i can see monster rules

Chapter 175 Operation of extermination

No matter what happens today, she will kill him.

Cancer thought.

She has been waiting for this opportunity for too many years and she can no longer afford it.

When he was still hesitant, the Wu family came to him and told him the truth.

"The news this time is a trap, a trap made by the Infinite Cult to bring the God of Rules to come. All the elites sent by the Rules News will become nutrients for the God of Rules."

Recalling what the Wu family said to him, Cancer's reaction at that time was only confusion.

She had guessed it was a game, just like last time.

As long as the Infinite Sect doesn't want to reveal the information, it will strictly guard against letting anyone pry even a little bit.

But she didn't dare to confirm it completely, but the Wu family was very sure.

"how do you know?"

"You already know my ability, it's time. Not only can I pause time, I can even go back."

The Wu family had no expression on their faces when they said this.

She didn't care how shocked others would be when they heard her words.

"From the first time back to now, it's already the tenth time."

"I can feel that my ability is almost overwhelmed. If I can't successfully achieve my goal this time, it will be difficult for me to go back in time and I will be punished by time."

She could actually hold on and go back a few more times, but that was the case.

This world cannot bear it, time will be messed up, and the rules will forcefully correct the situation.

That is the real God of Rules, and the rules of the universe must not be disturbed.

Cancer was shocked by what the girl in front of him said.

She didn't believe it. After all, the ability to time itself was the most powerful ability known to date, and only one member of the Wu family had such an ability.

The bureau looked on very much, she was just too surprised.

What is the purpose of surprise that makes the Wu family willing to keep looking back for it, and they are also willing to face the punishment of time.

"If what you say is true, then I can't lead others to their death."

"Then the God of Rules will come very smoothly, and then the rule news will definitely come."


Can Cancer just watch?


If this is the case, it will be the end of the world.

Except for well-trained detectives, ordinary people have only one way to die.

All societies and human civilizations will collapse in an instant.

Isn’t it the little family and everyone that the agents protect?

Sighing, Cancer clenched his fists.

Even if they knew this operation was a trap, everyone would die.

But it was necessary to go.

This feeling is really...

Wait a minute, since the Wu family knows so much, does that mean she is the only variable?

"what is your purpose?"

"Let my teacher An Chen live and stop sacrificing herself for everyone. Nine times, a whole nine times, she has been like this."

Cancer still remembers that when he was chatting with the Wu family, he was overwhelmed by messages one after another.

Even though he has lived for so many years, this is all too unbelievable.

So, the Wu family told Cancer truthfully what they knew.

Originally, their plan should have been successful.

But something unexpected happened.

The Wu family has reached the point of not caring this time, and the earliest point in time can only be when they first awakened their abilities.

In the past few times, she had acted quietly in private, but it aroused suspicion in the bureau and caused a lot of unnecessary trouble.

This time, she didn't want to worry about anything.

It doesn’t matter if you confess or others know.

In order to achieve her goal, she will do whatever it takes.

As long as her teacher could survive.

An Chen is a very good person and should have lived a long life. Cancer naturally also has feelings for his student An Chen, so he reached a unanimous decision with the Wu family.

But if what the Wu family said was true, why was it different from what she said this time? !

The Wu family has been thinking about this matter.

Why, every time she goes back, she learns from the previous experience.

But it fails every time?

An Chen sacrificed his life every time in exchange for everyone's stability.

And when the task is carried out, there will always be something different.

Before, she thought it was the butterfly effect brought about by herself.

But now, she doesn't feel it anymore.

Everyone's abilities are obtained from rules and rumors.

Rules and strange news are controlled by the God of Rules.

Strictly speaking, my abilities are given to me by the God of Rules.

Why did it give itself such a powerful ability? What is it planning?

I should say, myself...

Has it been taken advantage of?

Realizing this, the Wu family suddenly became out of breath and looked at An Chen with red eyes.

She was used by the God of Rules! What the other party wants is not just to become the master of mankind.

It's looking for something more terrifying.

If the other party desires powerful cause and effect, then she will go back in time, disrupt the timeline of each world, tie it to An Chen, and use her as the center point.

The causal line on An Chen's body is equivalent to nine worlds.

Such a huge power and An Chen's body are probably the most ideal container for the God of Rules.

An Chen looked at the Wu family with somewhat confused eyes.

The Wu family rushed forward and hugged An Chen tightly:

"Teacher, I'm sorry. It was me who harmed you. Obviously everything could have ended long ago. It was my willful actions that harmed you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The Wu family cried very sadly, having repeated their firm belief so many times.

Completely collapsed at this moment.

She didn't know what to do.

Reincarnation after reincarnation did not change the ending. Instead, her relationship with the teacher became farther and farther away, and she became more and more unfamiliar with herself.

What is the meaning of her doing this? Who keeps telling her what she should do to get out of the current situation?

An Chen did not push her away stiffly this time, but smiled and held her in his arms.

"You are already great. You have been persisting in what you want in your heart. Keep doing it and working hard towards your goals. Maybe success is just ahead? Don't miss it because of confusion."

These words made the Wu family raise their heads in confusion and look at An Chen.

She seemed to see her teacher again, who was as close to her as a family member.

"it is good."

Put away your tears and smile.

The Wu family nodded and turned towards the leader.

Teacher, we are all family members chosen by each other.

You gave me a home and became my only family.

It is you who give my existence meaning.

If there is no you in this world, then I will keep trying to find you.

Will never give up.

Cancer is still dealing with Meng Wujiang, and it looks like a 50-50 split.

But there are less than five agents fighting together.

Any ability thrown at Meng Wujiang would seem to be absorbed.

like water off a duck's back.

Including Cancer's mental power, it has no effect on him.

You can only use your own weapons to fight with it.

But at this time, Meng Wujiang was already the body of a monster.

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