I kill the gods in the infinite script

Chapter 182 Golem Cruise 21

"At the beginning of the year, my boss Su invited me to join his company and claimed that he knew I had developed a new game program and wanted to train me."

"When I first joined the company, he was really nice to me. Every time he arranged for me to work overtime, he would treat me to a big meal."

"Just one month after I joined the company, my game was completely finished. When he took me out to discuss cooperation, I suddenly felt like a fool. I looked at my program and couldn't say anything, let alone run the game. Show it to your partners.”

"Of course the cooperation fell through, and he lost a lot of face. From then on, he became more and more indifferent to me, and he even fired me half a month later."

"But I already look like a waste, who will hire me?" Foreman Gu's tone was cold, and there was no sense of empathy in what he said. The expressions of the others were also very calm.

"I was wandering around in a daze every day, but at one point I heard someone talking about how many people suddenly had accidents, and they were either children from rich families or relatively famous and talented people."

"I had some doubts about Boss Su's relationship with this matter, so I started to follow and investigate him."

"Meeting Sister Meng was an accident. I didn't know she was my boss Su's sister at the time. So I broke up with her later. This time I went with the cruise ship to expose my boss Su's evil deeds to the public."

"Hasn't he seen you?" Le Yan asked.

Foreman Gu shook his head: "I have been hiding and only communicated with the housekeeper."

Shu Li's wandering eyes fell on him: "Then what was the reason for your sudden change in your feelings for Sister Meng at night?
Foreman Gu thought for a while and said, "Because I originally thought they were just cousins, but I didn't expect them to be related, and she admires her brother very much."

Later, he added: "These are what I saw in her diary, which was in her room."

Although Sister Meng's face looked a little unhappy, she was not obsessed with whether she could tell this new information.

Seeing this, Shu Li became less suspicious of her.

After talking about the papers all over the floor, they searched the room of foreman Gu again. There was a diary in the gap between the bed boards, but it was a brand new one.

There is no information except the words "Foreman Gu" written on it.

However, there was a coat belonging to Foreman Gu on the coat rack nearby, and they found a few napkins from it.

After unfolding it, there is a reversal method of the "curse" written on it.

As long as you find the things recorded above and follow the above methods to implement it on the person who took away other people's things, all the things taken away will be returned to the original owner.

The handwriting on it is extremely sloppy, as if it was written down in a particularly urgent moment.

The specific writing is unclear, but there is one sentence: "If the reversal spell is successful, there will be red marks on the body where it was performed."

As soon as these words came out, Foreman Gu's motives and evidence became clear.

However, Foreman Gu said: "This process is not fatal, and I don't know that pink and purple pollen are poisonous, so I am not the murderer, so there should be no problem, right?"

Basically, there was no problem. Shu Li took the napkin that ended up in her book, but there were still some things that didn't look right.

With doubts, several people went to the third floor.

The first was Sister Meng's room. It was exactly as she said. The box that had been kicked down was open, and the things inside were scattered around. There were also bruises on her legs from being tripped.

There was some pink and purple pollen residue on the window sill of her room, but Sister Meng said it was because she had seen the beautiful flowers outside the window and had hooked them into the window and rubbed them on them.Later, when she learned that the flower was poisonous, the first thing she did when she returned to the room was to throw the flower out.

Then there is the diary mentioned by Foreman Gu. The font on it is beautiful and cute, which is somewhat consistent with Sister Meng's acting style.

The diary in the diary started half a year ago and ended abruptly three months ago.

As foreman Gu said, Sister Meng really admires this brother and will praise him crazily almost every few days.

What she finally found was a letter signed by Boss Su's father. The content of the letter reassured her that after Boss Su got married, he would definitely recognize Sister Meng back.

On the back of the letter, someone used a black pen to write two big words that almost cut through the paper: Liar!
Sister Meng explained: "The first reason he wanted to recognize me was because he had few children, and the second reason was because Boss Su had been unwilling to get married according to his ideas."

"Now that he is with Le Qianjin, no matter what the truth is, in the eyes of the old man, he is submissive to him, so the matter of recognizing me will only be delayed indefinitely."

"Boss Su's aunt told her these things in order to make Sister Meng give up on her so-called father." Sister Meng didn't add a word in the end. She just took it out and used the third person instead.

Because almost all players have things or words that are difficult to talk about, no one feels strange when they all refer to each other.

Then, while chatting about the clues, they walked into Long Guo's room.

Like everyone else, Long Guo's things have been transported here, and even the layout is similar to that on the cruise ship.

Long Guo's room was relatively clean, clean without any suspicion.

However, on his windowsill, there was a very clear mark of strangulation, as if a rope had been hung here.

But everyone present knew that Long Guo had just mentioned that he had been playing games in the game room. The boot time and the records of each game were the unqualified evidence.

Then, someone must have known that he would not return to the room and deliberately implemented his plan here.

This is what everyone thinks. Although Shu Li thinks so too, she still feels that she is inseparable from the elusive doll.

Then, they came to Shuli's room.

While others were rummaging around the room, Shuli couldn't help the pain behind her ears and rested on the sofa nearby.

Foreman Gu was the first to find the ball of robes hung by Shu Li on the windowsill. When he turned around, he saw her frowning and pale face.

It’s really uncomfortable!

Foreman Gu strode over: "Are you okay?"

Shu Li couldn't help but raise her head, and tried her best to control the calmness of her voice: "If you have anything, just ask."

Foreman Gu looked at her steadily, seemingly hesitant, but still asked: "Where did the blood stains on this robe come from?"

"?" Shu Li looked over suspiciously, and saw a lot of pink and purple pollen stuck to the hem of her clothes, and the patch was unevenly dark red.

"I don't know." Shu Li sat up straight and said very seriously and solemnly: "I really don't know." (End of Chapter)

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