After quitting the industry, the boss became popular all over the world

Chapter 157 157: I could drive him out before, and I can do it now!

Chapter 157 157: I could drive him out before, and I can do it now!

157: I could drive him out before, and I can do it now!

"Young Master, I have verified it. The Second Young Master did go to see Miss Qiao this morning, but Miss Qiao did not leave with the Second Young Master."

"I heard that the second young master was in a bad mood when he left."

In the office on the top floor of Juhui, Si Jinnan sat on the boss's chair and sneered a few times.

Si Xiangting really thought that ancestor was so easy to get close to.

As for his small thoughts, he would probably be exposed by the little ancestor as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"Young Master, do you want to control the public opinion on the Internet?"

"It won't be needed for the time being." It was just a good idea for the little ancestor's next scene.

No matter how fierce the criticism is on the Internet now, how powerful the rebound will be when it bottoms out in the future.

"Inform the director of Juhui that the meeting will take place in half an hour."

"Anyone who doesn't come will automatically resign by default."

On the first day Xu Zhongqin left Yuncheng, the entire gathering underwent earth-shaking changes.

Of course there are many people who are dissatisfied, but no one is really tough enough to leave.

The news of Si Jinnan's vigorous rectification and reorganization naturally quickly spread to the Si family and Xu Zhongqin in Kyoto.

Mr. Si was hesitant before, but as soon as the news of the Ji family meeting with Qiao Qingyan came out early this morning, Mr. Si decided to turn a blind eye.

I want to see if Si Jinnan can still be valuable.

Si Xiangting was naturally angry at Mr. Si's connivance.

"It is indeed the Si family. Interests come first."

Si Xiangting's mother took the chicken soup out of the thermos cup and placed it in front of Si Xiangting.

"Atting, what should we do now?"

Si Xiangting's eyes suddenly turned cold. "Back then, I was able to make him leave the Si family like a lost dog. Of course I can do the same now."

The old man loved this grandson so much in the past, but he later pulled him down from his high position step by step, and finally he became a victim in the eyes of the old man.

Let alone now...

"A Ting, just make your own plans." "By the way, A Ting, what's going on with the news on the Internet? How come you got involved with a little star."

She only heard the news when she went to a beauty salon with her sisters in the circle.

Talk about a female star being indecisive between two brothers.

She also took a special look at the photo of the female star.

She has a charming face, like a vixen.

"Mom is not interfering in your private life. It's just that I don't want you to be abused by the old man..."

"You can have fun if you want. But think twice about marrying someone..."

Si Xiangting immediately understood what was going on.

"Mom, you think too much."

"That woman is Qiao Qingyan."

The lady suddenly stood up. "Qiao Qingyan!"

Si Xiangting nodded.

"The Ji family went to look for her this morning. Even the ancestor of the Ji family went."

"It was only after the old man heard the news that he delegated power to Si Jinnan."

The lady frowned. "Didn't Si Jinnan say that Qiao Qingyan was his girlfriend before?"

"If he says yes, we believe it."

"Moreover, Qiao Qingyan's current words are valuable."

Naturally, the noble lady did not forget that Qiao Qingyan had Qingxinlu in her hands, and even the ancestor of the Ji family was interested in her.

"But more than that, she is now a new stone betting genius."

The Si family has always wanted to develop into jade, but they have never found a good jade master.The appearance of Qiao Qingyan undoubtedly gave the old man some clues.

Suppose the jade that Qiao Qingyan bought that day fell into the hands of the Si family.

The Si family has the capital to directly develop the business in the jade industry.

(End of this chapter)

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