Please compile the Hongwu Grand Ceremony at the beginning, Lao Zhu Le collapsed

Chapter 266: The embers of the ruins are safe in Beijing, and all the Fuso people are killed

Chapter 266: The embers of the ruins are safe in Beijing, and all the Fuso people are killed

Boom boom boom!

In Ping An Jing, the sound of artillery is like thunder, and the shells are like meteors, falling ruthlessly towards Ping An Jing.

Building after building was smashed, and the lives of Fuso people were deprived of their lives. The whole city was like a purgatory on earth.

"Ikkyu, Ping An Jing can't hold on any longer. You can leave."

The extremely embarrassed Murakami Douo faced Ikkyu Junmunedo.

"No, I won't leave. I am a descendant of the Emperor's bloodline, and I shall live and die with Heian Kyo."

Ikkyu Sunzon shook his head and said.

"Silly boy, it's enough for us, the rotten people, to destroy this rotten city together. If you just come down, what's the use? Can you make Lan Yu and Zhu Di stop? Is it possible that it's too late for you? Will they kill enough people and put down the butcher knife?"

"Instead of doing this, you might as well stay useful and pursue a possibility."

Murakami Dokou shook his head and said.


Ashikaga Yoshimitsu couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw the person coming in front of him.

Seriously, Yonghe hastily sealed Goguryeo and won a hasty visit to the north.

Hojo Fugui frowned.

"You are also a warrior of His Majesty the Emperor, why do you run away from battle!"

"Is it possible that His Majesty the Emperor doesn't have his own bodyguard? Do you want you to take him with you?"

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu spoke with stern words.

Hojo Fugui cursed unceremoniously.

Outside Heian Jing.

Ikkyu Summune said.

"Where are you going, General?"


"Hojo Buji, you came just in time. Hurry, help us cut off the rear and cover His Majesty the Emperor's retreat north."

"Prepare the car."

"It is only a matter of time before Heian Kyo falls. As His Majesty the Emperor's samurai, they should sacrifice their lives for His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ikkyu Sunzong was silent for a long time. Murakami Doufu had already left, and he only woke up when his subordinates called him.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and Emperor Ewa were galloping northward, not even having the courage to look back at the flames soaring into the sky in the south.

Just as Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was fleeing northward like crazy, he ran into a group of horses and carriages.

"General, Heian Kyo has not been completely lost, and His Majesty the Emperor's samurai are still fighting to the death in the city. Why retreat north?"

"Is it true that the general was so scared by the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty that he did not dare to fight with them?"

"And I will take His Majesty the Emperor to find a safe place and then raise the Fuso battle flag."

"I want to personally serve as an envoy to Yingtian Mansion to ask the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, the Prince Zhu Biao, and the British Duke Xiao Han... what they want."

As a daimyo, although nominally everyone is dominated by the shogunate and worships the emperor, in fact the difference is just the number of troops and territory.


"If Hojo doesn't return, don't talk nonsense. Believe it or not, I ordered you to be killed first!"

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu said angrily that it was simply unreasonable that someone dared to talk to him like this.

"If you don't kill me, I will kill you, coward. Come back to Heian Kyo with me and fight for His Majesty the Emperor!"

Hojo immediately drew out the samurai sword from his waist and said, the sharp light of the sword made Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, who was still feeling a little unwell, turn pale.

"You dare to show your sword in front of the general. If Hojo doesn't return, will you, the Hojo clan, rebel?"


Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's side, the guard commander Hattori Yiyun shouted angrily, drew his sword and faced Hojo Fugui.


Hojo was not frightened at all, and directly slashed at Hattori Yiyun who was blocking the front.

Heian Jing. The ten-mile long street was in ruins.

The cherry blossom trees were broken and burned into large swaths of charcoal.

"Lanyu... is worthy of being the great general of the Ming Dynasty. He is indeed... a very strong warrior. Seriously, he is a terrible opponent. I am defeated..."

"The Emperor...Your Majesty, the ministers...have tried their best..."

Murakami Douo, covered in blood, said to Lan Yu while holding a samurai sword.

"Opponent? Don't put gold on your face, okay? If you can't even catch a certain shot, you're not worthy."

"Send an order to search for Ping'an Jing as soon as possible. It is too expensive for our Ming Dynasty to transport supplies from the mainland. As much as possible, we should use war to support war."

"The Fusang people in the city will not accept any surrender and will massacre the city!"

Lan Yu snorted coldly, and shot off Murakami's head with one shot, as casually as cutting off the weeds under the steps.

He received Zhu Biao's letter. Although he didn't explicitly say that he wanted to kill them all, with Lan Yu's character, he would kill without orders. Now he almost directly acquiesced, how could he let it go?


The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty came out and went from house to house in the streets of Ping'an. They took away food without distinction between men, women, old and young. They killed everyone, robbed and killed, without any unnecessary actions. Soldiers are for killing, and anyone who is not running for a purpose For a warrior, deadly attacks are a sign of poor training.

Ping'an Beijing North Gate

"Baga! Don't run away. You are His Majesty's subjects, and you should fight for His Majesty. Whoever dares to run, I will kill first!"

Hojo held up his samurai sword with his remaining right arm, faced the Fuso people who had escaped from Heian Kyochu, and chopped off two heads with his hand.

Suddenly, the Fuso people who had originally planned to ignore Hojo and continue running were successfully intimidated by Hojo and his Hojo soldiers and did not dare to act rashly again.

In the battle with Hattori Yiyun, he lost and had an arm cut off, but he had already chosen to come here.

"This general, Lord Dufu, has died in battle. There are no more Fuso warriors in the city. If we go back now, we will only die."

Some Fusang people said with extremely pale faces.

"Even if you die, as His Majesty's subjects, you must use your corpse to buy His Majesty some time!"

Hojo Nogui said coldly, "Whoever dares to run behind His Majesty the Emperor is a coward and a traitor!"


"You are loyal to your emperor, why should you make decisions for us!"

"Why don't you go get Ashikaga Yoshimitsu back?"

Someone shouted dissatisfied.

"Just because the army behind me is killed by me now, it is still honorable to be like a samurai and die fighting for His Majesty the Emperor. It is your choice."

"As for Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, if I can successfully defend Heian Kyo in this battle, I will look for him again!"

"Give them weapons, move forward, push forward!"

Hojo let out a roar and raised his broken left arm high with his right arm holding the katana.

The soldiers and warriors under their command threw some kitchen knives, hoes, and wooden sticks to the Fuso people and began to press forward.

Peaceful capital.

"Brother Lan Yu, there is a Fusang general carrying a group of Fusang people and rushing towards us."

Zhu Di said to Lan Yu.

"It's really cruel to seize one's own people as cannon fodder, but it saves us the trouble of searching everywhere. The whole army gathers and kills them all. This city will no longer exist!"

Lan Yu said, throwing the torch in his hand into the ruins of the bulldozed Heian Kyo Palace.

Then, he got on his horse and rode towards the north. The north of Fusang was also north. For the time being, it could be regarded as a practice for the Northern Expedition to Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty.

Behind him, Zhu Di was also riding his horse and whipping his whip, his blood-stained face full of excitement. The Northern Expedition was probably a beautiful thing.

(End of this chapter)

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