Yu Rong turned around, and the person who came was indeed Yili.

"What, do you like this flower?" Yili came over with a smile.

Yu Rong stood up, wiped off the remaining pollen on her fingers, and replied with a smile, "I have never seen this kind of flower, and I was thinking of sending you a few as a souvenir later."

Yili's smile paused for half a second, "I heard that you want to go back too?"

Yu Rong couldn't see the slightest surprise from Yi Li's micro-expression. Obviously, this sentence was not sincere. She lowered her eyes and said, "Yes, there is no point in me staying..."

Yi Li took a step forward, a little anxious, "Why? Is it because the two parties have not reached an agreement on logistical support issues?"

Yu Rong shook his head, "This is just one of the reasons. Without the necessary conditions for cooperation, I naturally don't have to stay."

Yi Li caught the key point of Yu Rong's words, "You mean, there are other reasons?"

Yu Rong hesitated for a moment, then leaned into Yi Li's ear and whispered, "It's not a matter of negotiation now, it's the wind direction on the main star that has changed..."

Faced with Yi Li's searching expression, Yu Rong said a few words, "Actually, the main star has been arguing endlessly about whether to join forces with the Jersey Alliance. At the last meeting, it was the alliance's proposal that won the upper hand. So we improvised a group of us to negotiate..."

"What happened next?" Ellie asked eagerly.

"We have received the latest news that the voting results at the just-concluded regular council meeting were not very good. It happened that the negotiations were blocked, and the combat headquarters urged us to go back. So most people in the mission want to go with the flow..."

Yili was stunned on the spot after hearing the news. After she returned to China and recovered, she grabbed Yu Rong's hand, "What about Jersey? Did the main star allow Jersey to be destroyed?"

Yu Rong looked embarrassed, "You know the strength of the M Star people. Now that the main star is trying its best to protect itself, it may not be foolproof. If the Sixth Guards Corps is to garrison the second star, the main star will not be willing to do so."

Yi Li raised her voice, "Then why does the main star send a mission to negotiate?"

Yu Rong sighed and said pointedly, "Times have changed, and it is useless to complain about these things now. This matter is not based on the will of the two of us. You can't control your uncle, and I can't be Commander Sim." Lord.

Ellie, I have tried my best. After 6 hours of negotiation, even if there is a little room for negotiation, the agreement has been reached long ago, and we will not be in this situation today. "

Yili's expression was slightly unnatural, but she quickly hid it, "What if we start the second round of peace talks?"

Yu Rong shook his head, "The mission will leave tomorrow... Now that everyone is ready to return home, who has the heart to negotiate, but if the second star is proposed, Commander Sim will not be able to refuse. After all, No one is willing to be the culprit that leads to the breakdown of negotiations between the two parties.

But even if the negotiations are restarted, I'm afraid it will just be a formality and will be delayed until the mission returns..."

The expression on Ellie's face showed nothing. She bit her white lips and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute," Yu Rong called Yi Li, "Can you let Cheng Ai go back with me?"

Yi Li suddenly raised her head, stared at Yu Rong in disbelief, then turned and left without saying anything.

After the banquet, Commander Sim specially invited Yu Rong to ride in a car with him. On the way back, he handed her a stack of documents, "Jersey has signed and sealed the letter of intent."

Yu Rong took the document in surprise and flipped it over in disbelief. It was indeed the twelfth letter of intent.

Commander Sim said with a smile in his eyes, "Things went exactly as you imagined. Now I can explain to the council and the headquarters when I go back."

Yu Rong read the letter of intent word for word and confirmed that this was the version he had submitted for talks before. Not a word had been changed, and Jersey actually agreed to it all! "According to my plan, Jersey should have invited you for the second round of negotiations at the banquet, and finalized all the content that needed to be negotiated before the mission left. But I didn't expect..." Commander Sim said with a smile in his eyes. "It's just that you didn't expect that Jersey would directly sign and agree."

A trace of confusion also flashed in Yu Rong's eyes, "Indeed..."

"Perhaps I was scared by you. The queen's hands were shaking when she handed me the letter of intent. It looked like she was afraid that I would refuse." Commander Sim recalled the scene at that time and laughed dumbly.

Yu Rong closed the document in his hand with mixed emotions. She completed the task assigned by the main star, but it hurt her friendship with Yili, scaring her old friend like this, and she felt really bad about it.

"But..." Commander Sim added, "She made a request and hoped that you could stay in Jersey to coordinate logistics support as originally planned."

Yu Rong was unwilling to over-interpret Yili's actions, but the word "hostage" emerged uncontrollably in his mind. In the end, it all turned into a silent sigh. Both she and Yili plotted against each other, and it was difficult to tell who was sorry for whom.

"Okay. According to the original plan, first build the command and combat system so that information can pass through the main star barrier without any obstacles and maintain communication with the council and the headquarters at any time." Yu Rong said to Commander Sim.

Commander Sim nodded, "When I get back, I will propose to Captain Orson Guard that your team be the first batch to be stationed on the second star. Firstly, you can get along as soon as possible, and secondly, I will give you support. In just a few days, I can tell, the political situation in Jersey is very deep, we are all gone, you have to be more careful on your own."

Yu Rong nodded gratefully, "Thank you for thinking about me."

Commander Sim chuckled, "You are very smart and brave. The command decided to let you stay on the second star before, but I actually voted against it."

Facing Yu Rong's surprised look, Commander Sim continued: "Your personal relationship with the Queen of Jersey is actually a double-edged sword. This personal relationship is both a boost and a tie. I believe you have now deeply understood it. arrive."

Yu Rong nodded repeatedly, completely agreeing with Commander Sim's words.

Commander Sim warned, "This double-edged sword will hurt you if you are not careful. I hope you will try to keep a good distance from the Jersey royal family during your stay on the second star.

Since ancient times, you will always be suspected outside, especially in a relationship like yours. Once there is any crack in the cooperation between the main star and the second star, you will be suspected by both parties. This suspicion is sometimes fatal! "

Yu Rong looked at Commander Sim with a shocked face, and then nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I will keep the scale."

Commander Sim also nodded with satisfaction, "Just know it in your heart. You are a very talented child. I don't want your talent to be buried because of these unwarranted suspicions."

"Yes! Thank you for your guidance." Yu Rong was extremely grateful. Few bosses were willing to give such careful guidance to their subordinates.

In the evening, Yu Rong received two pots of ghost orchids handed over from the State Guesthouse.

It was just a casual comment at first, but unexpectedly, Yili specially sent someone to send it over through diplomatic channels.

"Can I accept this gift?" Yu Rong looked at Commander Sim. In interstellar diplomacy, there are strict rules for accepting gifts, and Yu Rong is not sure whether this kind of private gifting is allowed.

Commander Sim circled around the two pots of weird-shaped flowers in front of him, but he couldn't see anything interesting about them. "I don't understand flowers. Is this some kind of precious variety?"

Yu Rong also looked confused, "It is said that it is called ghost orchid. It is a plant unique to the second star. It is very difficult to cultivate. As for whether it is famous or not, I don't know."

"Although it is a private gift, you are here as a member of the mission after all. Whether this gift can reach you depends on the valuation of the gift by the diplomatic department of the main star. If the value is less than 1000, they are yours. , if it is really a rare breed, it will be handed over." Commander Sim couldn't tell the reason just with the naked eye.

Yu Rong nodded, "Okay, then I'll ask the mission to help me bring them back to the main star this time. If the value is more than 1000, hand them over. If the value is less than 1000... just send them to my home."

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