyes staring here instantly, and her eyes were almost blown out of her head.

Especially the lieutenants Lei Yi and Uncle Li were so frightened that they reined in their horses on the spot and couldn't stop.

Shallan is certainly passionate and bold.

She likes Xie Changqing and likes to be intimate with him, even behind closed doors.

But this was a public meeting, in front of the three armies, so many pairs of eyes were staring at——

Sha Lan pushed Xie Changqing hard twice, asking him to let go.

But Xie Changqing not only didn't let go, the hand holding the riding crop also pressed on the back of Shalan's head.

It was a deep, heavy, passionate kiss with no moisture at all.

"Let go...Xie Changqing..." Shalan resisted and whispered in small tones, but in the end it turned into a shallow groan. She thought that everyone was watching, and she was too embarrassed and angry to make a sound.

When the intimacy was over, Xie Changqing hugged the flushed Shalan tightly and whispered in his ear: "I'll teach you when I have more time. Now sit down and don't move."

Shallan glared at him shyly and angrily.

The glare at this time was no longer as strong as before, and was more like coquettishness.

Xie Changqing turned around and called to the lieutenants Uncle Li and Lei Yi who were still in a daze: "What are you doing? Follow me."

Uncle Li stroked his beard and laughed: "Yeah, um, I'll follow you right away!"

Lei Yi gritted his teeth and spat, "That's too much!"

At least half of this army is not married, and the other half who are married have not seen their wives in arms for several years.

If the second master is playing like this, how can other people live?

Lei Yi followed him every day and watched him act unscrupulously, which was the most uncomfortable thing. (End of chapter)

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