Please compile the Hongwu Grand Ceremony at the beginning, Lao Zhu Le collapsed

Chapter 227: The real dowry, traded with each other to return to the Ming Dynasty for the sake of pe

Chapter 227: The real dowry, traded with each other to return to the Ming Dynasty for the sake of perfection

"Your Majesty, if you can say that, Weichen is really happy."

"You know, Your Majesty, I have been taught by my mother since I was a child to strive to become better and contribute to Dayuan."

"Even though...I have become a villain, I still sincerely hope that Dayuan can regain its prosperity."

"I kill innocent people and abandon my comrades, but every decision I make is made with the sincere hope that Dayuan can turn defeat into victory!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Wang Baobao said with some excitement.


"I understand everything Aiqing said! I understand everything you think!"

Emperor Xuanguang's eyes were also slightly red.

"It's a pity that God failed to fulfill his wishes."

"It was not enough that God gave Zhu Yuanzhang Li Shanchang and Zhu Yuanzhang Liu Bowen. He also gave him an even more terrifying Xiao Han."

"There are strong enemies outside and constraints inside, so that every plan of the humble minister looks like a clown!"

"So, before leaving, Wei Chen has to do one last thing!"

Wang Baobao stood up suddenly, and Wang Qi slowly walked in from outside and handed a royal robe and a crown into Wang Baobao's hands.

"You, 伱, you..."

Emperor Xuanguang looked at Wang Baobao holding the royal robe and crown, his pupils trembling.

"Everyone, follow orders!"

Wang Baobao shouted loudly, and his whole body seemed to have disappeared from all his pain, and even his voice was no longer weak.

The officers and soldiers under Wang Baobao's tent who were present stood upright one after another, staring at Emperor Xuanguang fiercely, as if they were about to pounce at any moment.

"Do it!"


With his free left hand, Wang Baobao grabbed the tea cup in front of him and threw it to the ground.

Whoosh whoosh!

The next moment, arrows shot out from all directions, carrying the cold light of death, like the death sentence.


Figures fell to the ground one by one, and the generals who were fanatically trying to push Wang Baobao to the top were already dead before they could realize what was going on.

Wang Baobao was also hit by several arrows, but he staggered to the front of Emperor Xuanguang with just one breath.

He put the royal robe on Emperor Xuanguang's body, then knelt down and picked up the crown in his hand. There was a memorial under the crown.

"His Majesty."

"Yesudie'er and other troops have taken advantage of their own strength, and the ministers... ahem, they have been removed."

"These people are not loyal to Dayuan. Today, the ministers will go on the road and take them away together."

"From now on, no one in Dayuan can restrain His Majesty. You can do whatever you want."

"This memorial under the crown is a humble minister... In these days, I have been thinking about my development after the Yuan Dynasty. I hope that your majesty will read it for reference."

Blood continued to flow from the corner of Wang Baobao's mouth, but the smile on his face never diminished.

"Who, who asked you to come?"

"Didn't I say that?"

"King Qi, you will never betray me!"

Emperor Xuanguang stretched out his hand tremblingly, put the crown held in Wang Baobao's hand on his head, and then carefully stuffed the bloody memorial in Wang Baobao's hand into his arms.

He looked at the old eunuch and the commander of the Royal Forest Army who came in from outside, and asked.


Wang Baobao's hands dropped weakly, his eyes closed, and his last bit of strength was completely exhausted. A generation of wizards died.

"His Majesty."

"Kuokuo is dead. The old slave begs your Majesty to accept his army and inform the world to eradicate the Han traitor Wang Baobao and frighten Xiaoxiao."

The old eunuch stepped forward and said to Emperor Xuanguang.

"You... fart!!"

"Stop talking nonsense, otherwise, you will be buried with King Qi in his tomb!"

"Published my imperial edict, the King of Qi Kuo enlarged Timur and eradicated the traitors. His contribution was to the country. He died fighting with all his strength. I will personally preside over and bury him with the courtesy of a prince."

Emperor Xuanguang hugged the memorial in his arms tightly and spoke.

Jinling City.

Qin Wangfu.

At this time, Zhu Fangzheng, Xiao Han and Zhu Biao drank tea and vomited their bitterness.

In the past two days, Tao Kai had been looking for him frequently, repeatedly emphasizing that his wedding was illegal.

"Let's just say, what's the use of you looking for me? This matter is decided by the Queen, not me, the King of Qin."

"If you have the ability, go to my mother."

Zhu Xi drank all the tea in the cup with a depressed look on his face.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness the British Duke, His Royal Highness the King of Qin."

"A group of people came outside and brought several carts of gold and silver jewelry. They said it was a dowry sent by the Wang family to Miss Wang."

At this moment, Li Heng, the prince's internal official, walked into the road.


"Minmin, look, what I said is right. Wang Baobao is indeed fine. The news came yesterday that Yesudier was arrested. Today I am still in the mood to quietly use my connections to prepare a dowry for you."

Zhu Xi laughed loudly after hearing this, and said to Wang Yuemin, his depression gone.


"Brother is fine, I'm relieved."

Wang Yuemin breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face.

However, Xiao Han and Zhu Biao looked at each other and unanimously remained silent.

According to Xiao Han's judgment, in this case, Wang Baobao was definitely dead, and he might even have died.

"Besides the dowry, is there anything else in the convoy?"

Wang Yuemin asked Li Hengzheng.


"There are also four letters, respectively addressed to His Royal Highness and Majesty, Princess Qin, King Qin, Duke of England and the Crown Prince."

"Your Majesty's letter has been sent to Kunning Palace."

As Li Heng spoke, he took out three letters and gave them to Zhu Xi, Wang Yuemin and Xiao Han respectively. "What did you say?"

Zhu Biao said to everyone reading the letter.

"Brother said that when I marry into the Zhu family, I will be the daughter-in-law of the Zhu family. I will live a good life in the future and stop thinking about the grassland. Everything will be fine there."

Wang Yuemin's pretty face turned red.

"I just want me to treat Minmin well, otherwise Wang Baobao will never let me go."

Zhu Xi rolled his eyes.

"Then what did he write in the letter to us?"

Zhu Biao asked Xiao Han.

"He understands the formality and plans to marry Qin and Jin forever with our Ming Dynasty. Moreover, the real dowry is already on the way."

Xiao Han was silent for a moment, and then said.

"A real dowry?"

"Dowries can be classified as real or fake?"

"Is it possible that the cars outside are filled with fake money and gold, silver and jewelry?"

Zhu Xiang said in surprise.

"You will understand in two days."

Xiao Han casually gave the letter to Zhu Biao without explaining too much.


"Brother, you are... uh, yes, you are an old Riddler. It's really annoying to hear you talk."

Zhu Xiang looked confused and anxious, but he didn't dare to press Xiao Han and had to give up.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness the British Duke, Your Majesty has come to discuss matters with you in Kunning Palace."

At this moment, Li Heng walked in again and said to Xiao Han and Zhu Biao.

"Dad is looking for us."

"Is it possible that Wang Baobao told him some important news?"

Zhu Biao was suddenly surprised.

"Who knows."

"Go over and have a look before we talk."

Xiao Han waved his hand and walked directly outside, and Zhu Biao followed immediately.

Kunning Palace.

Zhu Yuanzhang was sitting in his seat. Although the tears on his face had been wiped away, the remnants of the blood clan could still be vaguely seen.

"This is the letter Wang Baobao wrote to us. Please read it."

Zhu Yuanzhang handed an opened letter to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han looked down and saw what was written on the letter.

"The great emperor of the Ming Dynasty personally presents it, and the foreign minister Wang Baobao presents it.

During the battles in the past years, Baobao was released by the ancestral emperor many times and escaped several times. However, he never said it clearly. He also felt grateful for the ancestral emperor's kindness and knew his thoughts.

However, this body has been promised to Yuan, and he will not be able to serve the Ming Dynasty in two bodies. Even though he knew that the ancestor emperor was an unparalleled hero in the world and the master of destiny, he was lucky enough to take his fancy. Unfortunately, he was destined to be a king and a minister, but not a king and a minister.

Today we are going to Huangquan. Regarding the matters concerning the Great Yuan Dynasty, Bao Bao can promise to the Emperor Zu that he will give in three points in the future and give money and food to the Ming Dynasty in the mutual trade, which is more than the money and food of the Ming Dynasty. He hopes that the Emperor Zuo can keep his country.

I also have a younger sister, Yue Min, who is about to marry the King of Qin in the Ming Dynasty as his concubine. I am deeply moved. In memory of His Majesty's kindness, the Emperor can do whatever she wants. If there is any unfilial piety, I will protect you and hold you accountable.

It is a pity that I cannot worship the Holy King in this life. If I am famous in reincarnation, I can be an eagle and dog in the next life, accompanying my ancestor Emperor. "

The letter was not long, and although the imitation was very similar, Xiao Han could tell that the handwriting was not Wang Baobao's.

"What do you think?"

After Zhu Biao and Xiao Han finished reading the letter, Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

"You can just skip the last two fart sentences. What he said about residual yuan is indeed worth considering."

Xiao Han said.

Zhu Biao:…

Zhu Yuanzhang:…

This way of speaking is really direct. The atmosphere is already here, so at least you can cooperate with it.

"So Fengxue, how do you think we should respond to Wang Baobao's request?"

"In particular, what did he mean by giving us more money and food than the Ming Dynasty? Is there any explanation in the letter to you?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

"I didn't say it clearly when I replied to dad, and I never thought about it."

Zhu Biao said.

"Actually, it's quite clear."

"He probably gave Emperor Xuanguang a hint before he died, hoping that Emperor Xuanguang could withdraw the Beiyuan personnel stationed in the mutual market and leave the mutual market completely to our Ming Dynasty in exchange for our Ming Dynasty's unlimited import to Mobei."

"In exchange for peace in Mobei by becoming an economic vassal, the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, which has eliminated internal instability factors, can recover normally."

Xiao Han opened his mouth to explain.

Zhu Biao:…

Brother, if you see it, can you tell me first next time? You make me look stupid.

Moreover, you said that these people didn’t mention a single word in their two letters. Where did you pick them out?

Are there any invisible words on it just for you two?

"So Feng Xue, what do you think our Ming Dynasty should do about this matter?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Xiao Han.

"This matter is entirely up to dad."

"If we consider it from an economic point of view, if we agree, we can achieve our strategic goal of economically controlling the grassland without spending a single soldier. Even if Wang Baobao has some arrangements, all the tricks are just paper tigers in the face of the absolute economic strength of our Ming Dynasty. Yu Wang Baobao directly asked Meng Yuan to surrender to us."

"But if we consider it from the political perspective of our Ming Dynasty, completely wiping out Yuanting is a political agenda, then we must strictly reject it."

"So I won't make a statement on this matter."

Xiao Han directly explained the pros and cons of the two options and handed the choice back to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Wait, something is wrong. Wang Baobao gave Emperor Xuanguang a trick, but what if Emperor Xuanguang doesn't listen?"

Just when Xiao Han finished speaking and Zhu Yuanzhang was deep in thought, Zhu Biao asked.

(End of this chapter)

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