Soon, after tidying up, he returned to Shang and gathered up his new clothes.

But when she saw this body for the first time, she subconsciously raised her eyebrows.

If nothing else, this outfit was exactly the same as the one he wore before, which directly aroused Gui Shang's curiosity.

She was also really curious about how the other party found the exact same clothes as hers in such a short period of time.

Tsk tsk tsk, should I say it or not, this efficiency is really not very high.

After tidying himself up, Guishang leisurely followed the maid who had been waiting outside and walked towards one of the places in the Regent's Palace.


It is now approaching sunset, and there are large expanses of flaming clouds on the horizon, giving people a majestic and shocking beauty.

The undulating clouds were vying to come out as if they were possessed, and the golden light of the sun was everywhere, making the sky look particularly beautiful.

Gui Shang and the maid who led the way walked through this scenery to the place Ye Jin ordered, and soon reached their destination.

The maid retreated, and Gui Shang glanced at her lightly, then quickly averted his gaze and stepped forward step by step.

Everything is stable and very calm.

——This was Ye Jin's first feeling when he saw Gui Shang coming over.

He couldn't help but feel a little dazed. This was different from the familiar feeling when they looked at each other in the village. It seemed that something had quietly changed.

——I don’t know why, but he hasn’t dreamed much recently. The things he once dreamed about when he was a child have begun to decrease one by one, so that the memory of the small figure in the temple a long time ago has become increasingly blurred in his mind. …

The timid and naive child who used to be has changed into his current appearance. He looks weak and can be bullied, but is actually powerful and mysterious...

Gui Shang raised his eyes to look at Ye Jin with calm eyes, "You haven't finished talking about what you said before. Don't you plan to continue?"

Ye Jin was brought back to his senses by these words. He seemed to smile, but soon dropped his eyes from Gui Shang.

At that moment, his gaze was extremely profound, but it was a pity that Gui Shang did not notice it.

Ye Jin sat on the chair, with a serious expression and a serious tone, "Because of my health, I have caused Miss Shang trouble. Ye Jin is very sorry."

His eyes gradually became calmer, with a bit of rare guilt and embarrassment, "Apart from those, this can barely be regarded as an apology."

After saying that, he pushed the small box at hand over, indicating to Gui Shang that he could pick it up and take a look.

Gui Shang lowered his eyes and looked at the black box in his hand, and his fingertips couldn't help but move slightly.

She opened it from bottom to top, and soon, as the box was completely opened, the half of the jade pendant inside was revealed.

Even if there is only half of it, its preciousness is no less than that of the complete ones, and even its deeper benefits are the true heritage of this half jade pendant.

After all, this material can be said to be rare in the world. There is only one in the sky and on the earth, and it was made into two at once.

Moreover, the man who carved the jade was a very famous old man in Dayan. He passed away a few years ago, and all the objects left behind were treasures.

If the above is just the superficial meaning of this half jade pendant, the deeper meaning is about the regent.

It's even possible...

Gui Shang was stunned as she thought about it, especially since this jade pendant had other meanings. Thinking of this, she frowned, feeling a little amused and resistant in her heart.

Although she had used this thing to make up some lies when she entered the house, when this thing appeared in front of her, she knew clearly that she didn't really want it.

Perhaps because he saw Gui Shang's resistance all over his body, Ye Jin himself felt that he had expected it. He raised his chin towards her, with a hint of domineering tone that he could not refuse, "It was originally meant to repay a favor, but this time it can be regarded as 'returning the property to its original owner'."

Gui Shang's fingertips scratched the half of the jade pendant back and forth, chuckled with unknown meaning, quickly covered it, and returned it to the man.

Ye Jin frowned and looked at her with obvious disapproval, and there was inquiry in the depths of his eyes.

"Do you know what this means?"

Although this is half a jade pendant, it still has the ability to mobilize his men.

Even no matter which property it goes to, as long as it belongs to Ye Jin, he can treat it as the highest level without spending a penny.

When he gave it away, it was considered as a way to satisfy his wanton behavior in his youth, but the grace of saving his life was so great that it was not reasonable to give him half a jade pendant.

This thing was obtained in exchange for life-saving grace. It was returned to him without asking for anything. He didn't believe that the other party really didn't know what it meant.

Ye Jin suddenly remembered that when she asked someone to check on this person, she did not hesitate to use half of the jade pendant in exchange for her chance to get in. The way she pretended to be powerful and used the topic without hesitation was different from today.

——Even though she didn't actually have such a jade pendant in her hand at the time, she still did it.

Bold is not enough to describe her, why are you being polite to her now?

Gui Shang's calm gaze met the deeper exploration in the other party's eyes, and her fingertips exposed to the air curled up slightly.

Her tone was serious, without any hint of perfunctory, "I know."

Ye Jin frowned and asked in confusion: "Then why did you send him back just now?"

Gui Shang sighed, "That's why I say this because I know."

The person you should repay your kindness to has been stuck in the time and space forever a few days ago. Although Gui Shang cannot empathize with you, she will respect it.

Everyone makes their own choices, and naturally only you can understand the taste of it.

Perhaps some people have the courage to reconcile with the past and run towards a more vibrant future.

But for some people, their time is always fixed at a certain moment in the past. Even if they know that it is all fake, even if they know that it is just something they forced to stay, they will still do it.

Like a moth to the flame.

They are willing to indulge in the past and sink soberly with the people of that time.

It’s not that they didn’t have the courage to move forward, it’s just that the person who gave them courage disappeared.

— That's all.


Ye Jin looked at her deeply, knowing that the other party didn't want to say this.

In this case, he would not cling to this matter so blindly. It was her own choice and had nothing to do with him.

The man closed the box and put it in his sleeve, and took out a small note that looked very familiar to her.

Ye Jin's expression became more solemn, "These are the ones you asked someone to give to me, right? Do you know anything?"

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