Waste phase tracking handwriting

Chapter 115 Ruozhi Palace

Chapter 115 Ruozhi Palace
The banquet started at night. After two fireworks, people were shouting and applauding.

They used false identities, and Wen Yuanzhi and Ji Pu's disguises were not recognized by anyone. When they arrived outside Longcheng, Wen Yuanzhi was a little worried about Gou Yue's face.

Gou Yue felt that her face had changed once, and no one would be able to recognize her. Moreover, it had been more than ten years since she was trapped in Ruozhilong City. Even those who had seen her appearance back then were just I recognize her appearance as a teenager, not to mention that she has grown up now.

In addition, Wen Yuanzhi tried to change her appearance midway, so she insisted that no Ruozhi person would be able to recognize her.

The person who came out to greet the three of them was a thin Ruozhi man with green eyes, a bit ghostly in the night. Behind him were two companions who were greeting the guests. One of them came up to say hello when he saw Wen Yuan.

"Master Tufail, why did you arrive? Is there something wrong with the carriage?"

Wen Yuanzhi smiled and said, "Fortunately, the king is concerned about me and asked me to come to participate in today's martial arts competition. I have prepared some small gifts on the way to present to the king."

The man with green eyes immediately took over and said, "Is it Lord Tufar? I'm Tiegni, I heard that Lord has been doing business in the past few years and has found a lot of information in the Central Plains that Ruozhi's spies couldn't find. I wonder what Wakhan is like? "

Wen Yuanzhi sighed, "He died in the martial arts disputes in the Central Plains, and his body has been buried by the Yan people."

After hearing this, Tierne's eyes darkened and she didn't speak for a long time.

The companion behind him pushed him, but he turned and walked away without saying a word.

"Sir, don't blame him. Wakhan is his youngest brother. Tufail lost a sister just last month. I think he is feeling sad at this time."

Wen Yuanzhi said very understandingly, "It doesn't matter."

After a few people walked away, Gou Yue asked, "Who was the Wahan you were talking about just now?"

Ji Pu had never heard of this person, so he put his ear close to it.

"We caused trouble in the Golden Chamber, do you remember? A person died in Wanshou Hall at that time."

"Third Hall Master?"


"Oh, it's him." Gou Yue immediately understood. It turned out that Modu had long known that there was Ruozhi Ren in Wanshou Hall, and took advantage of the chaos that day to get rid of him. He was really neat and tidy in doing things.

"There are many Ruozhi people in the Central Plains, and there are also some who have served as officials in the past few years. How can you tell who is the Ruozhi person?"

Wen Yuan said, "Where did I get so much time to look for them one by one? I will leave these to the Twelve Guards. The emperor himself knows what to do."

The two of them were asking and answering questions. Ji Pu was interrupted when he was about to say something. He didn't understand what happened in the Golden Chamber at that time. When he saw Wen Yuanzhi and Gou Yue whispering, he slowed down and followed behind. Then follow eagerly.

At that moment, they were taken into a palace in the Ruozhi Palace. The three connected palaces here, except for one main hall, the other two were already occupied by many masters from the Central Plains and Ruozhi. Before the banquet, it was already noisy like a vegetable market.

The banquet has not yet been seated, and these people are still waiting in the hall.

Gou Yue was so noisy by these people from all over the country that her head hurt, and she sat alone drinking tea. Wen Yuanzhi was stopped by several people to greet him. It seemed that his fake identity did not save him any trouble. If he showed his flaws, he would be That's bad.

There are not many people ambushing Longcheng. This time, the main purpose is to interrupt the alliance. Modu has not yet thought about starting a war with the Ruozhi people, so naturally he will not have the idea of ​​​​injuring them seriously.

Gou Yue sat aside and thought to herself, wouldn't these people get together and hold a new meeting if they interrupt tonight's alliance?She looked at Wen Yuanzhi's back and figured he had a plan.

King Ruozhi was indeed hospitable and feared that these barbarians would not be able to sit still. A high platform was set up in the center of the two halls. There were singers singing loudly on the platform. I heard that after they finished singing, there were also stunning maikos dancing.

These singers sang Ruozhi songs.

The long river is like my sister’s long braid
Phalaenopsis is blooming
The sleepless sea is as bright as a mirror

Phalaenopsis is blooming
The sleepless sea is as bright as a mirror

We agreed for a lifetime
My brother forgot about it in three or two days.
We agreed for a lifetime
My brother forgot about it in three or two days.
My sister cried when she saw it

Phalaenopsis no longer blooms
Malaysia has brought back its little brother.
Amei’s heart is gone
Brothers pick up their machetes and walk away
Phalaenopsis stained with blood
My sister carries her shoes and waits for her brother to come back to Malaysia, but she can’t bring her little brother back.
Can't take it back

Gou Yue sang a few lines in a low voice, "My sister is carrying her shoes and waiting for my brother to come back every day. I can't bring my little brother back."

Ji Pu laughed when he heard this, "You're not very good at singing."

"I'm not very good at talking about Ruozhi, let alone Ruozhige." She admitted.

"My sister shed tears when she saw it, and the phalaenopsis orchid no longer bloomed." He sang.

Gou Yue supported her head and listened to him humming along with the singer in a low voice. Not to mention, Ji Pu's voice was not bad. "If you were placed in a rabbit house, you would be a pillar at least." She joked.

Ji Pu frowned when he heard this, "Stop making fun of me."

"Hey, I was joking, don't be angry." She poked his shoulder with her finger, "Why are you so petty?"

After saying that, someone behind me said, "Do you still like what the singer sang?"

When Gou Yue heard this voice, her heart was shaken and goosebumps appeared all over her body.

When he turned around, he saw that it was Prince Tongluo.

With a weird smile on his face, he walked towards Gou Yue and Ji Pu. Wen Yuanzhi caught sight of them and ended the conversation in a hurry.

"Most of the good players here today are men, but women are rare." Tongluo greeted her like a normal person.

If she had not experienced his torture methods, she would have mistakenly thought that the smiling tiger was a kind young man. However, human nature is hard to change, and the viciousness in his bones cannot be diluted by time.

Gou Yue pointed to the two women sitting together not far away, and then pointed to a woman pacing outside the door and said, "Those girls are all capable people who cannot be underestimated."

"I wonder what the girl's name is, so that I can get to know her."

Gou Yue then bowed and said, "The villain dare not offend the prince."

He gave a short laugh and said, "You know me?"

Ji Pu answered, "We have heard about the prince's style outside the palace."

Tongluo stretched out his hand towards Gouyue, "Nice to meet you, this beautiful little sister."

After hearing this, Gou Yue's brows froze and she could only stretch out her hand to hold his. In an instant, a wave of heat spread to Gou Yue's palm, and his hand was like a piece of red-hot coal. She hurriedly activated her internal energy.

The two of them fought with each other in full view of the public.

She wasn't sure that Tongluo recognized her. If he had, he might have asked people to surround her and kill her.

Tongluo stopped his hand and looked at ease, "I wonder what kind of sect this girl is from, so she has such deep internal strength?"

Gou Yue smiled and said, "I have no family or sect. I have been traveling around the world for a long time, and I have learned a lot."

Wen Yuanzhi had already walked up to them, "See Prince Tongluo."

"Who are you?" Su Er smiled, "Tufar? Hahahahaha, I haven't seen you for many years... You really haven't changed your appearance." He was about to pat him on the shoulder.

Gou Yue had blocked his hand and laughed, "If there is anything on the prince's sleeve, I will wipe it off for you."

She was really worried about unblocking the collaterals, so she smashed Wen Yuanzhi's shoulder with one palm.

(End of this chapter)

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