Chapter 585
so far so good.

The Major General is wise, wise and cautious.


The door panels clapped in front of the military advisor.

The military advisor touched the nose that was almost photographed and went back to the house silently.

Chen Wenshuo said "not bad", so the communication tonight must have been good. Let's find Chen Wenshuo tomorrow to find out the specific situation.

He hasn't finished reading the book yet, and he is feeling itchy. He must solve it tonight!

Chen Wenshuo washed and undressed and lay down on the bed. He put one hand behind his head and put the other hand in front of his eyes. The fragrance of Yunyao's hair seemed to be lingering on his fingertips.

He felt that Yunyao didn't hate him that much.'s not impossible this time.

If Yunyao still refuses, then he plans to directly request an order to return to Northern Hebei.

He has lost interest in the marriage. If his grandfather punishes him when he returns, he will punish him.

Although Chen Wenshuo said this, he felt uneasy for the next few days.

Waiting is really a grinding thing.

By the third day, Chen Wenshuo was almost restless.

He was deeply afraid that someone from the East Palace would suddenly send a message. He even wanted to close the door so that no news could be sent in. He also felt that if he really did that, he would be ridiculous and dishonest.

So, in such an uneasy mood, Chen Wenshuo survived the third day.

When it was midnight and the sound of the watchman's banging was heard one after another, Chen Wenshuo let out a long breath, and his stiff and tight body relaxed instantly.

She agreed.

The next day, Chen Wenshuo went to the East Palace in person to meet the prince and asked him to marry Yunyao to him.


It’s the end of July in the blink of an eye.

Xie Zhaozhao's fetus was already five months old, and Yun Qi accompanied Xie Zhaozhao to nurse the fetus and rest for more than two months.

After five months of pregnancy, Xie Zhaozhao's belly has bulged and her body has become a little bulkier, but her energy is much better than when she first became pregnant.

Now that he woke up after only half an hour from his nap, Yun Qi asked people to explore all the interesting places near the capital and took Xie Zhaozhao around.

Xie Zhaozhao was in good spirits and actually wanted to go somewhere farther away.

But after all, she was bulky, so Yun Qi naturally didn't allow her, so Xie Zhaozhao had no choice but to wander around the capital peacefully.

On this day, Xie Zhaozhao felt itchy in his heart and wanted to ride a horse and shoot an arrow.

Yun Qi asked the imperial doctor, who said it was okay to be careful, so he accompanied Xie Zhaozhao to the royal racecourse on the outskirts of the city to relax a little.

In the racecourse, there are green hills and green grass.

Yun Qi asked someone to bring Xie Zhaozhao's horse, and watched her turn over and sit upright on the horse. Then he personally held the reins of Xie Zhaozhao's horse and walked in the racecourse.

Xie Zhaozhao said helplessly: "I can do it myself, you can ride it too, don't hold me back."

Yun Qi thought for a while and nodded: "That's okay."

Xie Zhaozhao is used to riding this horse, and it is already very docile. It is expected that there will be no problems, not to mention that he is standing by...

Yun Qi handed the reins of the horse to Xie Zhaozhao, then asked someone to bring his mount over, and he climbed up.

Xie Zhaozhao had already driven his mount away.

Yun Qi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Is she afraid that she won't be able to run away if he holds her in his arms?He also took advantage of his ability to lead the horse and ran so far.

Although he was indeed worried about Xie Zhaozhao's health, he was also very tolerant. He could do anything that the imperial doctor said was okay, and he never tied her hands and feet so that she couldn't move.

She is like this...

Thinking of this, Yun Qi smiled helplessly, clamped his legs lightly on the horse's belly, and slowly followed Xie Zhaozhao.

Xie Zhaozhao was really as Yun Qi thought, fearing that he would remind him to be careful again.Ever since she became pregnant, Yun Qi has almost become a mother.

He had to pay attention to himself from time to time, and he was even more careful. He really treated her like a jade porcelain doll.

Although Yun Qi has restrained himself in the past two months, it is not pleasant to be stared at from time to time and cannot do this or that.

Now that she was finally free to run horses, she didn't want to be nagged by Yun Qi anymore.

Xie Zhaozhao waved his riding whip lightly and threw it on the horse's hip, causing the horse to run a little faster.

However, she did not run too fast because of her bulky body.

Yun Qi took his time and stayed behind, so that she could enjoy a little bit of unfettered freedom.

After running for a while, Xie Zhaozhao suddenly felt that something was not right with his mount, so he reined in the horse and lowered his head to check.

Unexpectedly, after this rein, the horse did not stop, but ran faster and faster.

The moment Xie Zhaozhao lowered his head, he also saw Ma's eyes were bloodshot and red, and he began to foam at the mouth.

Xie Zhaozhao's heart trembled, and he quickly tightened the reins to stabilize his mount. However, at this time, the horse was out of control, and the harder he tightened the reins, the faster it ran.

Yun Qi had been following behind, but now he realized something was wrong, his expression changed and he hurried to catch up.

Xie Zhaozhao's horse ran faster and faster, very crazy.

But fortunately, Xie Zhaozhao is an excellent equestrian. Even though he is pregnant now, he still knows how to protect himself from harm in this situation.

She tried her best to steady her body, pulling the reins with one hand and holding the saddle firmly with the other. Later, she found that pulling the reins was useless, so she leaned down and grabbed the horse's neck hard.

Yun Qi flew up on horseback and was right next to Xie Zhaozhao. He shouted "Zhaozhao" and threw out his robe at the same time.

Xie Zhaozhao reached out and reached out.

Yun Qi's robe wrapped around Xie Zhaozhao's arm, and with a pull, Xie Zhaozhao flew from the out-of-control horse onto Yun Qi's horse.

Yun Qi reined in his horse and his mount slowly stopped.

He hugged Xie Zhaozhao and dismounted, his face was tense, and his eyes were full of fear and nervousness, "How is it?"

"I am fine."

Xie Zhaozhao shook his head, panting slightly, but also with lingering fears.

She turned around and saw the crazy horse rushing wildly. Many officials and horse trainers in the racecourse had already rushed over, but almost no one controlled the horse.

It ran rampant and crashed directly into the stable not far away, collapsing the hay shed and causing the horses inside to commotion.

"I often ride this horse, and it has never had any problems before." Xie Zhaozhao said solemnly, "But something is wrong with this horse today."

"I'll have someone check it out."

Yun Qi put his arm around Xie Zhaozhao's shoulders, glanced at the messy situation at the stables, and led Xie Zhaozhao to the tent first, "Go back first."


Xie Zhaozhao nodded.

It had only been a moment since the two returned to the tent, and the people outside had already solved the mess caused by the crazy horse.

Xuan Jing came to report to Yun Qi: "This horse seems to have been given something. It went crazy very suddenly. The veterinarian is still checking it and has not found anything wrong with it."

"Then continue to investigate and find out!"

Yun Qi's expression was gloomy. This was by no means an accident. Someone had planned it. How could he let it go so easily?

Xuan Jing responded with a "yes" and then said: "Your Highness, news just came from the capital that General Chen and Princess Yunyao have decided to get married."

Yun Qi narrowed his eyes, "After delaying for so long, it's finally settled. It's a good thing... Zhaozhao, let's go back to the city first. Let Xuan Jing investigate the matters here."


Xie Zhaozhao nodded, stood up and said, "Hongxiu, you are familiar with this horse. You stay and investigate with General Jing."

Hong Xiu immediately responded "Yes", and when Xie Zhaozhao and Yun Qi left the tent, she frowned and glanced at Xuan Jing, "Let's go, check it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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