Yu Rong was taken to a room with a table and two chairs.

A chair is placed alone against the wall near the door, while another table and chairs are placed on the opposite side, about 3 meters apart. On the side of the house is a panel of gray glass.

Yu Rong knew that it must be a one-way mirror, but she didn't know whether it was a camera or a person behind the one-way mirror.

Yu Rong sat on the chair in front of the door at the staff's signal.

"Ms. Yu Rong, when did you and your husband know each other exactly?" A fat man in front of him asked sitting behind the table.

"If we have to say we have known each other, we have known each other five years ago. June 6rd happened to be my 23th birthday." This question was not a tricky one. Yu Rong answered calmly. She believed that Professor Han must also be the same. Same answer.

The male staff member recorded it on the paper and then asked the next question: "When did you start dating?"

Yu Rong was shocked. This question was difficult to answer. Because her answer was difficult to agree with Professor Han, Yu Rong was wondering how Professor Han would answer this question.

"Is this question difficult to answer?" the staff member urged.

Yu Rong raised her head, "Indeed, he has never confessed to me, so I can't even determine the day when we became lovers. It seems that we got together naturally."

"Then there must be a time slot." The staff chased after him.

"About a year...less than a year." Yu Rong replied.

The staff member hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to say something more, but swallowed it back and recorded it truthfully on the paper.

"When is your husband's birthday?" Yu Rong secretly clenched her fists and carefully recalled what was written on the form filled out by Professor Han just now. She even glanced at it and saw how much it was. "April 4th."

"Where do you often date?"

Yu Rong rolled her eyes, "The most common place is at home..."

The man glanced at Yu Rong and said, "Are you living together?"


"Remember the time we lived together?"

"I really can't remember the specific date. It was the first day I came to the main star. This month last year... late last year." Yu Rong recalled the details and tried to keep the time vague, hoping to match Professor Han's confession. superior.

“Why are you applying for residency?”

“Because my visa is about to expire, there were some minor problems with the extension application, and I had to go back to Star 4 to go through the procedures.

But I am an actor and have already signed a contract with the crew. This delay will cost at least a month. The crew cannot afford to delay the filming progress, and I cannot afford to compensate for the delay.

Thinking that we are going to get married anyway, it is better to get the certificate quickly and then directly apply for the right of residence to avoid losses. "Yu Rong made up the truth and lies together, silently hoping that Professor Han could have a tacit understanding with her.

The staff member rubbed his beard and thought about Yu Rong's explanation. He felt that this explanation was reasonable, and finally did not face any further difficulties. He closed the notebook and told Yu Rong, "You can go back to the hall and wait."

Yu Rong breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she had passed this test. Let's see if her words can match Professor Han's.

Han Hongxu's situation was similar to Yu Rong's, except that the staff he faced seemed to be in a bad mood, with a dark face and cold tone throughout.

"The exact time you met!" The staff member looked down at the record book with a pen in hand, without even raising his head to glance at Han Hongxu.

But Han Hongxu knew that behind the one-way mirror, there must be professionals watching his every move in this room, analyzing whether he was lying from every expression and tiny movement.

The question of the exact time of recognition is itself a trap. Few people remember the time of their first meeting very accurately. If they do tell it, it means that they have been carefully prepared before, but there is something wrong with it.

Han Hongxu lowered his head and seemed to be thinking for a while, "If we know her, I met her in June five years ago when I went to the Fourth Star to deliver the admission notice."

"Be more specific." The man still didn't raise his head, and his tone didn't fluctuate.

"It was around mid-to-late June. I don't remember the specifics. As a teacher, I had to interview the entire Fourth Star's prospective students, and my wife was just one of the many students at the time. Who will remember that day in particular?" Han Hongxu replied.

The staff member finally looked up at him, examined him for a while, and continued to ask, "Then you will always remember the time when you officially dated, right?"

Han Hongxu gave a wry smile, "You don't know where love starts, but it grows deeper as time passes. Relationships are a gradual process. How to define the time for a formal relationship?"

"Usually, this is the time when you declare to the public that you are boyfriend and girlfriend." The staff stared at Han Hongxu's face.

Han Hongxu was silent for a while. It was difficult to get around this question. He believed that the problems he faced were the same as those of Yu Rong. If the time on both sides does not match, not only will the application be rejected, Yu Rong may be blacklisted for entry and exit, and the main star may permanently refuse a visa.

"If we go by this standard, we are not officially dating yet. My new wife is a celebrity. Although she is not very famous, love affairs should not be exposed to the public.

Even today we have obtained a marriage certificate and are legally husband and wife, but her external information will still say unmarried. "

The staff member stopped writing. This person's answer was too slippery. There seemed to be no problem, but in fact he said nothing and kept going in circles.

"Let me ask you another question, what is the time period when you frequently communicate with each other? Since we are already in a marriageable relationship, you should see each other frequently."

"At this time...a year ago. After she graduated, she chose to come to the main star to develop, and we started to communicate frequently." Han Hongxu was calm and calm, looking like he had a clear conscience.

The staff took up a pen to record this time period. Then the next question came up: "When is your wife's birthday?"

"March 3." Han Hongxu answered very easily, and he was really impressed.

That day, Cole was waiting at the door of the classroom with a cake to celebrate Yu Rong's birthday. After class, he gave him, the teacher, a piece of cake. The cream on the bottom of the plate soiled the lesson plan he had placed on the podium, so he had to re- Wrote one.

"Where do you often date?" the staff asked again.

"It should be either our own home or the home of our mutual friends. As I said just now, my wife is a star and cannot be seen in public, and her dates cannot be discovered by entertainment reporters." Han Hongxu is very confident about this issue.

"Your home?"

"Yes, our new house. We bought it a few months ago and we have been living there." Han Hongxu deliberately brought the topic to something he was familiar with. Otherwise, he would be led by the staff's questions sooner or later. .

The staff frowned. Generally, couples who already live together already know everything about each other. There is no point in asking any more questions, at least they won't find any flaws in the fake marriage.

But he still asked the final question as usual: "Why do you want to apply for residency?"

"She no longer has any relatives on the fourth star, and sooner or later she will develop on the main star.

We really hadn't thought about getting married so early before, but her visa is about to expire. We can discuss it. We are going to get married sooner or later anyway. It is better to get the certificate now and get the right of abode one day earlier. She will not have to go to the fourth star frequently to get the renewal materials. "Han Hongxu replied calmly.

The staff member looked at what he had recorded in the record book, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong. He looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to get off work, so he told Han Hongxu that he could go out and wait for the results.

But Han Hongxu didn't expect that Yu Rong actually came out early in the morning and was sitting in the waiting area waiting for her.

Yu Rong was a little uneasy, not sure if what she said could match what Professor Han said.

Han Hongxu walked to Yu Rong and sat down, holding her hand and telling her not to panic.

Yu Rong looked at the surveillance cameras everywhere and knew that now was not the time to speak with confidence. She looked into Han Hongxu's eyes and nodded slightly.

Looking from a distance, the two staff members responsible for questioning just now said something to the staff at the window, and looked towards them from time to time.

Yu Rong felt Professor Han squeeze her hand harder and harder, and she couldn't help but glance at Han Hongxu again. His face was calm, as if he wasn't thinking about anything. Looking at Professor Han's face, I really couldn't tell that he was also nervous.

The three of them discussed for a while, and then the window broadcast informed Yu Rong and Han Hongxu that they could come over and sign.

There were more than ten pages of application materials, and then the two of them signed each page one by one. One minute before leaving get off work, all the procedures were signed.

Then the staff told them that there will be a 30-day review period after submitting the application. If there are no problems, two people can come to collect the certificate of residence on today next month.

After walking out of the gate of the Entry-Exit Administration Office, Yu Rong and Han Hongxu breathed a sigh of relief. But after he breathed a sigh of relief, the atmosphere became inexplicably awkward.

On the way back, the two of them still didn't speak in the car, but Yu Rong felt awkward everywhere. She sat upright in the passenger seat, and the awkwardness escalated even if she moved.

She didn't know how to face Professor Han in the future. It used to be a teacher-student relationship, then a colleague relationship, and now it has become a husband-wife relationship. Although it was agreed beforehand that the marriage was a fake one, when I faced Professor Han now, I felt inexplicably confused.

Yu Rong returned home, got out of the car and rushed directly into her room, then closed the door.

Teles stood by the door and stared dumbfounded. He looked at Han Hongxu who walked in with confusion, "Did you... fail, or are you quarreling again?"

Han Hongxu shook his head. Yu Rong was in an ostrich heart now and would accept the reality in a few days.

He handed the marriage certificate and other identification procedures in the bag to Teles, "Yu Rong has solved the problem. Next is Cheng Ai..."

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