Xie Jiajia became dizzy after a while.

It was extremely cold in the autumn, so the two of them soaked for a long time after falling into the water.

Even if Xuanming immediately lived for warmth after landing ashore, he still couldn't stop the cold air.

Xie Jiajia thought she might have caught a cold and felt dizzy and wanted to sleep.

The clothes were already dry, so she pulled them over and wrapped them around her body, then turned around and crawled to the hay pile where she had been lying.

The soles of my feet hurt, but I couldn't care less now.

The moment she fell onto the haystack, Xie Jiajia half-squinted her eyes and glanced at Xuan Ming across the fire.

As the flames jumped, Xuan Ming's facial outline was very clear, but the look in his eyes could not be clearly seen.

After adding two handfuls of dry firewood, he began to put on his clothes.

Xie Jiajia's eyelids were very heavy, and she thought vaguely that this person should be able to save people to the end, and would not abandon her and run away.

As soon as her thoughts fell, she closed her eyes completely and fell asleep.

Opposite the fire, Xuan Ming put on his clothes, glanced at Xie Jiajia, and found that she had fallen asleep. After hesitating for a moment, he moved to Xie Jiajia and squatted down.

Xie Jiajia's face was flushed abnormally.

Xuan Ming put the back of his hand against Xie Jiajia's forehead and immediately raised it, the look in his eyes became even darker.

She has a fever, what should I do?
There are still about two hours before dawn.

It's definitely okay for him to burn for two hours by himself, and he'll be a good man once he sleeps.

But Xie Jiajia is a weak woman who has a scratch on her foot and has to "hiss" more than ten times to take off her socks. What if she gets burned?
The two of them were not familiar with each other.

But it happened that Xie Jiajia was Miss Xie Qi's sister, and His Highness's heart and soul were all about Miss Xie Qi.

If the visitor knew that something had happened to Miss Xie Qi’s sister because he failed to take good care of him, there is no guarantee that he would not be angry...

After thinking for a moment, Xuan Ming finally couldn't help but muttered "Trouble"!
He took a deep breath and stood up. He took the remaining piece of cloth that had been used to wrap the wound and went to the stream outside to soak it. He brought it back and put it on Xie Jiajia's forehead.

I vaguely remember that when I was younger, my mother used this method to take care of herself. I hope it works.

Xie Jiajia slept in a hazy state and was unconscious.

Occasionally he raised his eyelids and saw a heroic figure sitting next to him with his back to the light, and fell asleep again.

In two hours, Xuan Ming didn't know how many times he ran.

After the sky darkened and turned gray, Xuan Ming decided to leave this ghost place.

"Wake up."

He pushed Xie Jiajia's shoulder, but unsurprisingly received no response.

Xuan Ming took a deep breath, held Xie Jiajia's shoulders to help her up, pulled her arms to carry her on his back, and strode out.

On an autumn morning, the air in the mountains and forests is filled with air.

In order to prevent Xie Jiajia from getting sicker, Xuanming wrapped his robe around her, hoping it would have some effect.

Yesterday's pursuit of King Zhou's dead soldiers was a temporary mission, and he didn't bring any weapons, otherwise he wouldn't have caused those dead soldiers to run around like that and cause himself and Xie Jiajia to fall.

He walked forward and broke off a wooden stick to hit the weeds and dead branches in front of him to explore the path.

They walked like this for more than half an hour.

Xuan Ming's strength was a little weak.

Xie Jiajia put her arms in front of Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming caught it, knocked him up, rested for a moment and then moved on.

Normally, carrying someone on his back for such a small distance shouldn't be such a problem. But if it was like this today, I'm afraid he would also catch the cold and his body wouldn't be able to hold on.

Xuan Ming frowned and stepped a little faster.He must send the news before he falls ill, otherwise something will happen.

They walked like this for more than half an hour.

The rising sun shone warmly on Xuan Ming's body, but his head became increasingly dizzy.

He steeled himself and moved forward. After walking for another quarter of an hour, he finally saw a small village in front of him, with the sounds of chickens crowing and dogs barking, and the smoke from cooking pots floating in the air.

Xuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the village with heavy steps.


When Xie Jiajia woke up, Mrs. Yu was sitting beside the bed.

Seeing her open her eyes, Mrs. Yu's face was filled with joy: "You're finally awake. Jiajia, you've been unconscious all day and all night. You scared your mother to death..."

Xie Jiajia looked at Mr. Yu blankly for a moment and asked, "Am I going home? How did I come back?"

When she spoke, her throat felt like a broken gong. It hurt so much that her voice was hoarse and unpleasant. She started coughing as soon as she finished speaking.

"Don't talk yet!"

Mrs. Yu patted her back worriedly and said softly: "The doctor said you are suffering from severe cold, so you need to take a good bed rest... You were sent by people from Dali Temple. When they met you while handling the case, you yourself Don’t you remember?”

Xie Jiajia leaned over Yu Shi and panted, unable to speak.

She was obviously with Xuan Ming...why was she sent here again by people from Dali Temple?

She wondered whether Xuan Ming, who was stubborn, had his reputation and integrity in mind and asked the people from Dali Temple to send her back...

So is he considering his own reputation or Xie Jiajia's reputation?

You can’t blame Xie Jiajia for thinking too much.

It was Xuan Ming's guarded eyes that night that impressed Xie Jiajia so deeply.

It looked like she was a bully who took advantage of weak girls, and he was the weak girl who suffered the disadvantage.

Mrs. Yu took the medicine bowl handed over by her maid and brought it to Xie Jiajia's lips. "Be good, drink the medicine and sleep. You will feel better. Hurry!"


Xie Jiajia took a sip of the dark concoction from the bowl and laughed playfully: "Mother treats me like a crescent moon. I am already an old girl."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Mrs. Yu raised her eyebrows, "No matter how old you are, you are still my mother's daughter."

In so many years, this was the second time that Yu saw Xie Jiajia looking so weak.

The last time was when the crescent moon was born.

A child is a piece of flesh that has fallen off a mother's body. No matter how old she is, as long as the child is suffering, the mother will always be uncontrollably worried and concerned.

Xie Jiajia was put back on the pillow by Mrs. Yu, and she wanted to have a joke or two with Mrs. Yu, but she was too uncomfortable to talk, so she pulled Mrs. Yu's hand, which was a response to her worries.

Xie Jiajia This cold weather is coming fiercely.

Today's medical conditions are not very good, and a cold can kill someone.

She managed to live to such an old age, and she cherished her life. How could she just die like that!
After that, he followed the doctor's instructions very seriously, drank medicine, and saw the imperial doctor.

After procrastinating for nearly half a month, I finally got better.

For half a month, she couldn't take care of her daughter because of illness, and wondered if her daughter didn't even recognize her.

But when she entered the nursery that day when she got better, Little Crescent Moon started babbling and dancing as soon as she saw her.

Xie Jiajia smiled happily, picked up the little girl and teased her for a while, then casually ordered: "Go and prepare some gifts."

Shasha was originally talking about little Yueyue's recent eating, sleeping and playing situation, but she was stunned when she heard this, "Who are you giving it to?"

Xie Jiajia smiled lightly, "My savior." (End of chapter)

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