"Ah! You are so polite. This is ten-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. This kind of thing is not common."

David Jiang picked up the box and opened it. Inside was a black Ganoderma lucidum, which was relatively rare at this time, and it was already ten years old, so it was very good.

"Oh! I just heard from Xiaolong that you are a doctor and it is useless for me to have this thing at home, so I thought you would definitely need it, so I sent it to you."

"This is a good thing. If you sell it for money, you can sell it for a lot, at least this amount."

David Jiang didn't lie to him and directly told him the value of this thing. He stretched out his hand and made a five sign, flipping it back and forth.

Uncle Ma didn't expect it to sell for such a high price, but he was also a free and easy person. Since I gave it to him, there was nothing he could do to go back.

But I thought to myself, I still have to give this thing back to the expert before I can let it go. This is really a waste.

When he was stunned, he was pulled to the chair, and then he was stunned again. How many years has it been? He couldn't recall how long it had been since he saw such rich dishes on the table, even if it was a holiday, he still went to someone's wedding banquet.

Looking at the table covered with all kinds of meat and vegetables, I felt a little emotional for a moment. Even my usually sharp mouth seemed a bit clumsy at this time.

Jiang Dawei saw the other party's discomfort, and after a while of greetings, they started chatting briefly, especially about the recent things mentioned in the newspapers.

Uncle Ma soon started talking, and even talked about how difficult it was for him and his father to survive in the past. It was still during the war, and how worried the family was.

Xiaolong went to call Aunt Ma over. When they entered the door, they heard Uncle Ma talking. Aunt Ma quickly told her husband to shut up.

"Why are you still talking about that now? It's so sad. What's wrong with the bad times now? Stop talking about it. It's really embarrassing that you came to drink and brought me along with you. I'm going to help. Help Xiao Zhang.”

As she spoke, Aunt Ma wanted to go out to help in the kitchen. No one else stopped her. As soon as she reached the door, Zhang Youyou opened the curtain and came in. After hearing what she just said, she answered:

"There's no need for Mrs. Ma to come. I've already prepared this, which is the last soup. Let's sit down and eat it together! Otherwise it will get cold later."

After a while of pulling everyone together, they finally sat down.

"Life is really good now. This was something I would have never imagined before."

Uncle Ma still said this when he raised his wine glass,

"That's right! People have to look forward to the development of society. Maybe in two years, the food on the table will not be eaten anymore."

David Jiang raised his glass and heard what Uncle Ma said, so he followed suit and then the two of them drank it down in one gulp.

Uncle Ma and Aunt Ma laughed heartily. Aunt Ma couldn't imagine what it would be like to live like that, but the yearning in her eyes was real. After drinking, Uncle Ma laughed a few times.

"How can there be such a beautiful thing? For example, if we ordinary people can eat white flour steamed buns and hot soup every day, we will be satisfied, especially after the famine in those years, our lives are not bad now. It’s better than last year. You can also eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year, and you can also eat meat occasionally.”

"Yes, you see that the college entrance examination has been resumed now, and the talents needed for national development will soon be filled. By then, what you said will definitely come true, and it will not be too late."

"Indeed, if that's the case, it's time to celebrate, and it doesn't disappoint Xiao Zhang's busy life this afternoon. The smell is really great! I can smell it this afternoon."

Uncle Ma used chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat in the bowl, which David Jiang had picked up for him just now.

The red and attractive color is trembling on the chopsticks, and the mouthful is full of rich meat flavor, fat but not greasy, and moderately soft. Uncle Ma narrowed his eyes with satisfaction, and Aunt Ma also followed suit and took a bite. It was delicious. She temporarily lost her speech. She put down her chopsticks and grabbed Zhang Youyou's hand with one hand, and patted her hand with the other.

Zhang Youyou was eating food when someone grabbed her left hand. When she looked over, she was startled.

Aunt Ma grabbed her hand and clapped it excitedly, tears streaming down her face.

"Mother Ma, what's wrong with you? Xiaolong, go and get the towel."

Xiaolong heard this and quickly went to rub a hot towel over. Zhang Youyou took the towel and handed it to Aunt Ma.

Aunt Ma was really embarrassed. There was a blush on her sallow face. She took the towel and wiped her face. It took a while to recover, and she looked a little embarrassed.

"This old woman is really worthless. I got such a delicious meal today thanks to Comrade Jiang. Don't laugh at me. After all, it's me, the husband, who is incompetent, and this old woman suffered."

Uncle Ma's eyes turned red as he spoke. Aunt Ma's mood eased a bit at this moment. She wiped her face and pinched the handkerchief and said with emotion:

"I'm sorry to make you laugh. In all these decades of my life, I have never eaten such a big mouthful of meat or such delicious food. It's so delicious!"

"It's nothing. We have saved up our meat tickets for a long time and are just waiting for this meal. If it wasn't a treat, we wouldn't be able to part with it. When Youyou was learning cooking, we wasted a lot of money, so we have the cooking skills we have now."

The old man and his wife knew that the other party said this out of concern for their face, but such words would only move people, and they would not be stupid enough to expose them.

"It's really too much to eat and drink again and again for the two of us. Eat the food quickly. It would be a waste if such a delicious food gets cold."

Uncle Ma quickly changed the topic, and everyone naturally turned over this article.

"I'm afraid this cooking skill didn't come from the palace before!"

Uncle Ma threw a peanut into his mouth and tasted it slowly. After a while, he said,

"Her master's craftsmanship is passed down from ancestors, and it can be regarded as a legacy when it is passed down here. Dalong and Xiaolong also learned some, but they are not proficient in it."

Jiang Dawei smiled and answered, then took the serving chopsticks and picked up a piece of soft and delicious garlic braised pork ribs for the other party.

"I'm just telling you! How could this dish be so delicious if it wasn't for a master's instruction? But Xiao Zhang is so young that he probably hasn't studied for a few years! It's really amazing that he was admitted to university. It's amazing! From now on. It must be this one!”

As he spoke, Uncle Ma gave a thumbs up sign with a look of praise on his face.

"It's not that exaggerated. She is just delicious, so she learned it from others. But now it's cheaper for us. Anyway, there are many skills and it's not overwhelming. If you learn more skills, you will have the same way out."

David Jiang was playing the drums next to him, and Zhang Youyou had been eating, occasionally responding to Madam Ma's questions and not participating in the conversation.

The Ma family and his wife were filled with emotion as they ate the meal. They were both satisfied and moved.

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