Maybe it was because of the capital city. On the way back from vacation this time, Zhang Youyou saw someone wearing bell-bottom pants.

Maybe it’s because the world is different! Zhang Youyou couldn't figure it out, but she thought it was time to submit the patent matter.

She believed that anyone who traveled back to this era would do this. After all, the topic of patents in a few decades would not be mentioned, and she would be pissed off if she mentioned it.

"Yuyou, do you want to go play in the square? There is a new square built in front. The street lights are bright at night. There are many children and there are snack vendors. It is very lively."

As soon as I got home, I saw David Jiang cooling the freshly washed curtains.

When he saw Zhang Youyou coming back, he asked. He knew that girls like to be lively, so he specifically said that he had asked his colleagues before that there was an area specially set aside for roller skating that night.

"Okay, we'll go over and play after dinner."

"I made cold noodles and cooked mung bean porridge."

"This is pretty good. I haven't eaten for a long time and you said this, so I think about it."

After saying this, Zhang Youyou put the things in the room, tidied them up a little, and then went out again.

Aunt Ma and Uncle Ma were not at home, and the door was locked. Zhang Youyou was a little curious but didn't ask.

However, David Jiang came out with a large bowl of seasoned cold noodles and a bowl of mung bean porridge that was not very hot. When he saw her looking at the door opposite, he explained,

"Mrs. Ma and Uncle Hippo went to the eldest son's place. She said she wanted to introduce a date to the younger son and we wanted to meet him there."

"Oh! That's pretty good."

There is now a stone table and a few stone benches at the door of her house. It is good to enjoy the cool weather and eat here in summer, especially the grapevine planted next to the wall along the established support. The vines and leaves have already grown all over the yard. ,

After the sun turns west, the occasional gust of wind is very cool.

Zhang Youyou finished a bowl of hot and sour cold noodles without seasonings and drank a large bowl of porridge. Then she went to take a shower with satisfaction.

Jiang Dalong and Jiang Xiaolong were so busy at school that they had no time to come back. Zhang Youyou didn't worry after knowing it. Anyway, they are both robots, so there is no need to worry about safety. The others have been upgraded so much and it is not in vain.

I quickly finished the letter in the room and emphasized the consequences if some things were not patented.

I also specifically cited a few examples, such as traditional Chinese medicine, some drug registrations, some cultural heritage, traditional festivals, and various inventions. As a result, my thinking was a bit diffuse, with a hammer here and a stick here and there, and the writing was thick. An envelope was given to David Jiang and asked him to hand it over,

Because there was no address or name, it was impossible to go through formal channels. David Jiang had been asked to hand in things before, so she was not worried about this at all.

Jiang Dawei took the things and went out. Zhang Youyou changed her clothes and went out, but this time she did not walk, but rode a bicycle slowly over.

Children playing and dancing on the roadside, aunts waving fans and chatting, old men and women playing chess and watching chess, young couples walking together but far away from each other, and occasionally there is the cry of ice cream sellers.

Zhang Youyou has reached this moment of tranquility. In a few decades, the children will grow up, the people who play chess and chat will change, and the pace of life will become faster. The only thing that remains unchanged may be the things hanging on the horizon. sunset,

I thought there were not many people in the square, but I underestimated it. No matter what era, it is human nature to love liveliness.

There are marshmallow sellers, sugar painting sellers, medicine candy sellers, candy blowers, fried melon seeds, fried peanuts, ice cream sellers, and orange soda sellers.

Good guy! These vendors directly occupied a corner of the square, and it was quite lively with their shouting.

Zhang Youyou also saw children rolling hoops and throwing sandbags while playing, and was attracted by the shouts.

Zhang Youyou bought a half-pound bag of candy peanuts, wrapped it in newspaper, opened it and ate one, which tasted good. She turned around and bought two more one-pound bags, each worth 30 cents.

According to the market price, it is still a bit expensive, so not many people buy it. They usually buy it for five cents a pack, which is enough for a child to grab a handful.

I ate a few more candy peanuts, bought an ice cream, parked my bike and found a place to sit down and eat.

The ice cream is indeed delicious at this time, with a rich milk flavor and genuine products.

It was very lively to see some aunties performing yangko, and there were people playing snare drums next to them.

There were also some people gathered around singing red songs,

Zhang Youyou walked around after eating the ice cream, and didn't want to ride back home. By the time she was halfway there, it was already completely dark.

Although street lights were more common at this time, some alleys were still quite dark, and you couldn't see your fingers when you walked in.

Zhang Youyou was about to go through such a dark road, but she had already prepared a flashlight.

The light from flashlights in this era is a bit dull and not very bright, so don’t think about how far it can illuminate.

There were no pedestrians in the alley, only the sound of Zhang Youyou riding a bicycle.

I was not riding very fast. At a turning point, a big bamboo pole as thick as an arm suddenly hit my head.

Zhang Youyou sensed something was wrong and immediately braked. The moment his feet landed, he spun his body to avoid it.

Two people walked out of the darkness. One person held a large bamboo pole more than one meter long and chopped it down with his wave.

Another man followed up with a wooden stick and hit him across the waist.

Zhang Youyou quickly grabbed the bicycle and smashed it over, while taking two steps back.

The man behind was hit by the bicycle and backed away repeatedly, retreating to the wall on the other side. Only then did he stop. He knelt down on the ground because of the severe pain.

Zhang Youyou caught the other person's bamboo pole, pulled it backwards and kicked it out, directly on the person's stomach.

The man screamed, curled up on the ground in pain, and couldn't speak for a long time.

Because the flashlight was placed in the basket in front of the bicycle, and the candy peanuts he bought just now were also in it. Zhang Youyou looked around and found that there were no other accomplices.

Then he went over and helped the car up. The brown paper wrapping the peanuts was of good quality and was not damaged at all.

It's just that the flashlight was thrown and the light became dimmer.

I checked the bike and found that except for the handlebar being a little crooked, there was nothing wrong with it. I put the front wheel between my legs, pushed it hard with both hands, and it returned to its original position.

After packing up the bicycle and setting up the stand, the two people on the ground recovered from the pain.


Zhang Youyou grabbed the man in blue clothes and pulled off his sleeves. Then he pulled hard with both hands, and the sleeves became two halves.

Tie the two people's hands together and pull them up to stand up.

One of them slowed down and then begged for mercy and said:

"This lesbian is obsessed with us. How about letting us go?"

Maybe because of the pain, I kept my voice very low.

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