Please compile the Hongwu Grand Ceremony at the beginning, Lao Zhu Le collapsed

Chapter 252 Wanjia’s solution, problems arise in Tibet

Chapter 252 Wanjia’s solution, problems arise in Tibet

"I do have this idea."

"There are a lot of hidden properties in other countries, and it is inconvenient to raid their homes."

"Why don't we find a way to find an heir? According to the intelligence, his sister is quite interesting, and her relationship with Empress Wan Shan is not particularly good. If you want to find a few dogs, we should be able to tell her."

Xiao Han said.

"What kind of information is this? I've never seen anything about his sister."

Zhu Biao's eyes lit up with a flame called Bagua.


"See for yourself."

Xiao Han pulled out a piece of information from the bookcase.

"Is this...his sister so outrageous?"

Zhu Biao's eyes widened, feeling that there was a crack in the worldview.


It can only be said that some groups actually appeared very early, but they could not survive in the harsh environment and were so niche that they could not grow unbridled until an open era.

Zhu Biao nodded and agreed with Xiao Handu's statement.

"Anyway, so far I haven't planned to kill Queen Wan Shan."

There was no way he knew anything about this type of people, so he had no choice but to trust Xiao Handu's judgment.

Zhu Biao was silent for a while while looking at the information.

Zhu Biao was silent for a while.

Xiao Han hesitated for a moment and then said.

So to say that the sister behind Wan Shan is unique, Xiao Han doesn't think so.

He only knew that Queen Wan Shan was almost killed by Ava's people, but he didn't expect this to happen.

Xiao Han shook his head.

"There shouldn't be much in this world."

"How could there be many such people?"

Such a story is simply too abstract for Zhu Biao.

"Based on what I know about these types of people."

"If that's the case, I think your idea is feasible."

"There's no rush for this."

"I don't think so."

There was one story, but he wasn't quite sure. Xiao Han remembered that there seemed to be a story about a prince cutting meat for a dog. He forgot which dynasty it was, or what novel or drama it was.

"She is... not very smart. She has the mentality of a child. If she had been older for a few more years, would she have understood Queen Wan Shan?"

"The Queen of Wanshan is a hen that can lay golden eggs."

Xiao Han chuckled, his eyes full of smiles.

"Next, it's time to land on Fuso."

"Is the Fourth Marine's side ready?"

Zhu Biao asked Xiao Han.

"I'll do the work, don't worry."

"Yu Tongyuan, Ma Hazhi and Lao Si have all gone to the base."

"Nine armored ships, dozens of landing ships, and tens of thousands of landing troops. As long as Lan Yu succeeds, they can cooperate with Lan Yu to launch an attack."

"In this battle, Fuso can't escape even if he has wings!"

Xiao Han smiled, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Southern Korea.

Lan Yu stepped on the ruins of a city and advanced forward. In the distance, the blue of the sea and sky appeared, which was in sharp contrast to the gray and black red land here.

"Takeda Nobuzune, do you think you can survive by running back to Fuso?"

"The person I, Lan Yu, want to kill is destined not to survive. From the moment you gave up your only chance to surrender, your name was already on the book of life and death and was about to disappear."

"Death!" Lan Yu roared.

He drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow towards Takeda Nobuzune.


An arrow came, and Takeda Nobuzune hurriedly pulled the reins of his horse. Unfortunately, his pony was already exhausted from chasing Lan Yu, and his reaction speed was no longer as fast as before.


Blood spattered, Takeda Nobuzune was shot by an arrow, fell from his horse and died. The Fuso army that had been retreating immediately turned into a rout. There was no room for any Fuso people in the Goryeo Empire.

"Pass the message, we will set out to attack Fuso in three days!"

The blue jade gun was lifted up and shouted.


Liang Guo.

"Your Majesty, Ming merchants Hu Yan and Ma Junhao have landed in Tughluq and have controlled more than ten states and begun recruiting soldiers on a large scale."

"In addition, Bago, which has taken refuge in the so-called Dayuan, has also sent a fleet and is detouring to Xitugluk to prepare for landing."

Zhou Dexing reported to Wanshan Houhui.

"Did you finally move?"

"As expected, Xiao Han will not let us gain a foothold easily, but this time, has our growth exceeded your expectations, Xiao Fengxue?"

"How is the situation in the west under control?"

Wan Shanhou raised his head slightly.

"very bad."

"Now the empire is completely maintained by the army. Those feudal lords see that our mountains are high and our emperors are far away, and they always try to condone some bandits to rob the markets we have established."

Zhou Dexing sighed softly.

"How far are we from the pass to the mountains to the west?"

Wan Shanhou closed his eyes slightly.

"There are still three hundred miles, and there are seven princely states in between."

Zhou Dexing's physical arts formation.

"Let Xiao Wu stop."

"That mountainous area is not a stable place either. The two tycoons Yimivali and Sarbadar are just like Ava and Pegu, fighting fiercely."

"If the Ming Dynasty or the so-called Yuan Dynasty forces really want to infiltrate our several kingdoms to the west, we will have no time to intervene."

"Brother Zhou, please take charge of the state transformation, commercial and industrial layout of each newly occupied territory. Xiao Wu, I will ask him to increase the depth of my beam."

Wan Shanhou said.

The narrowest part of the current Liang Kingdom is almost a series of several feudal states. Such a territory is obviously not feasible and will be cut off too easily.

Wan Shanhou planned to increase the number of kingdoms under his control to one hundred, and generally control the northern part of Tughluq. Although it was already a slender territory, it should at least have some depth.

"His Majesty."

"The latest news, from northern Tibet."

Just when Wan Shanhou was arranging Zhou Dexing, a secret guard stepped forward and handed a piece of information to Wan Shanhou.

This person's name is Li Yu. He was one of the few surviving personal guards who followed Wanshan Empress. He was given the surname "Wan" by Empress Wanshan.

The emperor's direct secret guards, who are now in charge of the Wanshan Empress, are connected with the personnel that Xiao Wu inherited from Hu Weiyong.

"Hiding place."

Wan Shanhou opened the secret music and when he read it, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

"They actually plan to surrender to the Ming Dynasty."

"But according to Ming Dynasty's past vassal practice, will Ming Dynasty agree to such a vassal that is obviously difficult and has no benefits?"

Wan Shanhou squinted his eyes, thoughtfully.

When he traveled around the world, he also visited Tibet. The chaos and division in Tibet, the royal power, the religious power, the nobility, the big tribes, and the powerful people from all sides were all in vain.

Such a chaotic place, coupled with the harsh natural environment, in the eyes of Queen Wan Shan, can be called a ruling place. At most, it can be stationed, and it is impossible to carry out any actual rule of a dynastic nature.

Now, one of the kings of Tibet suddenly wants to be loyal to the Ming Dynasty, which not only poses a problem to the Ming Dynasty, but also poses a problem to Queen Wan Shan.

(End of this chapter)

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