Ma and Zhuang have a slightly better relationship, but they don't listen to the advice, "Hey, what can happen to these two worthless girls? They don't have legs yet? No matter how stupid they are, they will attack any beast at home. Are you running away?"

Mr. Zhuang was too lazy to say anything.

Zhou looked at the two sisters-in-law and had nothing to say. Sometimes she looked down on Zhuang's hypocrisy, because most of her concern was verbal.

Who doesn’t know how to be nice and obedient?

In fact, there's nothing that can help, it's just a mouth that can talk.

She really came across the interests of her third wife.

Guaranteed she is also silent.

Very hypocritical.

Mrs. Zhou hung up her clothes to dry and was about to leave. Life was hard in this family, but luckily she had the eldest daughter and four sons at home. It was better than having two or three bedrooms.

She is very tough.

Before I left, I happened to see the second bedroom's youngest son, Song Xin'er, coming back.

Ma was overjoyed and quickly called her youngest son to eat stewed eggs.

Zhou rolled her eyes when she heard this.

Mrs. Ma drove her youngest son to eat eggs, and then she took Mrs. Zhuang and murmured, asking her if she knew that Song Yue had brought back a load of things.

Could Mr. Zhuang know?

She didn't look very good either. She never thought that this crazy girl Song Yue would be like this.

Ma was really unconvinced, "What are the names of her two servants, Ma Si Ma Wu? Aren't they trying to quarrel with me? I also heard that the two guards even mentioned that there were three personal servants under Yue Yatou. There are maids serving her, named Dingxiang, Zilian, and Caidie!"

Her expression was particularly sinister when she said this.

Sure enough, Mrs. Zhuang's face turned dark when she heard this, because her daughter's name was Cai Die.

Although the slave has no last name.

It's all taken casually.

But if the surname is Guan, Song Yue's maid will naturally also be named Song. Wouldn't it be a name collision with his own daughter?

Zhuang's face suddenly turned ugly.

Ma was still fuming, "I see, this crazy girl is not unintentional. Look, she bumps into one famous person and another famous person."

I'm afraid there is no deep meaning.

It happened that Song Caidi and Song Xixi came back happily, holding baskets of mountain products in their hands. The two children had grown a lot taller, and they looked like mud monkeys.

When Ma saw the two of them, she said meanly: "Hey! Cai Die? Did you know that your sister Yue has been given gifts? Didn't she have a good relationship with you two before? Do you think she has any love for you two? Share?"

Song Caidi and Song Xixi didn't want to deal with this second uncle who was always making trouble.

Seeing that the brothers and sisters ignored her, Ma became even more excited, "I heard that your cousin's maid is also named Cai Die! It's exactly the same as your name!"

She smiled so cheekily.

Mr. Zhuang frowned and asked Mr. Ma to shut up a little angrily, "Will you die if you don't say a few words?"

As a result, the two children didn't buy it.

Song Xixi was a little confused, but Song Caidi was pleasantly surprised: "Real or fake? Is there such a fate? Then I would like to meet my sister who has the same name as me if I have a chance! Sister Yue is so awesome that she even bought a maid. ah?"

Not to mention Madam Ma being stunned, Madam Zhuang also didn't expect her daughter to react like this.

Song Xiuxi came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Hey, isn't it just a name collision? Ernie is really ignorant, so she just said that in the villages near us, how many are called Zhuzhu? There are also Gou Sheng, Shitou, Tiezhu, even Grandpa’s land has the same name, what’s so surprising about this?”

Song Caidi also nodded, "So what if the names are the same? We are different people."

Madam Ma gritted her teeth and said, "She is a maid! Your cousin named the maid after you!"

Song Caidi said confidently: "It doesn't matter even if she really named it. I just think my name is nice. Sister Yue named her after me because she missed me! If she is thinking about me, I will be happy. !" Song Xiuxi immediately asked: "Have you ever heard of Ernie that there is a servant named Xixi next to my cousin? If there is, then I would be extremely honored!"

In their young eyes, Song Yue has reached her current status step by step. Everyone in the village has avoided her, and now everyone is fawning and fearing her. Everyone in the town praises their cousin and follows her. Make good friends.

Now it is said that the stall set up in Wucheng is also doing booming business.

The two younger ones admire their cousin very much.

I feel that Song Yue is just the kind of strange woman in the storybook! so amazing!

The two brats are the first-class fans of girls and boys.

When meeting people, he always praises his cousin for being awesome.

Ma's attempt to sow discord with the two of them would not work at all.


Both children have learned knowledge from their father and have their own ideas.

Song Caidi also said, "Is it possible that the second uncle looks down on the slaves? My father once said that many slaves became slaves because their families could not afford to eat and were sold during the famine years. How pitiful these people are. Huh? If the world is not bad or something happened, they must be ordinary people."

Song Xiuxi had to praise his sister for what she said! "That's it!"

The two children didn't talk to the second uncle for more than a few words, then turned around and ran away with the mountain goods.

Mrs. Zhuang was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and she was a little ashamed. As a mother, she really did mind it, but in the end, she couldn't see it clearly as her daughter.

Ma was also speechless.

This is why she has a good relationship with Mr. Zhuang, but secretly she doesn't like her younger son playing with these two children, because she's afraid of being led astray! !

Song Xixi and Song Caidi emptied the mountain goods and hurried back to pick them for a while.

I happened to catch Song Zhaodi bringing delicious food to her two sisters and cooking a small stove for them.

Song Laidi and Song Zidi were frightened.

Song Xixi and Song Caidi quickly told them not to be afraid, "If we don't tell the second uncle, cousin, why don't you come in when you come back?"

He asked this subconsciously, but Song Xixi felt embarrassed after he asked it.

There is such a mother on the stall.

It's also the misfortune of these sisters.

Song Zhaodi smiled tenderly and said, "I'll go in for a walk later and then come out."

She is living a good life after getting married, so she occasionally comes back to bring some delicious food to her two sisters.

Looking at their eldest cousin, the brothers and sisters from the third room can recall the abilities of their cousin Song Yue. At that time, the whole family had no choice but to take action against the Huang family, and it was Song Yue who took action.

Look how happy the eldest cousin is now?

Such a sister would not maliciously use the names of her younger siblings to manipulate her slaves.

It's probably just a name collision.

Song Caidi really didn't care about this. She asked with a smile: "I heard that Sister Zhaodi also opened a small shop in the town? Is the business good?"

Song Zhaodi smiled and said: "Sister, the news is good. It's like this. The business is still going, and we can make ends meet. There are some snacks here. Can you two brothers and sisters eat some too?"

Song Xixi and Song Caidi were not short of food, so they smiled and said: "No, no, let's give it to the two sisters. We are both in a hurry to pick up mountain products!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

After the two cubs finished speaking, they jumped and ran towards the foot of the mountain.

Song Zhaodi was quite envious of the third-bedroom family. At least their parents treated their children sincerely.

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