Stop it, boss, I’ve never seen a movie made like this.

Chapter 268 Chapter 268 Secret Photography

Chapter 268 268. Candid Photography

"The Ghost Story 2" and "Police Story 2" have been completed, but it is already very close to the Spring Festival release. Rushing to release them at this time will not have much effect. In addition, the company already has the blockbuster "The Wandering Earth 2" for the Spring Festival release. There is absolutely no need to go to civil war.

Therefore, "Police Story 2" is scheduled to be released after the year.

As for "Ghost Story 2", Chen Li chose to broadcast it on streaming media.

Penguin Video is also very fast. They started to publish hot buying searches on the same day after signing the contract.

This news came very suddenly, but it stunned the movie fans who originally wanted to watch "The Last Days" in the cinema. When they saw "The Ghost Story 2" quietly started airing, they were surprised and immediately turned around and went home to watch the movie.

As we all know, Chen Li's "Ghost Chronicles" created a new style of pseudo-documentary shooting, which is widely loved by film circles and is still the shooting method chosen by many low-cost movies.

Moreover, the atmosphere of "The Ghost Story" is so well done. It is the only horror suspense in the world that has won praises from many movie fans. However, this movie only had a theatrical version and no Blu-ray resources at that time, so netizens still look for it if they want to see it. Not enough resources.

There were still a lot of holes that had not been filled back then. How could you not be excited now that the sequel is out? !

On the day of the broadcast, countless viewers flocked to the video website to wait, and clicked to play as soon as it was online.

It wasn't until I finished reading that I suddenly realized that the reason why the heroine's family was suddenly plagued by evil spirits was because of her sister! !

Their family was the first to encounter evil things. The devil came for her newborn child. In the end, it was her husband who burned the sister's photo and led the devil to the heroine.

Every hole is filled, making the audience gasp and feel extremely horrified.

One link after another, but then new holes were dug.

"Damn it, it turns out that things are so twisty? Involving the heroine's sister's family? It seems to be related to children? There seems to be a big secret behind this."

"My hair stood on end when I saw it, and chills ran down my spine. Oh my god, this scene is so exciting."

"The house should not be sold too big to attract people's attention."

"The sequel really did not disappoint, it was good-looking, but I really didn't expect that the sister who was possessed by the devil came back in the end. It seems that the end of the first part was to find her sister's family!"

"Keep filming. There must be something hidden behind it. The life experiences of these two sisters must not be simple. Don't stop!"


In the early morning of that night, according to statistics, "The Ghost Story 2" received million views on its first day, and its reputation exploded.

The number exceeded 2.3 million on the second day, and exceeded million on the fourth day. The popularity gradually began to exceed that of the popular movie "The Great Tribulation".

Correspondingly, the box office of "The Unforgettable Catastrophe" also dropped again and again, which made Danny and the producers who were far away in Yingjiang anxious, angry and annoyed.

Originally, there was not much time for it to be released in Xia Kingdom, and I had to rush to make another profit before the release of "The Wandering Earth 2", but now its popularity has been robbed again! !

Are you really not giving me any chance? Are you going to let people live?

Looking at the declining box office every day, the two of them almost chewed their back molars, and their whole hearts were bleeding! Want to cry but no tears!

This trip to Xia Kingdom had a bad start, being besieged by three movies from Chen Li's company one after another! !

Too much of a lack of martial ethics! !

no! We absolutely can’t just let it go!

The entire month of January is almost Chen Li's month.

Whether it is movie news or entertainment news, it is closely related to him. This frequent visitor to the hot search list who has not appeared for several months has once again made a strong appearance.

Of course, it is the audience who benefits, it can be said that it is a great pleasure to watch the movie! And on February 2st, the much-anticipated "The Wandering Earth " was officially released, which once again triggered a movie-watching craze.

The Spring Festival is approaching now, and most people have already gone home for the holidays. If they have time and money, they will of course choose entertainment such as watching movies.

The movie tickets for "The Wandering Earth 2" were sold out as soon as they were pre-sold, and the number of movies scheduled has increased repeatedly, reaching a high of 51%, just to cope with the huge crowd of moviegoers during the Spring Festival.

As for "The End of the World", fifteen days after its release, the box office only had 5 million Xia Guo Yuan left, and the number of films scheduled fell to the bottom, with only 14% remaining. If it is not an imported film that cannot be withdrawn in advance, many theaters Fang had already kicked him away.

Isn’t it good to give this amount of films to Wandering Earth? !

At Beijing Airport, Danny mingled with the crowd wearing a mask, walked out of the terminal, called a car and headed to the hotel.

He is no stranger to the Xia Kingdom. He has been here several times during movie promotions, but his impression was not good, so the description of the Xia Kingdom in his movie is also full of stereotypes.

But this can be regarded as the basic practice of many Hollywood directors.

After resting in the hotel for a while, he came downstairs to the cinema opposite. He used translation software at the ticket office in the lobby and said, "I want to get a ticket for "The Wandering Earth 2"."

This was also the reason why he came to Xia Kingdom this time. He was really unwilling to lose his box office in Xia Kingdom!

Obviously, my "Transformed Motorcycle" was a big hit in Xia Country many years ago!

"I'm sorry, sir, there are no tickets." The conductor said in a difficult to pronounce Eagle dialect.

Danny frowned and said, "What about this afternoon?"

"No more. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are all sold out. There are only tickets available for 4 days later. Why don't you watch "The End of the World" first? Although there are many bugs, it is a good popcorn movie after all." The conductor said suggested.

"Crab Te!"

Danny couldn't help but swore, cursed and left.

He didn't come all the way to Xia Country just to watch his own movie.

After that, he changed to several movie theaters, but failed to buy tickets. However, he still had a lot of "Unfortunately" left.

In the end, he paid ten times the price to buy one from a ticket scalper. When he checked the ticket and entered the screening room, he realized that the seat was quite remote. He, a top Hollywood director, had never sat in it before. Such a bad location.

But in order to watch "The Wandering Earth 2", Danny endured all this.

Seeing the packed theater and the noisy discussions, Danny took a deep breath, held back his racing heart, and secretly pointed the cuffs of his sleeves in the direction of the big screen.

Inside the cuff is a miniature video camera that has been turned on.

This was a way he thought of. His movie had already failed at the box office, and the box office was robbed by Chen Li's company, which was unethical. There was no way he could just let it go.

Since you can't fight head-on, let's use some special methods.

As long as the gun version of Chen Li's newly released movie leaks out, who will want to go to the cinema to support it? You are not stupid, you must just watch it on your computer!

No need to spend any money!

Although this method is disgraceful and even insidious, it should not be too normal in Hollywood. Many big companies and directors have fallen into this trap before, and it is impossible to prevent it.

"Hehehe, I let you besiege me for three movies, and I will drag you into the water even if I die!"

Danny sneered inwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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