Nongmen Xiaofunu’s food guide

Chapter 251 Staying New Year’s Eve

Chapter 251 Staying New Year’s Eve

An Jin cried and laughed.

Clearly drunk.

He lay down directly behind him, still saying that Miss Song is so good. I will follow Miss Song and serve Miss Song all my life. In the future, there will be a young master and a young lady. He will also serve the young master and serve Song Yue. Be a steward for life.

That's what I said.

Ding Xiang and Ah Zuo and Ah You couldn't help but snicker. They rarely saw An Jin like this.

"If he knew about tonight's battle tomorrow, he would probably feel regretful in his intestines, and he would never dare to drink so much again."

Ah Zuo and Ah You just suppressed their laughter.

Qingzhu, a naive person, felt more and more powerful about An Jin the more he listened, and said loudly: "Okay! You are very good. Manager An is truly a loyal servant! His thoughts are so similar to those of me, Qingzhu! I will serve my master all my life!" "

He said that he insisted on clinking glasses with him.

Song Yue asked Ding Xiang to stop them from drinking this time. It would be okay to get drunk a little bit, but if they continued to drink, it would be harmful to their health. The two of them were almost drunk.

Ah Zuo and Ah You stood up and said that they would cook a bowl of hangover soup for them, and Song Yue let them go.

Ding Xiang looked at An Jin and Qingzhu lying on the table. The two of them were talking to each other, singing in harmony, and their faces were bright red. This shouldn't be too funny.

After the tiger cub over there finished patrolling his territory, he wandered over again. Song Yue was wearing a cute red scarf around his neck, and there were two white fur pom-poms hanging on it.


When Song Yue saw it coming, she also handed it the molar meat bones that she had prepared earlier. The tiger cub took them in its mouth and gnawed them at her feet, warming them by the fire.

Ding Xiang took a bite of the croquettes and lowered her head to look for the tiger cub. She found it amusing when she saw it nestling at the feet of Song Yue and Xie Zhijie. She giggled and said, "Look, girl, the tiger cub is so clever. It actually knows how to stay in the charcoal fire." Warm by the stove.”

Song Yue laughed at Lilac's stupidity, "Animals are not stupid, cats and dogs also know this warmth."

Only then did Ding Xiang realize that she had been stupid. She screamed twice to relieve the embarrassment, feeling very annoyed.

Xie Zhijie also joked: "Eat more onions and you will be smarter in the coming year."

Ding Xiang looked in disbelief. She didn't expect that Mr. Xie would make fun of others after staying with his girl for a long time. She was a little shocked.

Song Yue couldn't help but laugh.

Just then there were bursts of fireworks outside. The fireworks these days are not so colorful, but they are still beautiful.

Lilac immediately ran out.

She was wearing new clothes in the evening. The pink and purple clothes looked particularly energetic and jumping up and down.

The two little maids, left and right, were wearing pink jackets and buns. They looked particularly festive and walked in quickly with sobering soup.

Because Ding Xiang saw them coming back, she called them to come and set off fireworks for her master.

Ah Zuo and Ah You were also at a playful age. Song Yue specifically told them tonight that there were not so many etiquettes and they just wanted to celebrate the New Year happily, so the two of them could play freely.

After putting down the hangover soup, the two of them said something to Song Yue, and then trotted out to set off the fireworks with Ding Xiang. When the fireworks lit up again, the New Year flavor would be even greater.

Ma Yi and the others over there were divided into eating, some were patrolling, some were eating and drinking, and the laughter from their side could also be heard.

When Ding Xiang saw the horse passing by, she yelled for him to see the fireworks too.

Ma Yi couldn't help but smile when he looked at it. This new home was nice and comfortable. The same was true for the other servants. For them, the feeling of being at home with Song Yue was a sense of security they didn't have anywhere else. .

Because they had to watch the New Year's Eve, everyone was in a side room, where Song Yue lived. Qingzhu and An Jin drank the sobering soup and relaxed a little. They were still sleepy, so they simply dozed off on the small couch.

Ding Xiang and Azuo Ayou played games with Song Yue and Xie Zhijie at first, playing cards, chess, etc., but by the middle of the night they couldn't stand it any longer. Song Yue was okay, but she felt a little sleepy in the second half of the night, so when she woke up after squinting for a while, she found a room full of people staggering around.

An Jin and Qingzhu squeezed into a small couch and slept soundly. Ding Xiang, Zuo and the three maids took some soft cushions and sat on the ground, leaning against the pillars to sleep, guarding the warm eyes in front of them. Small charcoal stove.

The tiger cub also slept very sweetly across from the three of them with his teething stick on his pillow.

As for her.

Song Yue found that she and Xie Zhijie were also sleeping on the beauty's couch, and his arms were still around her waist, probably because he was afraid that she would fall.

However, his dream seemed to be not very stable. It was different from the sound sleep of others. He frowned slightly and looked uncomfortable.

Song Yue hesitated whether to wake him up.

Finally he pushed, and Xie Zhijie gasped and opened his eyes, like a drowning person finally breathing fresh air. Song Yue was worried for a moment, and she asked him in a low voice, "Did you have a nightmare? What did you dream about?"

Xie Zhijie was still a little stunned when he looked at Song Yue in his arms. He was probably a little confused just after waking up.

Song Yue looked up at him.

Xie Zhijie finally just hugged her and tightened his arms around her.

The two of them were still covered with the thin blankets that usually covered their legs, but Ding Xiang and the others were not covered at all.

Song Yue was surprised that he took the initiative, and in turn teased him, "Hey, are you not ashamed tonight? Do you want a hug?"

She just wanted to get up and cover Ding Xiang and An Jin with a cloak or blanket.

Xie Zhijie still said nothing and just held her. His mind was still immersed in the dream. This time the dream was much clearer than before. He suddenly remembered the plot of the dream. It was a strange world and a strange little girl.

He silently watched her grow, accompanied her, and made her happy. In the past, the scene was intermittent, but tonight's scene was unusually complete.

It was just that he couldn't see the face clearly at first, but when he woke up from the dream, he realized that it was clearly Song Yue's face, so he calmed down for a while and looked down again.

Sure enough it was her.

The same.

Xie Zhijie suddenly asked her in a hoarse voice: "Have we met in the past life?"

Song Yue was stunned after hearing this, "Huh??"

But before she could say anything, Xie Zhijie smiled and said, "It's nothing. I had a nightmare. I was talking nonsense. What did you want to do when you got up just now?"

Song Yue was still thinking about things, and after hearing this, she said perfunctorily: "I want to get up and cover An Jin and Ding Xiang with a cloak or blanket, in case they catch cold."

Seeing them sleeping soundly, she couldn't bear to wake them up, and since they insisted on keeping her company in her wing, they probably wouldn't leave even if she woke them up.

Xie Zhijie got up on his own and pushed the blanket down, fearing that the cold wind would blow in and chill Song Yue. He then got off the beauty bed, covered An Jin and Qingzhu with a thin quilt, and took the cloaks of Dingxiang and the others. Cover them.

Each of them drank several glasses of fruit wine, but none of them woke up. It was so comfortable tonight, and they slept like little pigs without even knowing that they were sold.

Song Yue had just complained a few words in her mind when she saw Xie Zhijie turning around and coming back. She was still wondering if he would feel ashamed and want to sleep somewhere else.

After all, the beauty's couch was very small, so it was very difficult for the two of them to lie down, but she saw Xie Zhijie standing motionless in front of the couch, and the two looked at each other silently for a while.

Suddenly she realized it, smiled and moved inside to make room for him, and even lifted the blanket.

Sure enough, Xie Zhijie hesitated for a moment and then came up to hug her. It was indeed warmer for the two of them to sleep huddled together.

(End of this chapter)

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