Nongmen Xiaofunu’s food guide

Chapter 190 Barbeque Restaurant

The meat, which is only full of fat, is roasted in this way, and the oil comes out, giving it a burnt aroma. Isn't it delicious? Add some side dishes and green onions.

The fragrance is terrible.

"Oh, it's delicious! It's so delicious! This is the right day to eat this!"

"This roast tastes much better than the ones we bake while hunting in the wild!"

Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu really liked it as soon as they ate it. It was so delicious that they licked their lips and licked the dipping sauce clean. The more they chewed, the more delicious it became. They paired it with some juice and it was not greasy at all. The two old men simply had a great appetite and kept eating it. One mouthful.

Simply can not stop.

Mr. Lu's nephews and nieces were also immersed in eating. In a short time, they were already very skilled in grilling the meat, turning and cutting the meat, and had a great time.

"How about it? You kids are used to eating it, right? Be careful of it being hot. Don't be impatient."

Mr. Lu smiled and said to these children, and asked his children to take care of their cousins.

The children all smiled and narrowed their eyes. They all said that they were used to eating it, it was delicious and they loved it!

"If I had known that uncle had so many delicious food here, I should have come here to live longer!"

"Exactly! There are so many fresh foods. There are so many delicious foods on this street. It is much more interesting than the capital."

“I want to stay for a long time too!!”

Several children shouted that they should have come a long time ago, and each of them said they were reluctant to go back.

Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't talk about these children, even we two don't want to leave. If we can't eat such delicious food, I'm afraid we will miss it, but we don't have to imitate this way of eating. Disaster."

The difficulty lies in the seasoning. It is difficult to imitate just the various dry dishes and dipping sauces.

Each has its own fragrance.

It's delicious when dipped.

And the environment is nice, and it’s not too much trouble. You can come and sit down and pay to eat.

Being served properly.

I don’t have to worry about catching fire if I eat this at home. I think it’s better to eat it here.

Mr. Lu looked at the huge windows around him. The cold wind was biting, but it was cleverly blocked, but it did not affect the ventilation. The room was neither cold nor hot.

It's just right to eat barbecue.

Because the ventilation is good, there is no fear of poisoning. Otherwise, it would be really dangerous for so many people to be cooking over charcoal fires.

Mr. Lu looked around and then said, "This girl has a clever mind."

How else can I make a lot of money?

Madam Lu was also really curious about Song Yue. What kind of child could have such an ability?

Mr. Lu smiled and said to the old father and mother, "You will definitely see her. She is very rare for money. If she comes to the capital, are you afraid that she won't open a shop? I'm afraid that she will take advantage of any way to make money!"

He had inquired about it early in the morning. Song Yue still ran a shop in her small town. Her parents were taking care of it. They were not idle when they came to Wucheng. People who competed only spent money here, but she was fine. Buy a property directly here.

How awesome?

Very good at calculating.

Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu also laughed when they heard this, "I really want to get to know her if I have the chance."

Mr. Lu smiled and said: "Okay, why don't you stay a little longer? The third city test will be in the spring of next year. The date has not been determined yet, but it won't be too long. Why don't you go back after watching the city test? You can also try this A child’s craft.”

Although Song Yue's shop has a lot of delicious food, the dishes in the competition are amazing.

Fresher. Of course the two elders didn’t agree. They had to stay just for this magical girl.

The waiter happened to come over to deliver the things and see if he wanted to add charcoal to the fire. He smiled and gave the towels to the family, then placed a pot of juice and two plates of beautiful pork belly. "These two plates were given by our manager An." This is your fresh pork belly, look at this meat, it’s delicious!”

He said that the meat had just been slaughtered and delivered, and it was still hot. Business was good today, so he added some more meat, and the pork belly was delicious when grilled!

Mr. Lu quickly expressed his thanks and said that they were too polite, "This meat is indeed beautiful. Thank you, Master and Manager An, for us."

The waiter smiled and agreed.

Then he put away the dirty towels before, and the service was extremely good.

The faces being grilled around the charcoal fire were rosy, and everyone was quite hot. The drinks that were replenished in time every time were particularly comforting.

One cup will quench your thirst.

I immediately regained my appetite and continued eating and drinking. Needless to say, the atmosphere was great.

The whole family had a great time eating.

Mr. Lu was also very satisfied and gave the waiters a lot of reward money. They were very happy, but it was really worth it. The service was so comfortable.

The whole family was so full that they almost walked out holding on to the wall.

Several young people gathered around Mr. Lu and shouted affectionately: "Uncle, uncle, can we still come here to eat tomorrow?" "That's right, let's come tomorrow too?"

It was quite far from the capital. Several of Mr. Lu's brothers couldn't get away, so they didn't come. Only these nephews and nieces came with the two elders.

Naturally, his brothers are very close, but Master Lu went out to work as an official early and is not very familiar with the children. Now seeing the children clinging to him because of their greed, he is in a very happy mood and coaxes him to agree.

"Okay, okay, come back tomorrow. Uncle, you can go and ask, but there are so many customers, so we can't cause trouble to Miss Song. If there is really no place, the food in her other stores is also delicious. We can take turns to eat later."

When they heard that there were other delicious food, the kids were not only thinking about barbecue.

They all cheered.

Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu also laughed, "Look at these children."

Mr. Lu said it didn’t matter, he just liked the excitement, and he was happy when his family came to celebrate the New Year with him!

He even felt grateful that Song Yue provided him with such a good place to entertain his family.

In fact, it's not just Mr. Lu, but also other wealthy households. The skills of the cooks at home are uneven, and the taste may not necessarily suit the taste of the guests. The weather is cold in winter and the food tends to get cold. It is really a headache to entertain guests.

As a result, Song Yue has opened so many shops, especially hot pot restaurants and barbecue restaurants, which are particularly suitable for entertaining guests and really solve a big problem for everyone.

Relatives and friends ate happily, and even the host who invited the guests felt happy.

Therefore, Song Yue's reputation became more and more famous.

There is a place for everyone from wealthy households to other ordinary people.

Kill directly.

Rich people eat expensive food when they have money, and ordinary people can also eat cheap food.

Ordinary people are very happy to have relatives and friends over to have a meal of pasta, a meal of mutton soup, or a meal of fried food.

Although the price is a little expensive, it is still affordable, especially for children. A bowl of sweet soup for just a few cents per person is enough to satisfy them and make them scream with joy.

Song Yue also launched free red bean soup in fast food before the Chinese New Year.

It's like doing charity.

As long as you spend one piece of rice, you will get a bowl of sweet soup as a gift. This is the rule. If you see someone with extra children, you will also get a small bowl as a gift.

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