Waste phase tracking handwriting

Chapter 123 The change of the court

Chapter 123 The change of the court
The huge silver plate of Chishui City seemed to be within reach, and the bright moonlight made the gravel on the ground clearly visible.

Gou Yue repeatedly practiced the old beggar's moves in the backyard.

His moves must not come from the martial arts of the Central Plains.

Every opening and closing is full of boldness from the wasteland and desert.

But what makes Gou Yue feel strange is that his palm wind has an inexplicable softness that seems to be there but not at all.

Hardness and softness go hand in hand. The hardness makes up for the softness of the softness, and the softness makes up for the recklessness of the hardness.

He is indeed a rare master in the world!
Gou Yue secretly marveled.


It sounded like a sharp knife cutting through the forest.

Gou Yue stepped on his left foot and used the force to spin his upper body into the air.

During the turn, a three-sided dart tied with red silk was already in her hand.

Ordinary hall?
Three-edged darts are common, but red silk tied at the back is uncommon.

Gou Yue recognized that the Hongxia Yun brocade was made by the master's wife.


"Senior sister is indeed very skilled." Tai Yao'er, dressed in black and wearing a veil, sneered, clapped his hands and walked out of the corner.

"Yao'er?" Gou Yue called out softly.

The man in black standing in front of her didn't look as innocent as before.

Her little sister has lost her tenderness, and is now as mature as she was then, watered by blood.

Tai Yao'er didn't respond, and the two sisters just stood quietly under the moonlight.

The intimacy of the past has turned into the unfamiliarity of the present.

Neither of them understood how it had developed to this point.

From Yao'er's point of view, Gou Yue is a member of the ordinary hall, and the ordinary family members of the ordinary hall were killed by Mo Du. This is a mortal hatred.Gou Yue prevented herself from allying with the Ruozhi people and rebelled against Chu and Yan, which was an act of disloyalty and injustice.

In Gou Yue's view, no matter what grudges he had with Mo Du, he could not deny that Mo Du was a good emperor. At least now, Mo Du becoming emperor was the best choice for the people of Chu.Alliance Ruozhi, choosing a successor from the Houyan royal family is not a good choice.

Firstly, when the Yan region was in danger, the Nanyan royal family fled regardless of the people and had lost the support of the people; secondly, how could a puppet emperor from the Ruozhi royal court benefit the people of the Chu region.

"Senior sister, do you really want to be my enemy and the ordinary hall?"

Tai Yaoer has experienced a lot, and even his voice is full of vicissitudes of life.

"Yao'er, what you are doing will only push the people of Yan into trouble again, stop it."

After all, they were junior sisters who grew up together. Gou Yue didn't want to see Yao Er commit to King Ruozhi, who was older than her master, blinded by hatred and driven by hatred all her life.

"shut up!"

Tai Yaoer suddenly became excited.

"That's right, senior sister. You have Chu people's blood. Is there any difference between the Chu people's emperor and the Yan people's emperor?"

Her bitter laughter echoed in the dark night, making Gou Yue feel that the junior sister in front of her was as terrifying as a monster.

"If you want to be a Chu person, then be a Chu person. If you want to be a Yan person, then be a Yan person. I don't want to because I am a Yan person. How can the Yan people be enslaved by the Chu people..."

"Yao'er," Gou Yue interrupted her, "Yao'er, you are too young. The people's aspirations have never been based on blood. What the people want is to be safe and live in peace and contentment, not to rule the world under one family."

"The results of the Chu people's governance over the past few years are obvious to all. Many tenant farmers in the Yan area have land to live on because of the Chu people's new laws. In areas where the population is densely populated, Chu Yan must have intermarried. Believe me, in a few years, Chu Yan will There will be no distinction between them.”

"Senior sister, that's enough. I, the Great Yan Taishi, will never be a minister of Chu in this life! We don't agree with each other. I hope that when we meet in the future, we won't show mercy."

After saying that, Tai Yaoer climbed over the wall and came out.

The clatter of horse hooves reminded Gou Yue that Tai Yao'er had really been here.

The moon is at the middle of the sky, and the lanterns are starting to go up.

Liangzhu, Han Mansion.

A little maid with a double-snail bun took advantage of the darkness and stumbled around from the backyard to the second door.

He looked around and hid behind the second door for a while.

"Hey, here it is."

A man lowered his voice and pushed the little maid's head back behind the door.

The man didn't want to talk nonsense with the little maid, "Where is the news that the queen wants?"

The little maid was also quick and fumbled in her narrow sleeves and took out a small note.

The man took the piece of paper without anything written on it and rubbed it in the dark.

After confirming that there was no problem, he gave the little maid a piece of silver and said, "Don't worry, I won't lose anything to you if I do something for you."

He put the note away, turned over quickly, and disappeared into the night.

In the crypt, Han Cheng has not yet taken off his hairpin and put on his pajamas.

She was waiting for a piece of news, a piece of news that would determine whether she could securely sit on the throne of queen, and that would affect her future.

"Mother, my subordinate is back."

A man in black knelt on one knee and looked at Han Cheng.

His name is Ling Feng, and he is the dead assistant that Han Cheng has trained in the palace for many years.

She has gained nothing from living in the harem for so many years.

At least I understand that love and family are all illusory, and only you can truly choose yourself unconditionally.Since they all think she is just a beautiful vase, her vase must be placed at the highest place.

Han Cheng took the note from Ling Feng's hand.

The note was not big and had no words. It was slightly wrinkled, as if it had been soaked in water.

Han Cheng skillfully moved the oil lamp on the candlestick to the table.

As the note is heated, the words written in white vinegar gradually turn brown.

"The master is seriously ill and there is no cure for him."

Han Cheng's thin lips opened slightly, and a satisfied and contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I was really deceived into thinking that the charlatan really had a way to bring the dead back to life."

"Mother, what should we do?"

Ling Feng didn't see what was written on the note, but judging from Han Cheng's reaction, he had already guessed it.

"Ha", Han Cheng chuckled, "What should I do? I have been a chess piece for such a long time, can't I just be the person who holds the chess pieces for once?"

Han Cheng knew that the glory of the Han family had always been maintained by his father alone. He was too powerful, which would have been a good thing when he was young, but now that the family is slowly growing, his power has made the younger generations afraid, and no one dares to surpass him. In his position, everyone in the Han family, whether right or wrong, good or evil, all regard him as the truth.

"Do you know of any way to make a flower bloom longer?"

He shook his head, "My subordinate is stupid, do you want to add more fertilizer?"

"No?" She cut off the lantern flowers and said softly, "Just cut off the biggest one."

Now that his father is seriously ill, no one in the Han family can truly make the Han family stand upright.

If there is one person excepted, it is myself, the queen.

Although the queen's status cannot be compared with actual military exploits, it is still a unique sight for the entire court.

It can be said that he and the Han family both prospered and suffered losses.

The entire Han family will fully support him, and the Han family will once again become his reliance.But before that, she had to get rid of one person - her sister Hanfu.

In a big family, not all brothers and sisters have the same mother.

They have been raised in different yards since they were young, so their relationship is naturally very poor.

The same is true for Han Cheng and Han Fu.

If Han Fu hadn't seen her again in the palace, Han Cheng would have forgotten her appearance.

At dawn, Han Cheng took his personal maid and went straight to Hanfu's harem.

"It's my sister."

Han Fu looked at the bronze mirror without even raising his eyelids.She relied on the fact that she had His Majesty's favorite little princess, so she no longer paid attention to her as a queen.

When Han Fu first entered the palace, he knew that he was here to replace Han Cheng.

In recent years, relying on family favoritism, she has been even more arrogant towards Han Cheng, as if she was already a queen.

With a look from Han Cheng, the girl next to him put the gilt tray on Hanfu's dressing table in tacit agreement.

"Drink it." Han Cheng ordered coldly.

"What?" Han Fu frowned slightly, "How do I know if you will poison this place?"

Hanfu never looked down upon his so-called sister.

"You have been fighting with me over the years, and you have some brains, but you won't be able to use them in the future."

Han Cheng still stood there with his chest raised and laughed loudly, "It's poisonous. I want you to drink it. If you don't drink it, I will find a way to make you drink it."

One of the two old ladies in the palace tied one of Han Fu's arms, while the other held Han Fu's mouth, picked up the dark liquid on the table and poured it into her mouth.

"You...how dare you! Wuwu...ahem..."

Poor Hanfu was fed Xuewudan while he was still sleepy early in the morning.

After coming back to his senses, Hanfu put his slender fingers into his throat, trying to spit out what he had just swallowed.

"You...what did you give me to drink?" Hanfu held her stomach, as if the pain there was about to tear her from the middle.

Han Cheng fiercely took off Han Fu's hand holding his calf, "Okay, stop pretending."

"What are you saying? You are also my sister. I will not let you suffer so much before you leave. This is what I found specially for you. You will not suffer much pain and your face will be peaceful after death. , as if falling asleep.”

Hanfu refused to give up and said, "Chan'er, Chan'er, go and teach the imperial doctor."

The girl named Chan'er ran away.

Han Cheng smiled contemptuously, "Don't waste your efforts. I already told you that I found it specially for you. The medical doctor cannot diagnose this, and will only say that you died of fear."

"A Yuan, why do those pigeons come to you every day?" Gou Yue was lying by the window, and a white homing pigeon flew in from the window and landed on Wen Yuanzhi's shoulder.

Wen Yuanzhi reached out and gently moved the carrier pigeon into his palm, "Of course it has something important to tell me."

"Is there something important?"

"A letter came from Liangzhu, saying that General Han is seriously ill." After Wen Yuanzhi read the note, he casually placed it under the candlelight.

"You want to go back now?"

"Yes, we should go back to Liangzhu." Wen Yuanzhi didn't see any change on his face.

One wave came after another, and it hadn't been long before Silent Poison unified the Central Plains.

Farming and mulberry farming have not yet been fully restored, and some areas where Yan people live in the south have not yet been effectively managed.

Some foolish and loyal Yan people want to rebel against Chu and restore Yan.

The Ruozhi people outside also want to get involved and get a share of the pie.

Now, General Han is seriously ill again.

General Han is an important chess piece in keeping the imperial court in check.

After packing her bags, Gou Yue sat in a daze.

She actually doesn't like Liangzhu.

I don’t like the palace even more.

The time she spent in the palace made her feel extremely depressed.

It felt like the eagle on the grassland was locked in a cage.

Gou Yue looked back at Wen Yuanzhi. He was sitting motionless at the table, probably thinking about how to break the situation.

I don't know if he is tired or not, but his frail body is working so hard every day.

What he wants is peace in all corners of the world. When will it come true?
Gou Yue stopped what she was doing, moved slightly behind Wen Yuanzhi and hugged his waist.

Even though the willow trees in Chishui City have sprouted, his body is still so cold.

"Ayuan, are you tired?"

Gou Yue rested her head on Wen Yuanzhi's shoulder.

Wen Yuanzhi rubbed his hands and felt some warmth before grabbing Gou Yue's hand. "I'm not tired. I've gotten used to it over the years."

"Ayuan, when were you happiest?"

He thought for a while, "You followed me for those years."

She didn't expect this answer, "Why?"

"Away from the court, it's just you and me. I seem to have forgotten who I am and the burden on my shoulders. You appear in front of me and try hard to seduce me. I look at your strange and funny look every night. I couldn’t sleep laughing.”

Gou Yue pinched his ears and said, "Okay, it turns out you were laughing at my joke."

"Actually, I thought at first, it would be better if I died within those years."

The atmosphere suddenly became depressing, "If I had died at that time, I wouldn't have done so many annoying things to you now, and you wouldn't have thought I was gloomy and scary."

Gou Yue was stunned for a moment, "I have never felt that way about you. I know in my heart that you are thinking about the overall situation. Every step you take is not made by you, but for the people of the Central Plains. You are worried that a wrong move will cause trouble. The war has made the border uneasy. I'm not that stupid, I know, I know everything. Just like although I can't forgive Mo Du, I can understand the things he did. He was unwilling to give up the throne. Under the Han family, he wanted to save me. Compared with the two, his throne was more important, so he abandoned me. He was cruel to me, but kind to the people. To me, he was an unjust person. , but to the people of Yanchu, he took advantage of the aristocratic family and poured it into the common people. He is a king of righteousness."

Wen Yuanzhi didn't expect her to be so thorough, "If he were here and heard what you said, he might shed tears immediately."

"I do not believe."

"Modu wants your recognition more than me. When the four of us were on the way to escape, we met a shaman. Do you remember?"

"Remember, at that time you deliberately asked the shaman if you could be a general in the future. The shaman said that if you were a prime minister, you would be famous throughout the world, but if you led troops in war, you would probably have a narrow escape. You also asked the shaman to see Look at me, say, look at this girl? After the shaman read it, he said that I am the prime minister and can assist the king in conquering all directions. He said that between the two of us, one can calm down internal troubles and the other can deal with external troubles, the king will surely be able to sit in the court. "

He smiled, "You remember it clearly."

"That shaman is quite amazing. Han Cheng asked her if she could marry you and have a son and a daughter. The shaman said, you two are not destined to be husband and wife. This made Han Cheng so angry that he almost took the shaman away. The horse kicked and became angry." Gou Yue said.

"Ayuan, you said you would resign when there is peace in the future. I know a good place. It is not as cold as Liangzhu and is warm all year round. Then we will build a thatched house there, just the two of us. Is it good?"

He wanted to say yes, but a sad thought in his heart stopped him. Can he survive until then?

Wen Yuanzhi said nothing, and neither did Gou Yue.

The moment of silence is the longest suffering in this world.

Wen Yuanzhi didn't know how to tell Gou Yue that he might not be able to wait until that time, and Gou Yue didn't want him to know that he already knew the truth.

The coachman has been waiting at the door for a long time.

"Ayuan, we are setting off."

(End of this chapter)

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