The wealth of the Xu family is only two or three points lower than that of the palace.

Just touching the tablecloth under the tea cup makes people feel that it is worth a lot of money. It is probably enough to cover the expenses of an ordinary person for a year.

Miss Xu was sitting at the top, looking so weak and pitiful that people couldn't help but feel pity for her.

The tea was served, and everyone could only say the same scene words.

Zhan Yuan followed Gou Yue, never interested in these polite scenes, and soon her eyes were attracted by the tea leaves flying up and down in the tea cup.

Miss Xu is still ill, doesn't talk much, and looks unusually peaceful.

However, her maid had a bad temper. After hearing a round of polite words, she could no longer control herself and said to everyone at the table: "How sure are you that you can cure my young lady?"

When she asked this question, Gong Bucheng looked at Li Xianchen with a guilty conscience.

Li Xianchen let these several people look at him, but he felt quite good. He still sat there calmly and calmly picked up the tea cup and took a sip, but he still didn't say how sure he was.

Two cups of tea have exhausted Miss Xu's energy, and she needs to rest in bed for a while.

After everyone left, they returned to their rooms.

The Xu family villa is extremely luxurious, but it makes people feel a little depressed after staying there for a long time.

Zhan Yuan has never liked this feeling. This feeling is like the strange white peacock she just saw. The strangeness is not what she wants, but she has to be imprisoned in this yard for the rest of her life.

She patted her chest, okay, okay, she could go back to the royal court soon. There was no such square yard there anymore, only the vast green fields and wind-blown grass with cattle and sheep. Comfortable.

Regardless of the number of people in a group, the only ones that can really be effective are Li Xianchen and Gou Yue.

In the room next to Zhan Yuan, Gou Yue didn't have time to be as emotional as Zhan Yuan and was filled with emotion.

While it was still early, she planned to go to the Guilin Forest to have a try.

According to Li Xianchen, this mechanism forest is extraordinary. After experiencing a fire, many mechanisms inside will change.

There are many rare and exotic plants inside, and I'm afraid it's all the work of the forest.

The agency forest is not far away, in a slightly remote part of Xu Garden.

Looking from a distance, this forest is no different from an ordinary forest, except that there are some more strange trees.

Gou Yue carefully used her feet to maneuver, and only dared to move where she could step firmly on.

Kankan walked out twenty steps, and Gou Yue's ears sensitively caught the click of a spring.

not good!

Gou Yue stood on his right foot and did not dare to move it easily.

While he was struggling, a familiar male voice came from behind.

Gou Yue didn't dare to look back, but she could tell who it was just by listening to the voice.

Li Xianchen said calmly from behind: "You! You refused to listen even if I didn't let you do it yourself. It's better now."

After saying that, he shrugged and made an expression that made Gou Yue want to punch him.

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Are you talking to the only companion in the woods who can help you?"

"Of course, there is no other person in this forest. It's not you or anyone else."

Li Xianchen smiled, wondering why her temper and temperament had not changed at all after such a long time.

He stepped forward and put his arms around Gou Yue's waist, but she put her palms against her waist. With a strong force in her palms, she probably couldn't take his waist. Li Xianchen said, "If you want to destroy me, this is not the time."

With a push of force from their feet, the two instantly jumped into the air.

Li Xianchen hugged Gou Yue and asked when he landed. Looking back at the place where Gou Yue was standing, clusters of arrows flew over, hitting the place where Gou Yue was standing like a hedgehog.

"This forest looks unusual, but it's actually very big inside. Are you really afraid that you won't be able to get out if you just come here?"

Gou Yue was very disdainful of his statement. She knew how much she was capable of, "You came early. Even if you don't come, I can still get away."

Li Xianchen didn't say anything. He stood in front of Gou Yue and carefully explored the path. He couldn't focus on anything else to answer Gou Yue's words.

Li Xianchen relied on his previous memories to roughly draw a possible safe path.

"Don't tell me, you really had some time and you found your way out of nowhere."

"Thank you."

"no need thank me?"

Gou Yue didn't say anything, but at least he helped him.

Even with the help of a map, this road is not easy to walk.

There are no roads in the forest, and all kinds of strange vegetation grow wantonly here.

The taller tree crowns are all intertwined and dense, making it difficult for sunlight to penetrate.

The lower shrubs were also entangled with each other, blocking the way of the two people.

The trouble was not only that the shrubs were blocking the road, but the two men had to cut off the branches bit by bit. What was even worse was that the thorns or leaves of some trees were poisonous.

A slight touch can cause redness, swelling and ulceration, or life-threatening injuries.

Fortunately, Li Xianchen showed up in time, otherwise she wouldn't be able to recognize all the plants and trees with Gou Yue, no matter how powerful she was in Qinggong.

"What are you doing? Will these have any effect on Miss Xu's poison?"

Gou Yue saw that every time Li Xianchen encountered an unknown herb, he would carefully break one off and put it in the baggage he was carrying.

Obviously when he came in, this guy only said he was looking for peony and phoenix feet, but he didn't say he would use whatever was available in the forest.

He lowered his head to identify it, "It's useless now, just take some later in case someone needs it."

"Isn't it theft if you take it without asking?"

Li Xianchen stopped and stammered, "Doctors put saving people first and don't care about other things."

The further you go inside, the less the sun shines in. Looking up to the sky gives people the illusion of climbing on the roof to watch the stars at night.

"Peony and Phoenix feet grow in the dark. The darker it gets, the closer we are to it."

There is a river right now, and it looks very deep, so I'm afraid I won't be able to cross it.

Li Xianchen took off his shirt and prepared to jump into the river and swim across.

"You know how to swim?" Gou Yue joked.

"you will not?"

"I can do it a little bit, but I don't hold my breath for long."

"Okay, you wait for me here, I'll go over and check the situation."

Li Xianchen stretched out his feet to test the water temperature and enter the water. Gou Yue pushed him aside and said, "Wait a minute!"

Li Xianchen was startled by Gou Yue's sudden push. He fell on the spot and looked at Gou Yue suspiciously, not knowing what was going on.

Gou Yue picked up a small stone on the ground and threw it into the river.

The stone did not sink to the bottom as expected, but instead floated on the water and bubbled.

After a while, the small stone stopped bubbling. In the dim light above their heads, the two people were horrified to find that the stone had disappeared without a trace.

Li Xianchen was just on the verge of life and death, but he still hadn't regained his composure. He hugged his feet and repeatedly checked whether they had been touched by water.

"How do you know this river can turn bones?"

Gou Yue sat close to Li Xianchen. There were not many safe places in the forest, and the roads that had been traveled on were much safer.

"There isn't even grass growing by the river. Isn't it strange? We just walked all the way, and the grass at our feet almost made us trip over. Shouldn't the vegetation be more lush near the water source?"

Li Xianchen had entered the Mechanism Forest many years ago. In his impression, the terror of the Mechanism Forest lay in the mechanisms everywhere.Along the way, he carefully avoided possible places, but unexpectedly he almost fell into a river.

The river is very wide. Rather than blocking their way, it is better to say that it surrounds their destination.

This river surrounds a small island in the middle!

No matter how powerful the two of them were, there was only one way to move forward, and that was to cross the river.

At this moment, it was obviously not a good time to cross the river and move on.

On the one hand, the two of them had been in high tension in the woods for such a long time, and they were both exhausted. In addition, due to the shock, their minds, which had always been able to deal with trouble calmly, were broken.

On the other hand, looking out from the gap in the canopy, it must be getting dark.Once it gets completely dark, the forest will become even darker, and it will be much more difficult to return the same way.

As soon as the two of them joined forces, they immediately exited the forest and waited for the right time to come back in.

The way back was easier than when they came. The two of them got out of the trap forest smoothly by relying on the marks they left when they came in.

As soon as he came out of the machine forest, Gou Yue raised his head and said, "It will be dark so soon."

"We've been in there for three hours, so it shouldn't have gotten dark."

After staying tied up in the forest for three hours, both of them felt a little sore and prepared to go back to the room to rest.

"Don't you think something is a little strange?" Gou Yue said.

"You mean there are no lights here?"

"Yes, this Xujia Villa looks magnificent in the daytime, comparable to a palace. Even the servants are dressed in gold and silver, and they are neater than the ladies of some families. Why do they have to save so much money on lamp oil?"

What Gou Yue said was also what Li Xianchen thought. The further they walked inside, the stranger they felt.

In such a large villa, only the owner's residence is lit with various lanterns, making the stones on the road stand out.

Except for a few important places, other courtyards were swallowed up in darkness.

Fortunately, the courtyard where Gou Yue and the others lived was quite bright, so they couldn't follow Zhan Yuan around the garden without delaying the palace.

Gong Bucheng followed Zhan Yuan and pulled him all over the world, while Zhan Yuan responded word by word.

Anyone can see that two people are interesting, especially Gong Buqing.

Gou Yue never wanted to get involved in the matter of marriage between men and women, and of course she couldn't figure it out either.

It took her many years to figure out her own emotions. It took her more than ten years to understand that a man who had been protecting her did not love her, and it took her more than ten years to understand that the man who hated her actually truly loved her. She wasn't sure of a single word herself, let alone commenting on someone else's.

With sharp eyes, Zhan Yuan immediately spotted Gou Yue who was about to sneak back into the room.

Zhan Yuan came up and said, "Auntie, where have you been?"

Gou Yue didn't want to say much, so she casually said that she would go out and walk around.

Zhan Yuan casually took Gou Yue's arm and whispered in her ear, "Auntie, I want to sleep with you tonight."


Gou Yue didn't believe her ears. Why was Zhan Yuan still sleeping with her when she was so big?
Zhan Yuan didn't care, grabbed Gou Yue's arm and went to the room, leaving Gong Bucheng standing there staring alone.

Although it was dark, it was still far from bedtime.

Zhan Yuan lay in the moon and chatted with the moon to pass the long night.


Gou Yue didn't respond to Zhan Yuan's words for a while, and Zhan Yuan didn't respond when he called her a little louder.

She propped herself up with her arms and found that Gou Yue had fallen asleep.

After all, Zhan Yuan is younger and has much more energy than Gou Yue.

She lay quietly on the bed and didn't know how long it took before she fell asleep.

The night is deep and the sky is filled with stars. In dreams, people can always forget most of their worries.

In the early morning, what woke Gou Yue up was not the restless kite beside her, but the chirping of insects outside the window.

These days, Gou Yue can clearly feel that she is getting slower and slower, but she was unwilling to admit it most of the time before.

In the years when I followed Wen Yuanzhi, I didn't sleep as deeply as now. I would wake up at the slightest movement, but when I woke up, I would feel energetic and not as groggy as now.

In order not to wake up Zhan Yuan, Gou Yue lay motionless on the bed, but her mind was thinking rapidly about what happened in the forest.

The girl slept very well with the kite on, and she didn't stretch out until the sun was shining on her buttocks.

Gou Yue turned around and supported her head on her arms, looking at her quietly.

It was the same when she was young. In the small house in Liangzhu, she always didn't get up until lunch time.

Zhan Yuan's head rested on Gou Yue's body, "Auntie, do you feel like someone is staring at us?"

Gou Yue stretched out her hand to cover Zhan Yuan's mouth, shook her head slightly, and said loudly, "You girl must be in a sleepy state. No one is watching us."

Outside the window, a figure nimbly dodged away.

Waiting until the people outside the window had gone away, Gou Yue let go of the hand covering Zhan Yuan.


"I know."

In other people's territory, everything should not be explained clearly, as long as everyone knows the meaning.

The two of them were lying flat on their backs, and Gou Yue suddenly remembered the river in the forest yesterday.

Neither she nor Li Xianchen had a clue, maybe Zhanyuan would know something.

She is not some inexperienced little girl, she is a woman just like herself.

"Zhan Yuan, you must have been to many places over the years."

"Yeah, why are you here, aunt?"

"Have you ever seen anything that can turn bones?"

Zhan Yuan looked thoughtful and fell into deep thought.

"Auntie, where did you see it?"

", on the way to find medicine for Miss Xu."

"Auntie, I have never seen such a thing, I just heard them mention it."

"how to say?"

"In the early years, there was an elder in the south who developed a kind of witchcraft. It is said that people killed people without blood. Even the bones could not be found afterwards. Everyone was afraid of surrendering to this person. Could this be the bone transformation that my aunt said?"

"It sounds like this. Do you know how to resolve it?"

Zhan Yuan shook her head like a rattle without even thinking, "Auntie, I just heard him mention it when I was chatting with Gong Bucheng. Besides, the elder he mentioned has been dead for more than 100 years. Even if there really is someone in the world, These things have probably disappeared long ago.”

"That's right, but you always have to give it a try."

After breakfast, Gou Yue called Li Xianchen to the pavilion.

The pavilion is spacious and can be seen clearly in all directions.

Discussing things here is actually much safer than in the room.

Gou Yue didn't hesitate and told Li Xianchen directly what Zhan Yuan told her.

After some analysis, both of them felt that this rumor did not come out of thin air and must have some basis.

(End of this chapter)

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