Chapter 420: Make peace, talk to me

Xie Changqing told himself that if he wanted to throw off his sleeves, he could just leave and ignore her.

This time the weather is very good and the road conditions are very good. I will definitely be able to speed up and reach the capital soon.

As for this woman who likes to seek death, then go die. What does it have to do with him?

However, it was as if there were nails driven into his feet. He held the horse's rein like this for a long time and found it difficult to lift his legs to get on the horse.

The soldiers on the side were too sensible to say anything.

They knew that their general was competing with them again. This woman seemed to be acting crazy, but she could always force Xie Changqing to retreat again and again.

They are all used to it.

It's just that Xie Changqing himself doesn't seem to recognize the reality and is still struggling.

After a while, the proprietress ran out screaming, "Hey girl, you are not well yet. Why are you here barefoot and wearing so little? You are a healthy person!"

"What if you get sick again like this?!"

After saying that, she hurried to support Shalan. When her eyes glanced at Xie Changqing, she seemed to blame him for being cold-blooded.

But after all, Xie Changqing was too powerful. She glanced at him and didn't dare to look any further, and went to help Shalan.

Shalan pushed her hand away and did not stand up. She just continued to sit holding her knees.

The landlady had no choice but to turn to Xie Changqing and boldly persuade her: "Second Master, you are a grown man. Don't get angry with the little girl. She is not feeling well. Please be more considerate."

"That's right. After all, she is pregnant with your child, and yet she is so cruel to others."

"How can there be such a cold-blooded husband?"

"This girl is really blind."

"Don't let him take over. Now you don't want to be responsible, right?"

At some point, a circle of people gathered around them, muttering to each other in low voices.

Xie Changqing had a very good ear, and he heard every word, especially the sentence that he had occupied. Now he didn't want to take responsibility. It seemed to be in line with the current situation of the two of them.

Suddenly, Xie Changqing felt an unknown fire in his heart.

He threw the riding whip and hung it on the saddle, making a loud cracking sound. The people all fell silent, knowing that he was not someone to be trifled with, so they did not dare to meddle in other people's business, and they soon dispersed.

Xie Changqing walked to Shalan and knelt down, pinched her chin and raised her head: "What do you want to do?"

Shalan's dry well-like eyes looked at him, without waves or light.

The excessively thin chin was pinched in Xie Changqing's hand, making him completely depressed for no reason.

After a moment of stalemate, Xie Changqing took a deep breath, left her and returned to the inn.

Shalan also got up and walked in, then went back upstairs to sleep quietly.

Xie Changqing didn't leave, but his face became more and more ugly every day.

Shalan ate and slept without talking.

Except for Xie Changqing and the soldiers around him, who knew she could talk, everyone else thought she had a physical defect and was mute.

Just like this, another ten days passed, and Shalan's body was completely recovered.

As I got older, my lower abdomen became slightly swollen.

This reminds Xie Changqing that every time he sees it, he cannot ignore the thought that she was pregnant with her own child and then fell into some kind of powerlessness.

He couldn't tell her to die.

I can only let her act like this and follow her wishes.

When they set off again, the people below prepared a carriage for Shalan and took Shalan on the road.

The soldiers saw that Xie Changqing was now ignoring Shalan's affairs and seemed resigned to his fate, so they were kind-hearted and discussed buying a little girl for Shalan to take care of her.

After all, they are a group of grown men who are really inconvenient to take care of women.

Not to mention that this is my wife and she is pregnant with a baby.The group of people walked slowly, stopping and going.

This day we finally arrived in Zhongzhou. The weather was getting colder and colder, and it was still dry and cold.

It was cold inside the post house, and it felt as uncomfortable as a knife cutting through your face.

The soldiers brought some liquor and ordered everyone to drink some to warm up.

Xie Changqing was in a bad mood, so he brought a bottle to drink. When he finished drinking and went back to his room to rest, he saw that the window of Shalan's room was open, and she was standing by the window looking at the moon in the sky in trance.

Those eyes that were always as calm as dry wells when looking at him now revealed very complicated emotions.

Like missing, like being confused.

Missing... homesickness?

Xie Changqing paused slightly before walking over.

Shalan saw him, lowered her eyes for a moment, and her expression turned into that lifeless look again.

Xie Changqing felt uncomfortable and pushed the door open and went in.

The little girl who was waiting was lying on the table and fell asleep. When she heard the door open, she quickly opened her eyes. When she saw that the person coming was Xie Changqing, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to breathe and stood still.

"Get out." Xie Changqing said.

The little girl immediately ran away.

Xie Changqing closed the door with his backhand, then went to Shalan and closed the window, "The doctor said you can't blow the wind, don't you remember?"

Shalan lowered her head, then turned around, silently returned to the bed, took off her shoes and lay down, covered herself with the quilt and closed her eyes.

Xie Changqing's heart became even more angry.

She has been like this recently, ignoring everyone and saying nothing.

Like a silent protest and provocation.

What to protest, what to provoke?
Test his bottom line?Or was she protesting against his previous neglect of her in Yaocheng?
Why does he have to respond when someone comes to him?
Does he owe her anything?

Xie Changqing wanted to turn around and leave, but he was so annoyed that he couldn't walk without roots growing under his feet.

He took a deep breath, turned around, walked to the bed and stood still: "Speak!"

Shallan showed no reaction on the bed.

Xie Changqing grabbed her wrist and pulled her up. Shalan's long brown hair swayed along with her movement and fell smoothly to her back.

Her eyes were slightly lowered, and her eyes were like a pool of dead water, soundless.

Xie Changqing felt that his methods and such a tough attitude were useless against her, and finally he sat on the edge of the bed in frustration.

Shallan retracted her wrist and remained silent.

Xie Changqing became angry and shouted coldly: "Speak, or I will send you back."

The only response he received was still silence.

She just protested silently, expressing his dissatisfaction, but there was nothing he could do.

After a while, Xie Changqing took a deep breath.

He didn't want this. She was obviously silent, but Xie Changqing felt like he was being driven crazy.

He tried to change this state, but found that he didn't know what to do to change it. It seemed that... they didn't communicate before.

Most of their interactions took place behind the curtains.

But now Shalan is pregnant and her months are getting older. He is not a beast, so naturally he cannot communicate well in that way.

After staring at Shalan for a while, Xie Changqing suddenly stretched out his hand, pulled her into his arms, and softened his voice: " to me."

"I sent a message back to Yaocheng. The soldiers of Yaocheng will monitor the situation on the sea, and your people will not be harassed."

(End of this chapter)

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