Repeating the same thing every day is boring and annoying.

Xie Changqing suddenly felt tired. He envied Xie Changzhi who had left, Xie Changan who was in the capital, and Xie Changyuan who had a lovely wife in his arms and two children.

Among the three people, Xie Changqing found that he envied Xie Changyuan the most.

This fifth brother had a really happy life.

The pleasure made him jealous.

They are both women, and both have orchid in their names. Why can't Shalan be as gentle and gentle as Chen Shulan?

You have to confront him again and again, and you will drive him crazy every time.

Xie Changqing may have forgotten it a long time ago. In recent years, Danzhou has not had gentle and obedient noble ladies who have secretly expressed their love for him.

Some people even asked Danzhou officials to marry him.

But he had no intention of marrying.

Occasionally, at the unavoidable banquets once or twice, he saw the gentle lady, but he was expressionless and showed no gratitude.

Xie Changqing frowned in frustration, unwilling to think about these miscellaneous things anymore, turned over and continued to sleep.

There were a lot of thoughts in his mind, and Xie Changqing tossed and turned for a long time before he managed to fall asleep.

In the middle of the night, the cold rain was pouring down, and the roof tiles were crackling.

In a daze, Xie Changqing seemed to be riding a horse on the official road.

The heavy rain was pouring, and he swept it with his whip. The tail of the whip caught a man hiding in the bushes and fell to the middle of the official road.

The road was muddy due to rain.

The man rolled around in the muddy water and looked up at him.

A pair of brown glass eyes, a bit panicked, but forced to remain calm.

The raindrops washed away the muddy water on her face. Her face was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away.

Xie Changqing opened his eyes suddenly and turned over to sit up.

The rain outside was still so loud.

Xie Changqing frowned and stared at the copper hook hanging the bed tent, his face extremely ugly.

I dreamed about that woman again.

This time I actually dreamed of the time when they first met.

It also rained heavily that night.

On his way back to Yaocheng from Danzhou, he noticed a figure moving in the bushes.

At that time, there was no peace in Danzhou. He thought it was some alien trick, so he whipped her and caught her.

She became his prisoner and was taken to Yao's army.

She silently accepted all the arrangements and moved into the prostitute's tent.

But Xie Changqing did not forget the wariness and hostility in her eyes when he first saw her.

Xie Changqing is a normal man who has normal needs and meets women in prostitutes.

But he is not a person who indulges in lust, and he is not that enthusiastic about that matter. He does not recruit people to serve him often, and he has never been involved in the affairs of prostitutes.

But after Shalan arrived, he started to pay attention.

This woman is beautiful, mysterious, and dangerous.

She successfully attracted Xie Changqing's attention, and then when he learned that she knew some sorcery, it also aroused Xie Changqing's curiosity and desire to conquer.

He took possession of Shalan's body after she failed to charm him.

Shallan remained silent at that time.

Everyone thought she was mute, but she made a sound on Xie Changqing's bed.

That angry, melodious, and sobbing voice touched a certain point in Xie Changqing's heart.

From then on, he seemed to be poisoned by her. He could taste the marrow and couldn't stop eating it.

Xie Changqing asked her name, but Shalan gritted her teeth and didn't say a word.

In those days, Xie Changqing read a miscellaneous book about alien races. There was some kind of philosophical goddess in it, her name was Sha Lan.Coincidentally, several soldiers who had been charmed by Shalan had stared blankly into the void and called out to the goddess.

So Xie Changqing jokingly and casually gave her the name Shalan.

Then she followed him to the capital and became what others call Miss Lan...

Xie Changqing's mind gradually pulled away from his memories.

She had a name and her name was spoken.

He didn't seem to remember clearly. What was it called Ya?

Xie Changqing's mind suddenly flashed back to the grotto under the bay. Shalan looked at him hatefully, with tears streaming down her face. Her heart felt like someone had cut her with a knife, and she was still scratching at the wound.

The pain stifled his breathing.

He is now very annoyed and afraid of remembering that scene.

But he couldn't always control his thoughts, and he couldn't help but think of it whenever he was free.

Xie Changqing closed his eyes. He was in a terrible mood and no longer felt sleepy.


At Mao Shi, the rain had not stopped, but the intensity of the rain had become much lighter.

Xie Changqing went to the school field to supervise the training with a calm face.

The expressionless and cold face made the instructors and soldiers below extremely cautious, not daring to make the slightest mistake.

When he returned to the barracks at noon, Xie Changqing stepped into the yard and suddenly frowned, "What are you doing?"

By this time the rain had stopped.

Lei Yi was in the yard with a few soldiers, holding shovels and buckets, prying the floor of the yard, and then... digging the soil.

The place where they dug was where the crooked little tree was.

Xie Changqing remembered asking Lei Yi to pull up the tree yesterday.

So Lei Yi is pulling up trees?

Xie Changqing's face became very ugly, "Restore it to its original state!"

"Second Master, we are not digging trees."

Lei Yi explained sensibly: "This tree is not growing well. I found a few people who know how to plant. They looked at it and said that the pond was a bit small, and the roots of the tree were trapped and the roots grew crookedly. ”

"So you have to raise the floor, dig it up, straighten the roots, prune it again, water it well, and the tree can survive."

Xie Changqing stared at Lei Yi silently, said nothing, and went back to his room.

Several soldiers held shovels and hesitated to move.

Lei Yi said: "Why bother? Work quickly. If you feed this tree, you will be rewarded!"

After several people looked at each other for a few times, they lowered their heads again.

Xie Changqing spent the morning watching the soldiers training in the rain, and his clothes were already wet.

Come back now to change clothes.

Silently and quickly, he took off his wet clothes and put on a dry jacket, but his eyes involuntarily followed the crack of the slightly opened window and watched the soldiers outside replanting the tree.

Can this unknown little tree from a foreign land really grow on the soil of Yaocheng?

Three days later, a letter came from the Danzhou government.

Xie Changqing looked at the contents of the letter, and his inner lake that had been calm for nearly two months began to ripple again.

"Miss Lan went to Danzhou to seek medical treatment."

Lei Yi also saw the content of the letter and was a little surprised: "What disease does she have that needs medical treatment? I didn't seem to hear those Molan people say that she was sick on the island before."

Wu Yun from Danzhou was a clever man.

Shalan and Jean's identities were extraordinary. As soon as they landed, they were noticed by the government.

In addition, Xie Changqing had approached her before. After Wu Yun inquired about Shalan's situation, he wrote a letter very sensibly and mentioned it in passing.

It didn't look intentional, but it directly touched Xie Changqing's heart and lungs. (End of chapter)

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