Chapter 546 Preparing to leave Beijing
At that time, Mrs. Yu was also very worried about what was said between Sha Lan and Yun Xianning and something went wrong.

But when Shallan came back, everything was normal, the same.

Yun Xianning didn't look for Xie Changqing again.

As time passed, Yu Shi forgot about this matter.

Xie Changqing also knew about it, and he didn't take it too seriously.

But now, Shalan's inexplicable disappearance is like a slap in the face.

If you say nothing happened that day, no one would believe it.

Xie Zhaozhao said: "Now I just hope that Miss Lan is safe."

Yu was slightly startled: "Could it be that Princess Anyang still has murderous intentions?"

Before he finished asking, Yu immediately fell silent.

Women's jealousy is terrible.

How far can a woman in a high position go for her own jealousy?
There were footsteps stopping outside Chunhe Louhua Hall.

Xie Zhaozhao and Yu raised their eyes at the same time and saw Xie Changqing standing outside the hall.

For the past three days, Xie Changqing had been almost sleepless, searching for traces of Sha Lan in the capital and within a radius of thirty miles.

Not surprisingly, there was no gain at all.

Xie Changqing's face was full of exhaustion, his eyebrows were knitted, and his eyes were red and bloodshot, but those eyes were completely cold, without any warmth.

Yu didn't know if Xie Changqing had heard her guess just now, but she felt heartbroken when she saw her son like this. She quickly stepped forward to care about him: "Don't think too much, I'm sure you can find him. Go and have a good rest."

"Thank you for your concern, mother. I'm not tired... I came here to tell my mother that I will leave back to Yaocheng tomorrow."

Yu was stunned: "Why so fast? Miss Lan hasn't been found yet, you..."

"I think she should have returned to Molan. She has nowhere else to go. Molan is her hometown and her brother is there. No matter how long she stays outside, she will still go back."

"I have already paid a visit to my father, and I have received the documents from the Ministry of War. I will set off tomorrow."

Mrs. Yu opened her mouth and sighed: "It seems that you have already decided. Okay, then you can go. Can you stay at home during the Lantern Festival?"

"Let's stay for now. It's too cold in Yaocheng and the child is still young. If she gets sick..." Xie Changqing paused and then said, "When I find her, I will take the child over."

Yu responded "Okay".

Xie Changqing looked at Xie Zhaozhao, "My little sister, you have worked hard these days, thank you."

Xie Zhaozhao replied "You're welcome".

When Xie Changqing left Chunhe Building, Xie Zhaozhao followed him, "Second brother plans to leave early tomorrow morning? Are you ready with all the preparations?"


Xie Changqing nodded: "Actually, there is nothing to prepare. Although the Duke of Liang's Mansion is my home, I have been in Yaocheng for longer, and this place is still unfamiliar in comparison... After I leave, you should take good care of yourself and take good care of yourself." parents."

"I understand this. Second brother, don't worry... Second brother, don't worry too much. Miss Lan has the ability and will definitely be a good match."

Xie Changqing said "Yeah" lightly. The green stubble on his chin made him look haggard.

Xie Zhaozhao looked a little distressed in his eyes, and also felt a little emotional.

She remembered that when she went to Yaocheng and met Xie Changqing, he was still free and uninhibited. Even Shalan, he was just a camp prostitute who only served him.

More than half a year has passed and everything has changed.

Arriving at the gate of Duke Liang's Mansion, Xie Changqing sent Xie Zhaozhao into the carriage, "Go back, don't worry about me, I will take care of myself, and you should take care of yourself too. Don't come to see me off tomorrow, I will set off before dawn." "

Xie Zhaozhao nodded, and his thousands of words turned into one sentence: "Take care."

Xie Changqing watched Xie Zhaozhao leave and return to his courtyard.

He hadn't rested for three days, and his body was extremely sleepy, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

He sat in his room for a while, then went to the yard next door where Shalan used to live.Nothing in the courtyard has changed at all, and the rocking chair on the porch is still in the same position, as if waiting for its owner to come and lie down and bask in the sun at any time.

Xie Changqing looked at it quietly for a moment, then walked into the room, picked up the Tianguan Lock that Yu had given him earlier and put it in his arms. Without looking at anything in the room, he strode away.

The soldier ran over quickly and said hesitantly: "Another letter came from Princess Anyang's Mansion, saying that something happened..."

Xie Changqing didn't seem to hear, and only asked about the preparations of his troops.

At night, Xie Changqing had a meal with his family.

This time I left Beijing without knowing the date of my return, and the dinner was a farewell banquet. The atmosphere itself was not very good. In addition, Shalan's inexplicable disappearance made the entire dinner completely devoid of joy.

Even Xie Changyuan, who usually loves to laugh the most, couldn't laugh this time.

The brothers toasted Xie Changqing.

Everyone offered a toast, but Xie Changqing only had one drink.

Seeing everyone's lack of interest, Xie Wei waved his hand: "Okay, let's all go back and rest. The second one has to leave tomorrow, so go to bed early."


Xie Changqing bowed his hands and left first.

The others also returned to their own courtyards.

Xie Wei and Mrs. Yu returned to Chunhe Building together. When they entered the house, Mrs. Yu sighed repeatedly, "Don't let anything happen."


The night is getting darker.

Xie Changqing drank several glasses of wine and was still not sleepy at all.

He stood in front of the window and looked at the crescent moon in the sky. After a moment, he suddenly strode outside.

The commander quickly followed, "General, you——"

Xie Changqing said, "Don't follow me. I'll get back soon."

Chang Sui stopped, but he was worried about Xie Changqing's safety and followed him from a distance.

In this way, I followed Xie Changqing all the way out of Liang Guogong's Mansion, passing through the hidden narrow alleys, and followed to the outside of Princess Anyang's Mansion.

In the night, Chang Sui looked at the lantern of Princess Anyang's Mansion swinging in the night wind and opened his mouth.

What is the general doing?

Princess Yun Xianning of Anyang lives in Lixue Hall.

Since her husband's death, she has lived in seclusion and will only go out unless there is a big banquet in the palace. The rest of the time she spends her time at home.

In the past six months, she rarely moved around more, but after the Lantern Festival, she began to live in seclusion again.

Yun Xianning likes peace and quiet, and there are not many servants in Lixue Hall.

The night breeze was blowing, Yun Xianning dismissed the maid who was close to her, and stood alone in front of the window looking at the crescent moon in the sky, with a bit of confusion and sadness on her snow-white face.


There was a soft sound behind him, and then the male voice that Yun Xianning often appeared in dreams rang out.


Yun Xianning froze, turned back slowly, and fixed her gaze on that person.

The room was dark, and the man stood in the darkness. Only his tall and majestic figure could be seen, but the expression on his face could not be seen.

But Yun Xianning still knew that he was Xie Changqing.

She didn't cry out, and squeezed her hands tightly on her sleeves, "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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