I asked you to tell divination, but I didn’t ask you to catch ghosts.

Chapter 138 There are still people who don’t want to be Internet celebrities?

The assistant didn't know what was going on, but when Rourou ran out, he followed him out.

"You already know my identity?" A Tao asked with raised eyebrows, Lao Ye has such a big mouth! The blow just now was too light!

"Yes, I didn't expect that the ancient ferocious beast would actually come to the human world. It really surprised me. So it was because of eating the scales of Taotie that Rourou became so edible, but not fat at all?" If there are no side effects? , Xie Zhiyao really wanted to try it.

I finally succeeded in losing weight, but now I don’t even dare to eat the right kind of meat for fear of gaining weight again!

She didn't want to experience the turtle scale again! I don’t know where Xiao Huai came up with this idea. He even reports his weight. It’s really outrageous!

"It's already noon, let's go eat first. Aren't you hungry?" Xiaohuai came over and said while holding some potato chips while eating.

"There is nothing to eat here, let's find another restaurant!" Xie Zhiyao looked at the hotel staff who were busy clearing the tables. They could eat all the food in the kitchen. She could only say how good these two people are.

What I ate was Sichuan cuisine. The weather has been cold recently, so I ate spicy food to warm up my body. Pork ribs and shrimps, a three-piece dry pot made of pork belly, a portion of boiled pork slices, fish-flavored shredded pork, vegetarian stir-fried shredded potatoes, and finally cabbage soup.

"You only eat so much?" A Tao had already filled his seventh bowl of rice. When he came back, he saw that several people had put down their chopsticks.

"I've eaten several bowls and I can't eat any more!" Xiaohuai touched his stomach and burped.

Xie Zhiyao ate the least and was already drinking tea with a cup in hand. Fortunately, the portions of the dishes in this restaurant were large, otherwise she would really be afraid that she would not be able to eat enough.

When we were ordering, the boss kept saying that the portions of the dishes in their store were very large. He reminded us several times, just for fear that the four of them wouldn't be able to finish them.

When I came to collect the plates later, I found that not even the soup for boiling the meat slices was left! And when they left, they paid an extra fifty yuan because they had eaten all the rice left in the store!

That’s more than twenty kilograms of rice cooked! How could they finish eating just such a meal?

A Tao lives in the next city, so she will stay at Xie Zhiyao's house recently. As soon as she opened the door, she was shocked by what she saw!

"Good guy? The decoration of your house is great, isn't it? It also has floor heating and heating? And the house is so big!" Is live broadcasting really so profitable now? A Tao thought with some excitement.

Just like the woman I saw today, she directly booked the food for the entire hotel, just because she is a big internet celebrity, so she doesn’t feel bad about spending money!

"Thanks to Xiao Huai, this was all done by his little fan." Xie Zhiyao brought a drink to A Tao and then went to clean up the room. Most of the people living there recently were men.

Now that a girl is staying, the sheets and quilts must be replaced with new ones so that they can stay comfortable.

"Where's your tree, and your little fanboy?" A Tao rubbed Xiao Huai's hair, and the originally docile hair suddenly stood up like exploding hair.

In the evening, when Xie Zhiyao was getting ready to go to bed, she suddenly received a call from Rourou. It was from the assistant, saying that Rourou was rolling on the floor in pain and the doctor could not find anything.

He didn't know why she was in pain, so the assistant thought about what happened in the afternoon and thought that Xie Zhiyao and the others must have something to do, so he called her.

Didn’t it say it would take some time to come out? Could it be that A Tao miscalculated the time? Xie Zhiyao quickly got up, called everyone in the room, and rushed to the hospital. "Master, please save the boss!" the assistant cried when he saw Xie Zhiyao and his party coming.

Although the boss is always cruel, he treats her well! So she doesn't want anything to happen to Rourou!

"I told her a long time ago that that thing is just a container for her, but she doesn't believe it! We don't need her as a container now, so it doesn't matter if she breaks it!" A Tao said speechlessly, having already told her that ah! As a result, he didn't listen to her and thought she was here to rob her.

Please! She's covered in scales, okay! Every time she takes a shower, it falls all over the floor. Why would she grab a scale that has been thrown away for who knows how long?

It's like cutting your nails and throwing them on the ground, and then someone picks them up and offers them as a treasure.

You tell her that these are just your nails, but the other person protects them tightly, for fear that you and her will steal them!

"Didn't you say there's still some time left? Why is it coming out so soon!" Xie Zhiyao wanted to ask just now, but she never found the chance!

"I don't know either! The scales are not mature yet, so they won't come out now, unless she does something to let the scales get nutrients, which will accelerate their growth!" A Tao frowned and said, not knowing what that person did. !

When she arrived at Rourou's ward, she was huddled in the corner in pain, holding her stomach to prevent the medical staff from approaching.

"Go away, all of you go away! You can't cure my disease, and it can't relieve my pain, so why are you still guarding me!" Rourou yelled at the doctors and nurses. He also took painkillers, but not a little. It has no effect!

Do we really need to take out the scales? no! If she takes out the scales, how can she make money?

"You guys go out first! I'll do it!" The assistant went to drive the medical staff out, then closed the door and locked it.

"Why did you bring them here! Do you really not want to do it anymore? Okay! You don't have to come tomorrow, get out now!" Cold sweat breaks out from the pain in my body, and I see the person I least want to see again, and my tone becomes even worse. Worse!

Even after this, his temper was still so bad. A Tao sighed and wanted to step forward and hold her hand to find out what was going on with the scales, but she waved it away.

"What are you going to do? Don't touch my scales, they are my things!" Rourou pressed his hand hard regardless of the pain.

"It won't hurt you so much! And those scales are mine!" A Tao said angrily. She could feel the scales growing!

After the spiritual power entered her body, the pain lessened and Rourou was able to take a breath. After she recovered, she stared at A Tao warily, fearing that she would snatch the scales.

"What happened? What did you do after you came back to make the scales so violent?" Xie Zhiyao asked after seeing that Rourou's mood had stabilized.

"I didn't do anything. I just went to the Internet and wrote something." Rourou said in a low voice. She was very afraid that A Tao would become a big eater of mukbang. What future would she have?

But unexpectedly, as soon as she typed A Tao's name, her stomach hurt so much that she wanted to die immediately!

"Are you trying to explode me? So the scales are restless?" Ah Tao suddenly realized, no wonder the scales suddenly rioted. After all, it was a part of his body. It realized that the container was going to hurt the body, so it rioted.

"I just don't want you to be like me. If you can eat better than me, you will definitely make more money than me. What the platform needs is anchors who can help make money." Rourou lowered her eyes. She didn't want to change again. Go back to being like no one cares about you!

"Are you kidding? I'm still in school, how can I have time to do live broadcasts!" A Tao rolled his eyes, what if the old stubborn at home saw her live broadcast on the Internet and didn't study hard!

He will definitely come over and take her back directly! After all, she came here to learn knowledge, not to become an internet celebrity!

"Really? Don't you want to be an Internet celebrity and make a lot of money?" Rourou asked in disbelief. There are actually people who don't want to be an Internet celebrity?

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