After going to the countryside, I can fish as much as I can

Chapter 122 Peanuts, melon seeds, and biscuits! Handicap 1

"The kid is a little noisy, I'm sorry."

After the man put down his luggage, he saw that his son also had a headache, so he apologized to the people in the same carriage as soon as possible, hoping that they would understand.
  "It's okay. It would be wise for a child to make a little noise."

Zhang Youyou didn't mind either. It was obvious that the quality of the family of three was relatively good. Even the naughty little guy was clean.
  And now there is no one who has no ability, or who has no money, who is willing to buy a sleeper ticket. You must know that the three of them spent a lot of money to buy these three sleeper tickets. If you don’t have the money, you can’t bear it. You might as well get a hard seat.
  The little boy was a little embarrassed when he heard someone complimenting her, so he hugged his father's legs and didn't let go. The man rubbed his son's head lovingly with his hands, placed the little son at the end of the berth, and took off his coat to cover the child. body,

"Where are you going, little comrades? Are you together?"

The woman pulled her son to help him take off his heavy coat and asked. Her eyes were bright and she couldn't bear to move away. "How long has it been? I haven't seen such a beautiful girl for a long time. She is so beautiful."

"These two are my cousins ​​at the terminal of this train."

"Oh, it's a coincidence that we also got off at the terminal."

Because they were not familiar with each other and were not good at dealing with people, the woman did not say anything no matter how curious she was.
  After taking out a little book to read pictures and tell stories to his son, Zhang Youyou took advantage of this time to directly pull the simple curtain, then lay on the berth, listening to the woman's voice,
  "Oh my god, it sounds so good, I just listen to it on the radio."

Zhang Youyou thought happily, but this has never happened before. She fell asleep as she listened. You must know that it took less than 4 hours for her to get on the train from the moment she got up.
  And she had enough sleep last night, so Zhang Youyou, who had had a good sleep, was a little confused when she woke up.

Now the woman has stopped telling stories. Listening to the sound of the train clanging, Zhang Youyou got up and opened the curtain. The couple were reading a book. The little boy was holding a pen and drawing something unknown on a piece of paper.
  It looked very warm, except for the cry that suddenly came to mind, breaking the temporary tranquility.

"Oh, be good, let me see if my little baby is hungry?"

When the woman heard the cry, she quickly put down the book in her hand and went to hug the child.

"I'll get some boiling water and make some milk for the child."

The man also put down the book in his hand, took a small glass milk bottle that he had just prepared and put it on the table, and quickly put on his shoes and went out.

It turned out that the little guy had pooped. The woman quickly opened the package on the child and changed the child's film. Because there was only one person, she had some difficulties, but fortunately, the man came back quickly.
  "Brother Yong, hurry up and get some hot water. I'll wash my son. I'll give him milk after I finish washing him."

"I'll go right away, but I didn't receive boiling water, only hot water. The boiling water will have to wait for a while."

"I have boiling water here. You can mix it with milk powder for your child."

Zhang Youyou listened to the child's cry, it was like a demonic sound passing through his ears. When he heard this, he quickly spoke out,
  "Oh! Okay, thank you."

The man thanked him gratefully, took a small basin and went out again. He quickly brought in half a basin of hot water.

The couple cooperated, and soon the baby easily changed into new pants, was wrapped in a small quilt, and drank milk.

"I was negligent just now. I'll fetch a pot of hot water later."

The man said apologetically,
  "I forgot about it myself. We will also bring a hot water bottle with us when we go out in the future. It will be more convenient."


"Mom, I want to drink too, it smells so good!" "Are you ashamed? You are already a man, and you still have to fight for food with your brother."

The man's face turned dark when he heard this. How can such a big child still drink milk?
  In his opinion, only infants, the elderly and special patients need to drink milk.
  So when faced with his son's request, he was opposed to it.

The father taught his son that the mother would not open her mouth, but would smile and turn her body sideways so that her son would not see her.

"Okay, Brother Yong, give your son a candy! He's only five years old!"

"Just get used to it!"

Having said that, I still took two candies for the child. Before the little guy had time to be happy, he heard his father speak again,
  "There is another candy for my sister. Thank you, sister, for mixing hot water with milk powder for my brother."


The little guy held a candy in one hand, turned around and gave it to Zhang Youyou.
  "Sister, eat some sweets. Thank you, sister, for the boiled water."

"Thank you, Xiaobao, but my sister has grown up and doesn't eat sweets, otherwise her teeth will break. You can eat this candy for your sister!"

Zhang Youyou was embarrassed to eat candy from others, so she quickly declined.

Now Xiaobao didn't know what to do. He turned his head and asked his father with his eyes,
  "Sister, if you don't want to eat it, just keep it!"

When Xiaobao heard this, he immediately became happy. His smiling face was now almost cracked from his mouth to the base of his ears.

"You little brat."

After all, he was his son, but he still couldn't hold back his laughter. There was a look of helplessness on the man's face.

Zhang Youyou no longer pays attention to their family of three. No, it should be a family of four. It is still a world where babies eat, sleep, eat and don't care about anything. They are free to make arrangements and have people to worry about.

After sleeping, Zhang Youyou planned to go out for a walk and exercise a little. When she opened the door, there were several people smoking in the corridor.
  Ignoring these, I walked towards the other end and soon heard the flight attendant's voice,
  "Melon seeds, peanuts, biscuits, everyone, please give in! Melon seeds, peanuts! Biscuit, come and lift your feet, melon seeds..."

These things were not sold when I came here by train. Are they starting to be sold now?
  Zhang Youyou was a little curious and followed the sound and walked forward. She was really selling train snacks, but instead of pushing a cart, she was selling them in a basket.

Standing at the connection between the two carriages, Zhang Youyou looked at it for a while. There were not many people buying, but there were a lot of people asking.

The price is not as outrageous as it was later. It costs three yuan outside and ten yuan here, but it is still a penny or two cents more expensive in comparison.

Melon seeds and peanuts are packed in triangles made from old newspapers. Each package contains half a catty, and they are all roasted seeds and nuts.

A carriage came over, peanuts were sold to three people, melon seeds were sold to two people, and one person bought cigarettes.
  Others simply waved their hands or turned away when they heard the price, saying they didn't want it any more. The flight attendant who was selling the goods wasn't unhappy either.
  He continued shouting, and some people even shouted along with the excitement, causing a burst of laughter.

Zhang Youyou watched for a while, and then returned to the box. As soon as he sat on the berth, he heard someone knocking on the door. Several people looked at each other, wondering who it was?
  "Hello, hello! Hello! I have meat here, braised meat. Do you want to eat it? I have pig trotters and pig ears. It tastes delicious and is not expensive!"

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