Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties.

Chapter 533 Nan Xiner’s place is the most suitable for cultivation! But Tianming still wants to go f

Little cutie?

And you get used to it after living there for a long time?

Those creatures are all grotesque, and they are simply masterpieces of Nan Xin'er's witchcraft!

He doesn't want to stay with these things for the rest of his life!

Lin Tianming thought so in his heart, but did not say it out loud.

"Husband, let's go sit in the pavilion by the pond!"

Nan Xiner suggested, then stretched out her jade hand and pulled Lin Tianming to run to the pavilion and sit down.

"Husband, how are you? The scenery at Xin'er's house is very nice, isn't it?"

Facing Nan Xiner's question, Lin Tianming nodded: "It's indeed very good."

After getting Lin Tianming's affirmation, Nan Xiner was still very happy.

"As long as your husband likes it, you can live here with peace of mind from now on. We, husband and wife, will have many babies and live like a couple of gods!"

In her normal state, her innocent face looks particularly pure.

But Lin Tianming, who had already seen her yandere side, still felt a little numb when he thought of her extremely sick appearance.

Living in a place like this, which is deeply influenced by Nan Xin'er's witchcraft, is not the life of a couple of gods and immortals!

At this time, a big fish with sharp teeth and an extremely vicious face jumped out of the water in the pond.

Lin Tianming had seen this fish before, and it opened its mouth to let Lin Tianming shock it.

He had never heard of such an outrageous request, and he fulfilled this ugly talking fish.

As a result, the more the Super Forbidden Curse hit the fish, the more energetic the fish became. It kept shouting that it was cool and asked him to shock it a few more times.

Lin Tianming also wanted to keep the Super Level Forbidden Curse for use when he leaves Shiwandashan, but he didn't want to waste it here.

Nan Xiner saw the fish jumping out of the water, smiled and threw out a bunch of feed she had prepared using witchcraft.

The feed, which smells very similar to the poisonous insect, looks terrifying.

But that fish, which was equally ugly and vicious, was eating very enthusiastically.

While eating, I also thanked Nan Xiner.

"Thank you, my lord, for the gift... it's so... so delicious!"

This scene made Lin Tianming's scalp numb.

Nan Xiner asked with a smile: "Isn't it a very cute fish, husband?"

"It's really cute..."

He said something against his will, but Lin Tianming didn't think the ugly fish full of witchcraft aura was cute at all.

Only Nan Xiner, the ancient witch god, likes these creatures that have been affected by her witchcraft breath!

"Husband, let's go, I'll show you the cantaloupe we grow at home!"


It couldn't be the group of humanoid cantaloupes that were chasing him before, right?

Lin Tianming felt numb.

But under Nan Xiner's pull, he still came to the cantaloupe plantation that he had visited before.

As soon as they saw Nan Xiner and Lin Tianming coming, the cantaloupes that were lying quietly in the ground got up one by one.

Using the roots as legs and carrying many twisted branches with many cantaloupes, it ran towards Lin Tianming and Nan Xiner.

"Welcome my lord!"

Nan Xiner nodded to these relatively respectful cantaloupes, and then introduced Lin Tianming to them.

"This is my husband, and he will be the master of this family from now on. When we first meet, which one of you will pick a cantaloupe and entertain my husband?"

"I'll come, I'll come! My lord, this is the cantaloupe I planted! It's big and sweet, but I water myself every day!"

All the walking cantaloupes at the scene wanted to take this opportunity to show off in front of Nan Xiner.

But the cantaloupe who talked the fastest got the first step.

It took the largest and sweetest cantaloupe from its branch covered with cantaloupe without any distress.

He took the initiative to cut the melon into several parts and delivered them to Nan Xiner diligently.

Nan Xiner was very satisfied with the performance of the cantaloupe monster and threw some witchcraft food to the cantaloupe monster.

The cantaloupe monster opened its huge mouth, regarded the food given to it by Nan Xiner as a treasure, and ate it all.

"Thank you, Lord, for your gift. I am willing to follow you forever!" This scene made Lin Tianming's skin crawl.

Can normal people eat the cantaloupe fruits grown in this way?

"Husband, try it quickly, our cantaloupe is delicious!"

Nan Xiner started urging her, Lin Tianming had to eat even if he didn't want to.

After staring at the cut cantaloupe in front of him for a while, he picked up one and took a bite.

Nan Xiner looked at Lin Tianming's frowning expression as he chewed slowly, and asked, "Husband, is it delicious?"

Lin Tianming did not answer in a hurry.

Not because it doesn't taste good.

But it’s surprisingly delicious!

It’s so delicious that you’ll feel like you’re stomping your feet!

The fruit produced by the cantaloupe monster cultivated by witchcraft was sweeter than any cantaloupe he had ever eaten before.

This...this is too unbelievable!

And... and Lin Tianming also felt that after eating the cantaloupe, his level 71 aura began to grow.

The fruit of this cantaloupe monster seems...

It seems to be also useful for Lin Tianming’s superpower training!

The speed-increasing effect that brought about was astonishing.

Although he still didn't reply, his movements of spinning the cantaloupe faster and faster had already told Nan Xiner the answer.

He loves to eat!

【Husband seems to like eating it very much! 】

[If you want to capture a man’s heart, you must first capture his stomach. This sentence is indeed true! 】

[I believe that soon... my relationship with my husband... will progress to the point where we can have babies at will! 】

As she thought about it, Nan Xiner began to laugh foolishly again, her expression full of a sickly blush.

Lin Tianming also heard Nan Xiner's excited and morbid thoughts.

But he didn't care about her.

Since he can't live without Nan Xiner for the time being.

Then he might as well seize this rare opportunity and practice here with peace of mind.

While practicing, he came into contact with Nan Xiner, and slowly thought of ways to attack her.

They come, the security.

It’s important to improve your strength first!

After eating a whole cantaloupe, the supernatural energy accumulated in Lin Tianming's body has reached the level of automatically leaking out.

He also sat down directly on the spot and began to enter the superpower training state on the spot, intending to absorb the superpower energy provided by refining the cantaloupe.

When Nan Xiner saw this scene, she became more confident in letting Lin Tianming stay by her side.

[When my husband stays with me, his cultivation speed is much faster than that of the outside world. It seems that he is really at ease staying with me in this life...]

[When my husband becomes a god through cultivation with me... he will definitely forget everything about the outside world... and stay in Southern Xinjiang forever! 】

[No matter how many opportunities there are outside... they can't compare to the speed of my cultivation here... and there are delicious food... and the company of my lovely wife... Husband, there is nothing happier than this, right? 】

Lin Tianming, who was practicing, also heard Nan Xiner's thoughts.

Although he did not stop practicing, he had to admit one thing.

That's Nan Xiner's place, which is indeed incomparable to any secret realm in the outside world.

Faced with various temptations, it is really difficult for ordinary people to control them.

But Lin Tianming still wanted to leave.

He doesn't want to be locked up in southern Xinjiang for the rest of his life!

His Qingxue was still waiting for him outside.

There are also teachers Jiang Han and Tian Shui waiting for him to go out.

Especially when he thinks that the seal of the Demon Tomb may be broken at any time, he wants to get out!

Protect those he cares about!

(End of this chapter)

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