Douluo: Xin Shu

Chapter 102 Behind bars

To be repaired...


Easily clearing away those degenerates who came for a sneak attack based on luck, Tang San frowned and glanced around, finding that no fish had slipped through the net, he turned around and walked towards the stone house where he was staying.

The reason why he frowned was not because of how powerful those people were, nor because there was anything special about them, but because the branches and leaves that had been tied to his arms disappeared.

This means that he can no longer help Ning Xinli collect murderous energy.

No, to be more precise, it was Ning Xinli who unilaterally did not want to accept the murderous intent he had collected, so she took back the branches and leaves.

Tang San felt aggrieved.

It was obvious that he was doing it for her own good, but after confessing that day, she didn't say anything more, but directly expressed her attitude through actions - taking away the branches and leaves.

Yes, Ning Xinli didn't leave, but Tang San couldn't feel the slightest sense of presence.

Even though they were still under the same roof, he felt that the other person was like a celestial bridge to himself. They looked so close, but were actually so far away that they could never cross.

Come to think of it, if I step forward with this step, it will not be the other end of the sky, but the abyss.

Is there anything wrong with letting her leave early? What did Tang San do wrong? The reason why he did this was because he had previously obtained some information about the Hell Road.

Hell Road is the "only" way to leave the Killing City. If you want to pass through it, you must complete hundreds of Hell Killing Fields to even have the slightest chance.

That's right, the Hundred Killing Fields of Hell is not only a condition for opening the Road to Hell, but it is also the key to passing through the Road to Hell.

After long-term observation, Tang San discovered that the Hell Road and the Hell Killing Fields should be a complete cycle system.

Every time in the Hell Killing Fields, ten people are required to play, one of the ten will be saved, and nine will be given to the leader. However, the leader can only receive a small part of the soul power supply, so most of them will still be in a weak state after the game is over.

A large part of the soul power of those nine people flowed to the bottom of the Hell Killing Fields, where the entrance to the Hell Road should be.

If you want to survive in the Hell Killing Fields, you must kill all the other contestants. While providing nutrients to the Hell Road, they will be haunted by murderous intent.

The air here is filled with toxins that stimulate the nerves. The fallen people absorb these toxins and will precipitate in the body. The Bloody Mary formed by these fallen people after being killed mixes with the serious murderous aura to form a more unstable "time bomb" ".

Ning Xinli said that this is a selection place created by God.

In fact, it's easy to understand.

There are not so many twists and turns. Those who are not strong-willed are not worthy of becoming gods or his successors. He looks down upon them.

The murderous aura in the Killing City is so suffocating.

However, Tang San felt that the Hell Road, which had been provided with hell killing places all year round, must be even more suffocating.

There, the murderous aura should be a protective layer. Without murderous intent, it is difficult to move even an inch.

Just like my father's God of Killing Domain, it can make enemies who don't have murderous intent in front of them feel extremely humbled in terms of momentum.

Therefore, in his opinion, Ning Xinli, who does not have the slightest murderous intention in her body and cannot have any murderous intention, is definitely not suitable to walk this hell road with him.

Those toxins that stimulate the nerves are indeed a difficulty. In that kind of environment, Tang San may lose control of his emotions at any time. What can he do if he loses control? He doesn't want to face his Xiner's blade.

Therefore, Tang San needed to adapt to controlling his mind in a place full of murderous intent. Only by controlling the murderous intent in his body could he have a chance to walk through this road to hell.

Escape is not an option.

It was extremely difficult to control murderous aura. After thinking about it, Tang San wanted Ning Xinli to leave first.

Because for ordinary people, Hell Road is indeed the "only" way to leave the killing city, but for Ning Xinli, there is a safer and more secure way.

How could Tang San have the heart to let her stay with him?

Sharing joys and sorrows is very romantic.

However, reason told Tang San that romance could not survive.

He believed that Ning Xinli's staying would not save them from danger, so how could he make her give up the chance of life.

The best case scenario is, of course, that they all leave here well. However, if he really has not gone through hell, he must at least ensure that Ning Xinli leaves alive.

If she is well, I feel at ease.


"Progress: 900 thousandths."

That day, after Ning Xinli said those words, she removed the vines that had been tied to Tang San's arm.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed by.

Ning Xinli's progress has not improved at all. Of course, she also knew that Tang San didn't go to the Hell Killing Fields either.

See who can outlast whom, the second test of her life, and there is no time limit.

To be more precise, the assessments assigned to Ning Xinli by "Green" had no time limit.

"Green" does not seek quick results, but only stability.

Ning Xinli spent three years on the first test.

Besides, he was the one who was wrong in the first place. He could just spend it as much as he wanted. At worst, they wouldn't even go back after the five-year contract.

"This time, number 8500 wins."

After the competition on the stage ended, Ning Xinli stood up and followed the flow of people and left the audience stage.

She would want to stay, not impulsively.

Tang San was not the only one observing, she was also observing, and because their eyes were different, the things they noticed were naturally very different.

Tang San noticed the relationship between Hell Road and Hell Killing Fields, but Ning Xinli didn't notice it either.

In addition, she has one more advantage than Tang San, that is, she holds the "Source of Life" in her hand, which allows her to sense the power of life.

Everything in this world originated from creation.

Creation split into two, becoming the power of life and the power of destruction.

The emergence of life is the manifestation of the power of life. Then, the disappearance of life means the power of destruction.

Energy is conserved, and the disappearance of life represents the reduction of the power of life, which will inevitably promote the growth of the power of destruction.

What can the source of life do in this regard?

Ning Xinli holds it and can sow the seeds of the ancient tree of life. What can make the seeds grow is the power of life.

The power of life and the power of destruction are indeed a mutually convertible relationship due to the conservation of energy. However, this transformation is not completed in an instant, it requires a process to transition.

This process is enough for Ning Xinli to catalyze the seed of life.

This was the basis for her insistence on staying.

Yes, "Green" is indeed a smart person, but Ning Xinli is also very smart.

Why do you say this?

Because Ning Xinli successfully completed the first test under "Green"'s kind reminder. Although this process was time-consuming, she had to admit that without the guidance of "Green", she would not have been able to overcome this hurdle no matter what.

During the first test, "green" made Ning Xinli rely on her prompts.

Therefore, the "green" that Ning Xinli relied on appeared again when she felt helpless in the second test.

Ning Xinli's fourth soul skill can indeed purify those murderous intentions of unknown origin, and it has indeed created the current nine hundred mission indicators. Judging from this result, there is no problem at all with the prompts given by "Green".

However, 100% fakeness often fails to deceive people.

What can really deceive people is often 80% truth mixed with 20% lies. The key to the second test is really collecting murderous intent?

Yes, no.

For this assessment, Ning Xinli really needed to collect murderous intent. However, if she really only managed to collect a thousand killing intents, then her results in this assessment would not be particularly good.

"Green" is not telling a 20% lie, but hiding the truth.

The key to the first assessment is to gain recognition from the source of life.

The key to the second assessment is also the source of life. However, this time it is no longer recognition. What "Green" wants is for Ning Xinli to learn how to use it.

Only when Ning Xinli learns to use the source of life correctly can she successfully purify this murderous city.

When that time comes, a thousand murderous intentions will be nothing more than meager.

Therefore, Ning Xinli's biggest gain in the past six months was not actually the nine hundred murderous auras of unknown origin, but the seeds of life that she scattered in every corner of this killing city as she walked around.

Those waiting for the killing fields of a hundred hells were not only King Shura and Tang San, but also Ning Xinli.

When will flowers bloom in this city of murder?

The flowers are so beautiful when they bloom, but how many people will be qualified to see that beautiful scenery by then?


During the day, Ning Xinli was walking in front, and Tang San followed silently.

Yes, she didn't know where he was.

However, I can feel that he really exists.

At night, they returned to the stone house together and were speechless.

Yes, Tang San knew that she was "making trouble".

However, at least she is still by his side, and he can now ensure her safety.

There is a saying that conflicts often come from failed communication. Obviously, this is their current situation. Problems in communication can of course be solved only by communicating again.

Communication means that someone needs to take action before there will be subsequent behavior.

Of course Tang San also knew that Ning Xinli was waiting for him, and when he couldn't bear it anymore, she would try to persuade her again, or agree with her point of view, and then the two of them would face the extremely dangerous road to hell together.

Likewise, Tang San was waiting for her.

What is she waiting for?

It was not because of the so-called face that he could not let go of his figure, but from his perspective, he truly felt that it would be good for both of them for Ning Xinli to leave the Killing City at this time.

It was his fault to take it upon himself to make the decision for her.

However, what is more important than living?

True love is hoping that the other person will be well, rather than the so-called living and dying together and going to hell together.

However, looking at Ning Xinli who was ignoring people around him, Tang San felt helpless and felt that his defense was about to be broken.

His little girl is too stubborn.

It was not an option for the two of them to remain frozen like this. If one person had to give in first, Tang San felt that it would not be her.

Who could tell that he was the one who fell in love with her first? At least in Tang San's opinion, that was right.

All we can say is that all problems stem from lack of communication.

Tang San directly made the decision to leave for Ning Xinli, shouldn't the girl blame him?

Ning Xinli wanted to stay, so did she tell Tang San that she would not be a drag on him if she stayed, and did she tell Tang San about her next arrangements?


This time, their communication was broken.

This time, their information was not comprehensive.

So, it is not surprising at all that such a situation occurs.


"The winner of this match is number 9528."

"King Shura! King Shura! King Shura!..."

The winner usually chooses to appropriately release the murderous aura that has been suppressed for a long time under the roar of the audience.

If a string is tightened blindly, it will be a matter of time before it breaks.

It is reasonable to be relaxed in a certain degree.

Tang San was of course no exception.

At the same time, they will gain something.

Most of the soul power of the losers will be absorbed by the hell killing field, and the remaining part will be introduced into the body of the winner.

Although this part cannot promote the improvement of the soul master's strength, it can temporarily make up for the lack of their soul power.

Soul power is not only the driving force for a soul master to perform soul skills, but also an important energy that maintains a soul master's normal movement.

Ordinary people do not have soul power, so their mobility is worse than that of soul masters, and they consume pure physical strength.

Soul masters are different. They not only consume physical strength, but also consume soul power to gain faster mobility.

Therefore, the Killing Capital can use soul-sealing skills, but not soul-sealing power.

Soul masters with sealed soul skills can fight with their skills. But if they lose all their soul power, they may even fall into a coma.

The City of Killing is where God Shura selects his successor, but there cannot be only one such place.

Douluo Continent is the lower plane of the God Realm, but it is not the only one.

Then, of course, there are no soul skills in the planes other than Douluo Continent, but they all have something in common -

Murder, skill, survival.

Murderous aura is indispensable for Shura Lord to kill. In his opinion, those who want to be qualified as Shura God must not get lost in this incessant murderous aura.

He is the master of killing and the determination of good and evil.

This is how it is to emerge from the mud without being stained. Only those who are immersed in murderous aura but can still maintain their original intention are qualified.

Qualified to become Shura God.

After passing through the road to hell, you will have the realm of the God of Death. Many people have reached this point over the past millennium.

Why is there no follow-up?

Because the Killing God Realm helps them master their murderous aura.

The realm helped them master murderous intent, not that they did it themselves, so they are all losers.

Is it true that no one has done this?

That's not true, someone did do it, and that was Tang Chen, who was still stuck in the ninth test.

He mastered his own murderous intent, but ultimately lost to his obsession.

Become an obsession, and failure is also an obsession.

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