Chapter 752 That Caiyi

"Neither of us are good people, that's not a good match."

Shalan kissed Xie Changqing's shoulder. There were several slender scratches there, which she had accidentally grabbed the last time she was in love.

Xie Changqing didn't speak anymore, he just held her in his arms and enjoyed the tenderness.

He was also thinking about entering Beijing in his mind.

The land of Danzhou was pacified in the early years, but it has always been internally unstable because there are too many ethnic groups, and the beliefs and living habits of each ethnic group are different.

This led to difficulties in court control.

But most of these ethnic groups respect Molan very much.

If it were jointly managed by Molan's royal family and the imperial court, it would save a lot of trouble.

Of course, the details of how to implement it will have to be discussed with the court.

A few days ago, Wu Yun suggested that envoys should be selected from among the relatively large ethnic groups to go to the capital together to be received by His Majesty. This would reflect the court's friendly attitude and attention to these foreigners.

In this case, it will take some time before departure.

Moreover, it seems that the people chosen by each tribe to go to the capital will be decided by Poseidon on the day of Poseidon's birthday.

Poseidon’s birthday…

It’s June again.

Xie Changqing remembered that he went to the island in June last year and saw Sha Lan.

Shalan was surrounded by her tribe, flowers were flying all over the sky, and everyone was singing and dancing.

At that time everyone was celebrating her birthday.

Now, Xie Changqing knows that her birthday is March 6, not June 6.

He also gave a gift to Shalan in March and spent a whole day with her seriously, but he always felt that he didn't do much, and it was a drop in the bucket compared to the grand island event.


After thinking for a long time, Xie Changqing said hesitantly: "Your colorful clothes...are they difficult?"


Shalan's voice was lazy and a little hoarse, but she was half asleep in front of Xie Changqing.

Xie Changqing hugged her, put her in his arms, turned sideways, and kissed her lightly: "Don't sleep yet, let's talk about this."

Shalan subconsciously responded to Xie Changqing for a while, then reluctantly raised her eyelids: "What's the matter?


Xie Changqing's fingers wrapped around Shalan's hair habitually, "Is it difficult to braid it?"

"Cai...why do you ask this?"

Xie Changqing stared at Shalan and said with some reservation: "Didn't you say that there are some colorful clothes that are not so ugly and not like the golden pheasant? I'm curious."

Shalan's eyelashes flickered once, then again, and the sleepiness in her eyes dissipated a little, and she smiled lightly and said, "What are you curious about?"


Xie Changqing's expression was a little sarcastic and he didn't say much. He just asked, "Is it difficult to make it up?"

His narrow eyes stared at Shalan closely, asking about Caiyi, but there was a hint of expectation in his deep eyes.

Shalan chuckled, wrapped her arms around Xie Changqing's neck, and pulled him closer to her, "Colorful clothes are not all made of flowers, they still have to be made of special cloth."

"Then the flowers are braided together with bamboo and willow branches and worn on the body.

"The fabrics for clothes and flowers for weaving must also be prepared in advance."

"If you want to see it now, you probably won't be able to make it in time."

Xie Changqing's eyebrows wrinkled, "What kind of fabric? What kind of flowers? I'll have someone prepare it now."

"Ready for what, huh?"


Xie Changqing was speechless.

He didn't say it directly, but he expressed it clearly enough.

The colorful clothes of the Molan people are only used when men and women get married. How could Shalan, with such a smart temper, not hear the intention of asking Caiyi?

But if he didn't tell him directly, Shalan would pretend to be confused and see who could endure it. Shalan didn't say much, turned over, put her back against Xie Changqing's side, grabbed Xie Changqing's arm as a pillow, then closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

Her indifferent look made Xie Changqing feel inexplicably angry.

I remember when we were in the capital, Shalan asked him if he wanted to wear colorful clothes and walk across the island covered with flowers to be together forever.

Now he is so lazy to pay attention to others.

Xie Changqing glared at the back of Shalan's head for a moment, and then turned Shalan around with his arm, facing him face to face.

Just when she was about to say something, Shalan opened her eyes, her eyes dim and said: "What's wrong?"

Xie Changqing had a calm face: "There are still about ten days until Poseidon's birthday. You tell me what to use, and I will have someone prepare it. You can make one up."

"You're not prepared."


"Because the fabrics used to make colorful clothes are all woven by girls themselves, how can they be woven in ten days?"

Xie Changqing: "..."

He stared at Shalan for a long time, and this time he was completely speechless.

After being silent for a long time, Xie Changqing closed his eyes. When his eyes opened, he tightened his arms, held Shalan a little tighter, and said in a dull voice: "Then when will you weave?"

"How long will it take to weave? What do you need? I'll help you find it."

After a pause, Xie Changqing added: "What other flowers do you want? I'll plant them in Yaocheng and let you pick them out at any time to weave colorful clothes... and play with them."


Shalan looked at him for a while and said, "Xie Changqing, you just said you want to wear colorful clothes, is it difficult?"

Xie Changqing had a sullen face.

It's not difficult.

It's just that he said before that he would never wear them, and he didn't agree with those things from the bottom of his heart.

Now he still doesn't agree with it.

Just because Shalan and the others got married like that, he hurriedly agreed.

When he said these words again, it was like a slap on his face, with a crackling sound.

I won’t say whether it hurts or not. The key is that it looks ugly and the face is dull.

"Your face is very important." Shalan murmured in a low voice, "If you don't tell me, forget it, I won't be able to weave the cloth for you, and I can't weave colorful clothes, that's all."

Xie Changqing was angry and weak. In anger, he could only hold Shalan tightly: "You must weave me cloth and weave colorful clothes for me!"

Shallan said: "What if I don't? Come and destroy my country?"

Xie Changqing stared at Sha Lan, gritted his teeth for a moment, then lost his battle and whispered feebly: "Yaya, why are you so articulate? You don't look like a foreigner at all."

"Your mouth is worse than that of Qin people."

And he also holds a grudge.

She remembered everything he said before clearly, and she would take it out every now and then to sort things out.

Sometimes after the settlement was over, she would coax him to smooth over with a smile.

But she is very stubborn about some things.

For example, regarding Caiyi, she didn't even give in.

Xie Changqing waited for her to say a few hard words and then smiled and teased him that he would knit it right away, but the result was that "it is impossible to weave, it is impossible to knit."

"This is how I am."

Shalan raised her lips and smiled: "Xie Changqing, did you just find out today?"

Seeing his annoyed look, the smile on Shalan's lips became even brighter and more beautiful.

Xie Changqing was so angry that he fell over and fell asleep.

Shalan glanced at him, moved over, and poked his strong shoulder blades with her fingers: "Xie Changqing."

(End of this chapter)

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