Yu Rong took out the energy gun that Professor Limi had given her on the main star and pinned it on her belt. Then she put down her shirt to cover the body of the gun, and carefully hid from the surveillance cameras and searched around several warehouses.

The warehouse area was very empty, and the warehouses were widely spaced apart. It was difficult to hide their whereabouts. Yu Rong spent a long time without any clue. Professor Han and Talin did not leave any clues. There was nothing unusual about the appearance of the warehouses. If you want to find them, you can only sneak in and search them one by one. However, this method is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is the stupidest method and may also expose you to surveillance.

At the same time, Han Hongxu and Talin were thrown on the floor of the warehouse. They were both in a mess, especially Talin's face, which had several bruises and a bleeding nose, and could hardly get up.

Punk approached Han Hongxu, who was lying on the ground gasping for air, squatted down and asked, "Tell me, what are you doing in the fourth star?"

"Coming on a business trip!" Han Hongxu struggled to get up from the ground and replied, holding his stomach.

Punk was very dissatisfied when he saw Han Hongxu's harsh words. He pointed at Talin and said viciously: "My patience is limited. If you don't tell the truth, I will kill him first and then you!"

Han Hongxu glanced at Talin and regretted that he was too hasty and fell into Punk's trap. If you could have thought carefully at that time, you would have known that it was too easy for Punk to appear. But there is no use regretting it now. The big mistake has been made. We can only hope that Yu Rong and Ron En will see if he can come back after a long time. Be smart and leave with the lab immediately!

Punk watched the two people close their eyes and look like they were waiting for death, and kicked Han Hongxu with his feet. "It seems you gave up on both of your lives."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me. It doesn't matter what you are here for. It doesn't matter what you find, just kill them all.

Not just you two, I remember there was also that little star who went out from the fourth star, right? You are all in the same group, I will take care of you first and then go find them! "Punk said.

Han Hongxu glanced at him and said nothing. He didn't understand that the Fourth Star politicians followed the M Star people in large numbers, and he even didn't know why Punk, whom Rogge said could depend on his life, betrayed them in such a short period of time. friendship.

Everything that happened on the fourth star simply cannot be explained by common sense.

Han Hongxu thought that maybe it was a mistake to impulsively come to the fourth star. Morton might have discovered that he sent people to secretly investigate, so he deliberately showed his flaws and lured himself to the fourth star to investigate, so that he could catch them all. It was a miscalculation!
"It seems that you won't cry until you see the coffin!" Punk stood up and nodded to the other two men in suits in the warehouse. It was time to give them a taste of the pain.

One of the men in suits pulled out a pistol and handed it to Punk.

Punk put the gun in front of Talin and Han Hongxu and shook it. "Look, this is a real pistol. It's loaded. With just one click, a life will be lost..."

Han Hongxu gave Talin a 'don't be afraid' look.

Talin nodded slightly and closed his eyes.

"Bang!" A gunshot echoed inside the warehouse. Han Hongxu watched with his own eyes as Talin's head was shot through by a bullet and he lay straight on the ground. Blood flowed out from the wound, forming a pool of dazzling bright red on the ground.

"It's your turn now. This is really the last chance. Don't you have anything to say?" Punk picked up the gun and pointed it at Han Hongxu. "I want to know why you betrayed humanity!" Han Hongxu held his stomach and raised his head, looking at Punk with sharp eyes. This was something he couldn't understand. If he could know the answer before he died, it would be settled. Pity.

After Punk heard Han Hongxu's question, he sneered, but he had no intention of answering Han Hongxu's question, "Go ask God!"

Han Hongxu slowly closed his eyes. It seemed that he could only leave this world with regret. It was foreseeable that there would be another war between humans and Planet M. He hoped that the weapons laboratory could be preserved so that humans would still have a chance of survival...

The gunshot didn't come for a long time, but Han Hongxu felt a soft heavy object hit him. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Punk had fallen on him, still holding the gun in his hand, and the man in the warehouse One of the men in black also fell down, but the other one was fighting with the intruder.

Han Hongxu took a closer look and broke into a cold sweat. The person who came was actually Yu Rong!
Yu Rong must have used some method to shoot Punk from a distance before Punk fired, and then killed one of the two men in black before they could react. Two people died one after another, and the last man in a suit was obviously alert and was now fighting with Yu Rong.

It could be seen that Yu Rong was at a disadvantage. Although she held a gun in her hand, at this distance and the intensity of the fight, she didn't even have a chance to distance herself or take aim.

What's more, there is a huge difference in natural strength between men and women. Yu Rong just learned fighting skills in school. The man in the suit is obviously a real fighter. He is very comprehensive in both offense and defense. After a few moves, the man in the suit took time to reveal his dagger, and soon Yu Rong Rong's body was covered with color.

After being punched a few times and cut by a knife, Yu Rong gradually felt weak and could no longer hold the gun in his hand. The moves also changed from attack to defense.

Yu Rong knew that she couldn't win in terms of boxing and kicking, but things had reached this point. Either the man in the suit would die today, or she and Professor Han would die.

The man in the suit also saw Yu Rong's embroidered fists and legs. The dagger in his hand looked for the opening of Yu Rong's defense and stabbed it mercilessly. Yu Rong could only use his arms to protect the fatal part, and his ribs, arms, and shoulders were covered with paint. My whole upper body hurts.

If this continues, his physical strength will be exhausted sooner or later. Han Hongxu looks at Yu Rong's strenuous defense and quietly takes out the pistol from the hand of Punk's corpse. The thought of using the gun himself flashes through his mind and he is immediately attracted by it. veto.

Now that the two of them were constantly changing positions, he must not be able to get it right. Han Hongxu had another idea.

During the few seconds Han Hongxu was thinking, Yu Rong was stabbed again in the neck. Fortunately, she escaped quickly and did not damage the artery, but her neck was bright red.

There was no time, so Han Hongxu shouted, "I have a pistol here!"

Yu Rong heard Professor Han's cry and was very confused as to why Professor Han would bother with it. He had an energy gun in his hand, which was silent and light, and he had no chance to use it. Why would he mention the pistol at this time?
While Yu Rong was distracted, the other party caught his flaw again and stabbed his ribs hard again.

Han Hongxu then threw the pistol in his hand in the direction of the fight between the two and shouted: "Go on!"

Unexpectedly, the man in the suit took the lead and caught him in the air. He immediately took a step back to distance himself and pulled the trigger towards Yu Rong...

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