Chapter 343 Yun Qi
"Oh?" Xie Zhaozhao said happily: "Sir, tell me quickly, what is the solution?"

"In some miscellaneous books I have read before, there is a very sinister prescription called Hua Gu Powder... which can turn bones into a pool of pus in an instant."

"I have tried to do it a little bit, and also tested it with animal bones. Although the effect is not very good, using it on the iron armor to soften the iron armor, and then using a saw should speed up the process a bit."

Hongxia felt her scalp tingle when she heard it: "Hua Gu it such a powerful thing?"

Xie Zhaozhao was also feeling a little uncomfortable, but he was calmer: "Is it difficult to make? What medicinal materials are needed?"

"I'll write a recipe." Lu Jingrong immediately came to the pen and ink.

Xie Zhaozhao walked over to help grind ink, lay paper and get a pen. After seeing what Lu Jingrong had written down, he picked up the prescription and said, "I'll have someone prepare it as soon as possible."

After handing the prescription to Hongxia, Xie Zhaozhao turned to Lu Jingrong and sighed: "Sir, you are really a god. If you hadn't been by your side, things in Qizhou wouldn't have progressed so quickly."

Lu Jingrong smiled shyly, "I used to read a lot of miscellaneous books and learn a lot of things, but I always felt that they were of no use. Now I can apply what I have learned and it can help a little, and I am very happy."

It's just that some of the things written on his prescriptions are difficult to find, so Hongxia has to spend more time preparing.

In the evening, Lu Hanqiu came back to see Xie Zhaozhao.

Xie Zhaozhao told Lu Hanqiu that Sima Qizhou came to ask for someone and the decision she made after asking Qiu Shui.

Lu Hanqiu nodded and said: "This is indeed a good idea. Then wait until His Highness's people arrive and go to Qiyang Villa to see the situation in person."

So it's settled.

Hongxia spent three days looking for the items on the prescription and finally managed to find them all, so Lu Jingrong went to make the Bone Hua Powder.

During this period, the weirdo woke up twice, only to be knocked unconscious again by Lu Jingrong.

The weird thing is that the weirdo doesn't eat, drink, or excrete, but every time he wakes up, his mental state seems to be extremely high, and he really looks like a monster.

Qiu Shui's mental state improved a lot after three days of rest.

It was just that the diamond-shaped dart fired by Xie Zhaozhao hit her shoulder. The wound was a bit deep and she had to stay in bed.

In the past two days, I gradually calmed down and talked to Xie Zhaozhao about other things.

Xie Zhaozhao learned that she and her fourth brother Xie Changheng had been practicing medicine together for two years. However, Qiu Shui didn't say much about their relationship, and Xie Zhaozhao didn't ask much.

Lu Jingrong spent a day and night making the bone-breaking powder, and then gave it to Lu Hanqiu to let his people work with saws to remove the iron armor on the man in iron clothes.

Because Lu Hanqiu specially invited Liu Hongsheng to go to the Qizhou Army Camp with him. On that day, Xie Zhaozhao injured the general, so the camp did not come to cause trouble for the time being.

It was night. Xie Zhaozhao came out of Lu Jingrong's yard after seeing him. Hongxia stepped forward quickly, "Miss, the person we were waiting for has arrived!"

"Xuan Ming is here?"

Xie Zhaozhao said happily, "You're many people did you bring with you and where are they?"

"It's General Xuanming, and..." Hongxia suddenly smiled and said, "Miss, please go and ask in person. I'll ask them to wait in your room."

Xie Zhaozhao nodded and went to his courtyard.

When they arrived at the courtyard gate, they saw Xuan Ming standing under the tree in the courtyard. The door of the room where Xie Zhaozhao usually rested was slightly open, and candles were lit inside.

Xie Zhaozhao's heart skipped a beat when he suddenly remembered that Hongxia had just said "them", and...if it was someone else, Hongxia would not have brought the person to her room.

With a thought in his mind, Xie Zhaozhao lifted up his skirt and walked in quickly.

When passing by Xuan Ming, he just nodded quickly to Xuan Ming and said hello.Squeak——

Xie Zhaozhao opened the door and saw Yun Qi sitting at the table in a black brocade robe, sipping tea from a cup.


Xie Zhaozhao whispered, overflowing with joy: "Why did you come here in person? Didn't you go to Northern Hebei?"

"Let the team stay near Bozhou for the time being." Yun Qi stood up and walked to Xie Zhaozhao, gently held her hand and said: "Although I passed by Qizhou at the beginning, I noticed that the situation in Qizhou was different, so I stayed People secretly investigate."

"The more I investigate, the more I find that things here are complicated and cannot be underestimated, so I came here in person this time."

"I will stay here for about ten days and work with you and Lu Hanqiu to solve the problem here. In addition, I have secretly ordered the Xuanjia Army on the outskirts of Beijing to take up positions near Qizhou, and I am not afraid that Qizhou Sima will use violence against us."

"That's great."

Xie Zhaozhao said with a smile on his face, "You can only be honest if you have someone in your hands - you mean ten days? Now, the people can't ask anything about Mr. Lu. We plan to enter Qiyang Villa and hope to find out as soon as possible. solve."

After all, Yun Qi's trip to Northern Hebei cannot be delayed.

Yun Qi nodded, stretched out his arms and hugged Xie Zhaozhao into his arms, "I heard that you went to the heart of the valley to catch wild monsters alone, and you didn't bring a few people with you. What should you tell me to do if you get injured and have an accident?"

He sighed helplessly, not as if he was blaming her but more like he could do nothing to her, "I have so many maids, don't you know how to bring a few more to Qizhou?"

"The more targets you bring, the bigger the target will be..." Xie Zhaozhao lowered his eyes and looked at his exquisite collar, "We haven't arrived in Qizhou by then. We have already received the news and are on guard. Then we won't be able to find anything when we arrive. arrive."

"The purpose of being light and simple is to make a surprise attack. Only by catching them off guard can we gain something."

Yun Qi couldn't refute, so he stroked her long hair and said, "It's my fault. I didn't leave any elites for you. I just remember to tell you that things are not peaceful here in Qizhou."

Xie Zhaozhao smiled and said: "Then after this time, I will share some of your elites."

Yun Qi came back a year earlier than her. In one year, she could plan many things.

Moreover, Yun Qi himself had soldiers and horses at his disposal.

Xie Zhaozhao now has no other personnel to deploy except the eighteen maidservants and those under the Xie family's property in Kyoto.

If these people are doing something in the capital, they are more than enough.

But once you go outside, water from afar cannot quench your thirst for nearness.

It is not easy to train and train a manpower that can be used in a short period of time.

Therefore, Xie Zhaozhao also shamelessly asked him for help.

Naturally, there is no need to use the manpower requested if there is no major problem, but if the situation in Qizhou is complicated, it will certainly make people feel more confident.

Yun Qi was generous to her, smiled and nodded and said, "No problem, it's up to you."

The two hugged each other and talked for a while, then held hands and sat down at the table to exchange information.

Yun Qi didn't expect that Xie Zhaozhao had already gained so much in just a few days after arriving in Qizhou. Apart from being pleasantly surprised, he also felt that his Zhao Zhaoer should have been such a capable woman, and he felt very proud in his heart.

Hearing that she wanted to go to Qiyang Villa in person, Yun Qi showed hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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