I kill the gods in the infinite script

Chapter 143 Fengshi Village 13

Chapter 143 Fengshi Village 13
Shu Li looked calmly at the scene in front of her, but A Tao beside her started to panic.

"He... they found the traces you left..." A Tao shrank and raised his head in horror: "What should we do? They will definitely find us..."

"Who are they?" Shu Li lowered her voice and asked in a low voice, "What did you mean when you said they wanted to eat people?"

A Tao stared at the group of people closely, seeing that they had no intention of coming over, and then answered Shu Li's words in a low voice.

"They were also from the village before, but after what happened, they changed."

"Actually, I don't know what they are now, but every three days, they come back here."

"What's in that box are people, and they come here every ten days to eat and then throw the rest down there."

A Tao couldn't say any more, but it was enough for Shu Li to understand what it meant.

But what kind of weird custom is this?

Shu Li was really having a hard time with the dungeon she was in. The so-called night attack and death conditions looked gaudy, like a mess.
Back to the present, Shu Li has let go of Long Guo and Yi Tourist's hands, running on the road to the inner village and refusing to look back.

"What happened next?" Long Guo asked.

Seeing that Tourist Yi next to him was also listening with his ears pricked up, Shu Li chose to cover it up vaguely: "Later, the bones under the bridge became obsessed and started to go ashore. I used a prop to block it, and then I ran back first."

"Where's the little girl named A Tao?"

Shu Li: "Of course she is hiding. She is an NPC. It is much safer to hide than to follow us."

Long Guo was a little speechless, but it was true when he thought about it.

"So, those outside the B&B are all those bones?" Tourist Yi asked.

Shu Li nodded: "It's almost the same, maybe there's something new."

Long Guo and Yi Tourist: "..."

They didn't even dare think about how fresh this new thing would be.

"Where are we going? Shouldn't it be safest to stay in a B&B?" Tourist Yi changed the unbearable topic.

Shu Li and the others came out of the back door and were now on the street. Looking back, they could vaguely see the beating white shadows.

Shu Li glanced at it and looked away: "I don't think B&B is necessarily safe. When I came back, I took something and threw it at the door."

Long Guo and Yi Xingyou immediately glared at Shu Li.

"What for?" Shu Li coughed dryly: "I'm really handy."

"Nothing happened to the bones that had been lying there for so long, but this happened to me when I was led there. I thought it was strange, so I brought back the thing they were protecting."

"It was a strange-looking mask, with a large blood-red background and pure white facial features painted on it, making it very vivid."

With that said, Shu Li looked at Tourist Yi: "I wanted to form an alliance with you even if you didn't say anything. After all, we are all sisters, so we can be more trustworthy than them. What do you think?"

Tourist Yi frowned and nodded: "That's about it."

Shu Li knew that this was also a suspicious person, but for now it didn't matter.

She continued: "No matter what we are going through now, the important thing is still behind. Do you all agree on this?"

The two nodded, and Shu Li continued: "The panel said that the person who really died was the final murderer. There is a loophole in this statement."

"If this is really the case, then it will become a one-way case. We only need to start with each person's identity and we can easily select the murderer."

"So, what is the meaning of this scene?" "Why do we need to play other identities before the real dead person comes out?"

"Also, what kind of foreshadowing will our identities, including the dead, be?"

Shu Li's questions made the other two people's backs shiver, and their steps inevitably slowed down.

Shu Li urged helplessly: "Run quickly, the people behind are not fools. They will catch up in a while, and the seventh guide stopped us and refused to let us enter the inner village."

"Why?" Yi Youyou was puzzled.

Shu Li didn't answer but asked: "Why don't the weirdos who attack at night enter the inner village?"

Long Guo said: "Is that weirdo afraid of Uchimura?"

"What's another possibility?" Shu Li looked at him.

Long Guo thought of a possibility and frowned in disgust: "That weirdo came from Uimura!"

Shu Li nodded, smiled and said, "That's right."

"But if that's the case, are we asking for death?" Tourist Yi guessed: "Do you have other plans?"

Shu Li smiled: "Actually, I don't know that possibility. But no matter which possibility it is, weirdos will not attack Uchimura at night, so this setting has become abandoned."

"I'd love to see how it fixes this bug."

Shu Li's smile became horrifying, and Long Guo interrupted her directly: "You're not the kind of person who pulls others along if you have a guess. What else did you find?"

Shu Li clicked her tongue in her heart, silently complaining that the young boy had no sense of boundaries between people.

Shu Li still didn't answer first, but asked them: "Brother Jia changed his clothes. Has his identity changed?"

The two men looked at each other and shook their heads.

Long Guo: "They were all there when I came back. I don't know. But, it seems like there was a conflict inside?"

He also looked at Tourist Yi, who was earlier.

"When I went downstairs, everyone except Tour Guide Qi was there, so I didn't know what was going on." Tourist Yi said, "But they did get into a fight."

"About 11:25, brother Jia and Wan Youyou suddenly started fighting. There was no warning, and they didn't even have a loud argument. They just started fighting."

Shu Li asked again: "What was the reaction of Tour Guide Seven?"

Tourist Yi still shook his head: "I didn't hear Tour Guide Seven talking before Tourist Guo and you came back."

"But if I have to say it, Wan Youyou is weird." Yi Youyou seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly added: "After the fight, he said he would let Brother Jia die here."

"So, could it be that he was the one who harmed the people before?"

Shu Li half nodded: "We don't rule out this possibility. The plot that he is the only one who survives is indeed very suspicious."

By the time they finished speaking, the three of them had arrived at the dividing line between the inner and outer villages.

In front of them was a river that had also dried up. The difference was that underneath there was cracked land and wildly growing weeds. There was nothing beyond imagination.

In addition, there is only a stone bridge connecting the two sides, but it looks like it was newly built and there are not many signs of weathering.

Shuli and the others were still some distance away from the stone bridge. As they were walking towards the stone bridge, Qizhen and others from the B&B also caught up...

(End of this chapter)

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