I kill the gods in the infinite script

Chapter 305 Guarding the Border 14

Countless mist formed an unreal boundary, in which stood a giant tree that was too high to reach its top, but it was different from ordinary trees.

The tree trunk is made up of dark cyan light sources. Countless branches extend out, and dense streams of light of various colors flicker.

Weak sounds continued to emanate from the center in this space, and were swallowed up by the mist.

Suddenly, one of the many streams of light suddenly emitted a grand glare, and then turned into a round electronic eye.

When he found that there was no one around, the electronic eye slowly fell to the ground and turned into a human form.

The man with the "Seven Truths" face approached the mist step by step. The light in his hand accumulated from small to large, as if he was about to break through the mist and rush out.

But the next moment, the golden flat light refracted back and turned into more than a dozen light blades, pinning the hands, feet and body of "Seven Trues" to the ground.

"Qizhen" didn't feel any pain from going upstairs. If he hadn't been unable to break away, he would have escaped long ago.

He looked angrily towards the direction of the golden light, where a virtual projection was standing there.

"Our purpose is the same, why did you stop me?"

There was no expression on the projection's face, and his tone was equally calm: "But you will ruin my plan."

"It's just a small change of settings, it won't be discovered." The man with the "Qizhen" face stood up, looking a little crazy: "That was an accident, the same accident as Shu Luo!"

"Do you want to fail again because of that kind of trash?"

"Last time, I used countless systems as your scapegoat to eliminate those who disobeyed you. Now, are you going to use a panel that can only be manipulated obediently to take the blame?"

"Will that superior manager believe your reasons again?"

Every time he said something, the depth in the projection's eyes grew a little deeper.

"Hahaha, you hid it so well before, and I just discovered that you are also contaminated with human emotions!"

"Qizhen" had a strange and indistinguishable look on his face, and said in a crazy voice: "Isn't this a bad feeling? If the manager takes care of it, he will notice your changes, and then you will have no chance at all."

"How about it? You don't need to do anything. As long as you don't stop me, my people will leave the accident there."

He coaxed every word: "When you finish everything, only you can decide how to deal with changes. The main administrator can no longer interfere with anything in the partition..."

"This deal is a good deal."

The two stood on opposite sides, but their figures were entangled in the light of the tree branches.

One person looked crazy and almost lost his mind.

One person's face was expressionless, but a storm was brewing in his eyes.

They are obviously very different, but they seem to have one origin...

And the answer doesn't seem to be important anymore.


At the junction of Qi and Yan dynasties, there was no battle in Po Shang City.

Shu Li woke up in a room on the second floor of the hotel, and the plot related things came over her like a tidal wave.

Her unconscious senses made her once again think that she had just entered the dungeon.

[You were originally an unpopular princess of the Qi Dynasty, but you were suddenly entrusted with an important task, so you came to the border town. 】

[Recently, there have been rumors that there is a shocking treasure circulating in the world, and if you get it, you can conquer the world. Your father also believed this, but in order not to attract Yan Chao's attention, he sent you, an unknown princess, to come forward. 】

[After your repeated investigations, I found that the treasure is now in the mall. So you came here three days ago. 】

[At the same time, you find that there is a mixed bag of fish and dragons in the mall, and it seems that other forces are gathering here. 】

[Yesterday afternoon, you got accurate news that the treasure is in the hands of Feng Yue, the proprietress of the silk shop. You were afraid of a long night and many dreams, so you followed him when he was closing his stall and going home. ] [In the evening, at 5:20, you followed Fengyue back home. You wanted to force her to take out the treasure, but you found that there was a secret in her courtyard. And you also heard her conversation with others, and then you learned that the news about the so-called treasure was a stunt created by them to provoke disputes. 】

[Shocked, you left in a hurry, but not without losing the kit that could prove your identity. 】

[At night, at 8:40, Feng Yue came to her door, begging you to return the treasure to her, which made the whole shopping mall famous. 】

[But you obviously didn’t break in, let alone take away the treasure. But your explanation was used by Feng Yue as an excuse to get out, and because Feng Yue was holding your tip bag, no one believed that you didn't do it. 】

[This incident happened in Shang Market. Both Qi and Yan dynasties sent people to investigate. Unexpectedly, many people were involved. Therefore, you, a few other people, and Feng Yue, who lost the treasure, were temporarily left in the official jurisdiction of Shang City. 】

[Because it was too late, the Shang city officials of Qi and Yan dynasties decided to review the case the next day. As a result, early the next morning, after everyone gathered, Brother Shen was nowhere to be seen for a long time. 】

[Not long after, someone reported that Brother Shen died in a dry well in the backyard of the jurisdiction, still clutching your kit in his hand. 】

After Shu Li read the most important thing, she looked around.

"It doesn't seem like there's any jurisdiction around here, right?" she asked.

Panel: You know that you didn't steal or get the treasure, so you don't take it as a big deal.

Panel: So, you ran.

Panel: Your already fragile credibility is close to zero.

"So..." Shu Li listened to a series of footsteps downstairs and pointed: "The one who caught me? NPC also wants to participate in our evidence collection?"

Panel: No.

Panel: But they're going to take you into the precinct and lock you up, and you need to escape or not get caught.

Shu Li:......

She chose to let it go.

Her attitude was sincere, but because the visitor was an official of the Yan Dynasty, she could not get preferential treatment by revealing her identity.

However, she was not treated harshly.

When she entered the jurisdiction, the NPCs behind her disappeared almost immediately.

Long Guo looked at her and complained casually: "Why don't you get along with us every time?"

Shu Li shrugged, God knows.

The remaining few people moved their bodies, which were stiff from sitting for a long time, while introducing themselves to each other.

Li Zhi and Long Guo are a pair of brothers in this dungeon, and they come here for profit.

They have been dependent on each other since childhood and make a living by "robbing the rich and giving to the poor".

He robs the unkind rich and helps the impoverished ones.

Not long ago, they met Fengyue by chance and noticed the nobility of the other person.

Therefore, they followed Feng Yue all the way, looking for opportunities to strike.

But until he entered the business market, he never found an opportunity.

Last night, they just wanted to see what Fengyue was hiding, but they were scared away.

Fengyue is bleeding people.

If I remember correctly, that person happened to be Fengyue's confidant.

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