Chapter 328 The Couple
Hongxiu lowered her voice and said, "Miss, do you want to find someone to ask?"

Xie Zhaozhao looked at the situation of those people, frowned and said: "I'm afraid I won't get any useful answers even if I ask... You try it first."


Hongxiu stopped the carriage by the side of the road, jumped off the carriage and stepped forward to ask about the road.

But passers-by kept walking and kept saying things like being busy and rushing to ask others.

Hongxiu had no choice but to give up.

When she was about to go back, she saw an old couple in front of them supporting each other and staggering forward. The two seemed to be in poor health. After walking a few steps, they fell to the ground.

Hong Xiu hurriedly went up to help, "How are you doing, old man?"

"No, it's okay..." The old man gasped, and with the help of Hongxiu, he lifted the boss up and rested against a tree trunk by the roadside.

At this time, Xie Zhaozhao and Lu Jingrong also came closer.

Xie Zhaozhao took the water bag from Hongxia's hand and brought it to the old woman. Lu Jingrong also pinched the old woman's wrist and took her pulse.

The old man was surprised and uncertain: "You——"

"Don't be afraid, old man. My husband is a traveling doctor." Xie Zhaozhao said with a gentle smile: "He has very good medical skills. Let him help the old lady."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly sighed: "My old lady has seen many doctors for her condition, and they all said it was a heart disease. Heart disease requires heart medicine."

It's not like you can get better just by taking your pulse.

After Lu Jingrong diagnosed her pulse, he took out a golden needle and pricked several acupuncture points of the old woman. The old woman, who was so weak that she couldn't lift her eyelids, let out a long sigh and regained some of her energy.

"Old man..."

"You, do you have the strength to speak?!" The old man shouted in surprise, and his eyes when looking at Lu Jingrong became surprised and disbelieving, "This gentleman is really amazing, so amazing!"

Lu Jingrong said calmly: "The old woman was worried too much and didn't eat enough, so her body collapsed. These few injections are only a temporary refreshment. She still needs to take a good rest."

"But she can't eat at all..."

"You can buy some Cistanche deserticola and make porridge to drink, take a small amount many times." Lu Jingrong helped the old woman press the tiger's mouth acupoint again, "The most important thing is to be at ease."

The old man thanked him repeatedly, but there was also a faint sigh on his face.

Being at ease is easy to say, but not so easy to do?

It would be great if people's minds could listen to themselves.

Xie Zhaozhao looked at the two old men quietly for a moment and asked softly: "Look, you two are very worried. At this time, everyone is rushing into the city, but the two old men are still walking around outside the city. Have you encountered any difficulties or are you still waiting?" Who is it?"

The old man glanced at Xie Zhaozhao.

Xie Zhaozhao slowly showed a kinder and gentler smile.

She was already good-looking, but even if she had a simple makeover, it actually covered up her skin color and changed to a more plain outfit and bun. When she smiled, it really made people feel soft.

The old couple looked at each other, and the old man sighed and said, "We are just waiting for someone to come home, but the person we are waiting for may never come back."

Before he finished speaking, he burst into tears.

The old woman also covered her face and started sobbing, her cry full of sadness.

Xie Zhaozhao waited quietly.

Hongxiu couldn't help but said: "Second elders, are you encountering difficulties? Tell us, maybe we can help?"

"No one can help." The old man wiped his tears and said, "Even the government can't do anything. Who can the ordinary people help?"

Perhaps it was because Xie Zhaozhao and the others were friendly, or perhaps because the matter had been suppressed in his heart for too long and he urgently needed to be relieved, the old man choked with sobs and told Xie Zhaozhao and the others what had happened.It turned out that the old couple were waiting for their son and daughter-in-law here.

They originally had a one-year-old grandson who was snatched away by gangsters while attending a temple fair.

After that, the whole family searched for the child sleeplessly.

But the sea of ​​​​people was huge, and the bad guy disappeared just as quickly as he appeared. Where to find him?

However, after three years of marriage, my son and his daughter-in-law managed to get pregnant with this child, and she was still a boy, and then she just disappeared. The whole family had no food to eat and no sleep at all, so how could they give up?

The young and strong son and daughter-in-law went out to search every day, but after three months of wandering, they didn't get any news.

Just when the whole family was desperate and about to give up, they suddenly heard that there was a great immortal in a temple by the Green Water River outside Qizhou City.

The family collected all the money they could and asked their son and daughter-in-law to take them to the Green Water River to find the great immortal.

But I don’t want them to leave and never come back.

"Seven or eight days have passed now, and we are not coming back. We also went to the Green Water River, but there were trees, flowers and grass everywhere, and there was not a single person in sight."

The old couple cried sadly, "What evil have we done? We are old and our children are infected with such bizarre things."

Hongxiu and Hongxia quickly comforted the old couple.

Xie Zhaozhao thought about it for a while and asked, "Have you ever reported to the official?"

"I reported it, and the officials accepted the case in a good manner, but there has been no news for so long."

"The officer guarding the gate said that countless cases are reported to the official every day, and they have to be investigated one by one. Sometimes it depends on luck. He told me not to have high hopes."

At this point, the old couple cried even more sadly, "Doesn't this mean I shouldn't count on the government?"

Xie Zhaozhao waited until their crying subsided, and then asked again: "Have you reported to the officials that your children were snatched away by gangsters, and that your sons and daughters-in-law were lost?"

"Yes, I paid it all."

After that, the old couple talked a lot and cried about their misfortune.

Xie Zhaozhao listened patiently.

Until the old man got tired of talking, Xie Zhaozhao took the meat pie bought by Hongxiu and handed it to the old man, and asked Hongxia to take the old couple home for the time being.

Lu Jingrong only said a few words when checking on the old woman's condition from beginning to end, and remained silent after that.

After sending the person away, Lu Jingrong said, "She is not in good health. If she continues like this, she may not be able to survive for a few days."


Xie Zhaozhao was silent for a moment, "I can see it. It's just that the heart disease needs heart medicine. I'm afraid she needs to find her child before she can get better."

"Are you going to help her find it?"


Xie Zhaozhao nodded, "Their grandson is just one year old. He should be closely related to the other missing children. Maybe we can follow the clues... I plan to go to the green water river first to look for the so-called great immortal."

Lu Jingrong said "Oh", "Then I'll go with you?"

Xie Zhaozhao smiled and said, "According to the old couple, there may be something fishy along the Green Water River, but it may not be peaceful."

"I heard it." Lu Jingrong said: "Isn't it you? You have good martial arts skills and strong abilities. If there are bad people, I think you can deal with it... Plus, I also have some medicine powder here, so you shouldn't be afraid. ."

(End of this chapter)

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