Chapter 549
Five days ago... was the day before Shalan was lost.

There can be no such coincidence in the world.

Xie Changqing immediately asked his men to look around.

There were a lot of people in that team of guards, so it was impossible for them to disappear quietly. If they left, someone else would know where they were going.

The magistrate of Hua'a County was frightened by Xie Changqing. Seeing that he wanted to track down the information, he flattered him and said that he could help.

Xie Changqing glanced at him coldly and said slowly: "Do you want to help, or do you want to tell someone something?"

"Help, help!"

The county magistrate quickly apologized and said, "It's a help. If I can do anything to help the second master, I will be blessed by cultivating myself in three lifetimes."

Xie Changqing narrowed his eyes, and the county magistrate smiled even more flatteringly.

Xie Changqing and his party brought more than 20 people, which is not a small number, but after checking the official roads around a county, [-] people are indeed not enough to allocate...

After pondering for a moment, Xie Changqing placed the hilt of the knife on the neck of the county magistrate, "Okay, then go and investigate. If you dare to send a message back to the capital privately, then be careful about the head on your neck!"

The magistrate swayed his legs and retreated tremblingly, asking his subordinates to help find the whereabouts of the guards at the Princess Mansion.

At night, it was Xie Changqing's own people who found out the whereabouts of those people first.

The guard team of the Princess Mansion went to the southwest five days ago, but where they went is still unknown.

While his men were investigating the whereabouts of the guard team, Xie Changqing took a short rest, and now as soon as he got the news, he immediately led his men to pursue them in the southwest direction.

Before leaving, Xie Changqing put his riding whip on the chin of the county magistrate and sneered: "Thank you Master Fang for your help. I am very grateful. When I find the person I am looking for, I will definitely remember Master Fang's kindness and repay him well!"

The county magistrate said with a pale face: "No, there is no need -"

After Xie Changqing led his men and rode away, the county magistrate slumped down on the ground, his body soaked with sweat. "It's not easy to be a small official these days, it's not easy..."

The master next to him asked: "Then shall we report what happened here to the princess's mansion?"

"What kind of report are you reporting?"

The magistrate slapped the master on the forehead, "Don't you know who this general is? The gods above are fighting, and if we can't understand the direction of the wind, we will suffer!"

"Remember, none of us have ever seen this man, no one has seen him, you know?"

The master said "Ah" and said smartly: "This way, whether it's the Xie family's face or the princess's house, we have given it away. When the time comes, no one who wants to cause trouble can find us!"

No wonder he is a master and he is a master, so his brain is slow!


Xie Changqing searched for several days along the southwest direction. During this period, except for taking breaks to go to the toilet, he spent the rest of the time on the horse.

But after several days of pursuit, no clues were found.

Xie Changqing even doubted whether he was chasing in the wrong direction... But the information that the group of people went to the southwest was found out by his own people, not by the county magistrate.

In the southwest of Hua'a County, the only way the cavalry can survive is the one they are taking now.

He couldn't have gone in the wrong direction.

Or maybe the magistrate of Hua'a County misled his people to find out this news?

But if it was misleading, then who were the cavalry we saw along the way?

Xie Changqing narrowed his eyes as he looked at the fire not far in front of him.

It was already late, and Xie Changqing's team was really exhausted, so they took a break in the woods for the time being.

Xie Changqing looked away from the fire and glanced around at the people underneath.

The people below made a fire, those who hunted game hunted game, those who fed the horses fed the horses, and those who rested.

Xie Changqing has been tracking him sleeplessly in the past few days.

He himself was exhausted and couldn't bear it, and the people around him were not made of iron either.

Some of them were exhausted and fell asleep directly, feeling very embarrassed and haggard.

The horse also lay on the ground sleepily, panting heavily.A confidant came forward and handed Xie Changqing a water bag: "General, we really can't go on like this without sleep. Even if the man can hold it, the horse can't."


Xie Changqing withdrew his gaze and said lightly, "Hmm", "Have a rest all night tonight and slow down tomorrow."

The confidant breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said that the general was wise.

That night, everyone rested in the wilderness.

Xie Changqing sat cross-legged with his knees crossed, his arms crossed and his back leaning against the tree. The horizontal knife that never left his hand was placed flat on his knees.

At first he just fell asleep.

But I've been awake for too long recently, and I couldn't hold on anymore. I fell asleep in a daze, but my sleep was restless.

He always heard Shalan's laughter and saw Shalan's eyes.

Sometimes it was cold and calm, sometimes it was burning with a charming and sultry flame, and sometimes it looked at him tenderly.

Xie Changqing, I will knit colorful clothes for you.

Let's worship the sea god together.

Xie Changqing.

Xie Changqing...

Shalan's voice became more and more ethereal, and her figure became farther and farther away. She gradually floated up and disappeared into the azure blue, disappearing into the invisible.

Xie Changqing ran hard to catch up, but only felt a splash in the water, and Shalan disappeared.

At this time, Xie Changqing suddenly opened his eyes and realized that he was dreaming.

The sky in the east is white, and it will be dawn soon.

Xie Changqing tried to stand up by holding on to the ground. His legs were stiff and numb from sitting cross-legged. However, he stumbled when he stood up. He had to hold on to the big tree behind him and his horizontal knife on the ground before he could barely stand still. .

He looked at the orange morning glow on the horizon, opened his lips slightly, and murmured: "Where have you gone..."

When Yun Xianning was forced to marry into the Lu family, he was helpless and upset so he went to Yaocheng.

During the ten years on the border, he took a wrong approach and exiled himself.

I originally thought that with the passage of time, I would still be the unruly person after all, but a woman like Shalan turned him aside and made him go to the wrong direction again, completely shattering his calmness that he had maintained for many years.

If she's not a poisonous poison, she's an expert in evil arts.

Otherwise, why would you be so addicted?

Today, he is not the young boy he was back then. He is actually so worried about a woman and cannot calm down.

Xie Changqing sighed and closed his eyes, hoping silently in his heart.

I hope that woman's sorcery can be put to some use.

But don't die.

In the morning, after a group of people repaired a little, they continued to search along the original road.

In the past few days, they had been walking in the mountains and there were not many people around, so Xie Changqing and the others walked very quickly.

This time at dawn, we entered the large county town on the border of Zhongzhou in less than an hour.

Xie Changqing remembered that he had arrived at the border of Zhongzhou and that he and Shalan had changed from the deserted state, and his mood suddenly became heavier.

Those details that once seemed light and airy.

Now that Shallan disappears, it is amplified bit by bit.

It turns out that he also remembers those trivial things.

(End of this chapter)

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