Folk custom: At the beginning of the wedding, the bride takes off her painted skin

Chapter 110: Painted Skin Ghost’s brother, Li Daoxuan’s uncle [please vote]

Chapter 110: Painted Skin Ghost’s brother, Li Daoxuan’s uncle [please vote]

The ghost mother will give birth to ten little ghosts in the morning. At this time, she will be very gentle, as if she is taking care of a baby.

But at night, it will eat these ten little devils.

At this time, it will become very ferocious.

This is the news from the Zhu family.

And now, Li Daoxuan has actually seen this ghost mother in this red lantern shop... The general situation seems to be not much different from what the Zhu family said.

Li Daoxuan just stood by the door and watched.

The ghost mother's body is extremely large, especially her belly, which is like a big teapot, so she walks very slowly.

It just moved forward on the street. Many ghosts in front of it had already started to run for their lives, but despite this, some of them still didn't move away.

It doesn't pull any punches either.

There was violence in its eyes, and it roared angrily, "Kill my son, and I will make you pay with your life!"

It raised its fists and smashed it down, then picked up the material and stuffed it into its mouth, swallowing it wholeheartedly.

This was the first time Li Daoxuan saw such a ferocious ghost, and he was not in a hurry to leave.

In terms of safety, Li Daoxuan feels that after this ghost mother passes, this street will be the safest place among the nearby streets.

Seeing that another shroud ghost was about to die tragically under the ghost mother's fists, a lantern next to it suddenly turned around.

Then there was a wall between the ghost mother and the shroud ghost.

Apparently, the kid's ghost, who was also a Class B Jie Zhuo, changed the environment and stopped the ghost mother.

The ghost mother's fists hit the earth wall hard.


The kid ghost on the lantern shouted a reminder, and the ghost in shroud quickly crawled away on his hands and knees.

The ghost mother who was stopped was so angry that she broke off part of the wall and smashed it hard against the red lantern.

"You damn tadpoles, why don't you die!"

The struggle between the ghosts and the ghost mother was far from over. A short, fat ghost with an ax in his hand suddenly rushed out of the residential house behind.

From a distance, it raised its ax and struck the ghost mother, shouting and screaming.

The ax was stuck in the ghost mother's body, and the pudgy ghost couldn't pull it out, which made her even more anxious.

The ghost mother turned around suddenly in pain, pulled out her axe, and beat the short, fat ghost to pieces with just a few blows.


In the distance, Li Daoxuan was watching Qi Jin when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind him.

"Deng deng deng-"

Somewhat familiar.

He held the butcher's knife, fearing that it would shake and make a sound. He slowly turned around and saw a thin black figure walking back and forth in the room.

When Li Daoxuan saw it, it happened to walk into the room where Li Daoxuan had been.

The molted back!

The ghost who was hiding behind the door and spying on him actually dared to come back.

For a moment, Li Daoxuan felt a little lucky that he was still here and had not left yet.

While holding on to the butcher's knife, he also grabbed the blood-stained hemp rope around his waist behind his back.He lowered his voice and quietly walked into the house.

But as soon as he stepped in, he didn't move.

This molted ghost is extremely cautious and must not advance rashly.

Within a moment, the molted ghost, who looked like a thief, came out of the room, saying "huh", as if he was confused after not finding Li Daoxuan.

It came in from the back room and couldn't find it in the house, so it naturally wanted to come out from the front door to have a look.

And Li Daoxuan, who had become invisible, was waiting at the front door!

Seeing that it was close, Li Daoxuan did not stab it again this time, but chose the hemp rope.

【Pig tying】

The molting ghost that was so close was unable to resist, but in the blink of an eye, it was tightly tied up.

Its body moved down a little unconsciously, and the facial features on its face were also a little misaligned.

It wants to shed its skin and run away.

Just now, Li Daoxuan had already seen that the molting ghost had shed its skin under his feet.

So he put the butcher's knife against the molted ghost's lower body beforehand, "Which one is faster, are you faster or is my knife faster?"

The molted ghost's consciousness was obviously very high, and he immediately judged the situation.


The molted ghost wanted to say but didn't know what to say.

"Why are you following me?"

Li Daoxuan used the butcher's knife to reason with it, and by the way, he looked at its facial features that were crowded together, looking a bit ferocious and ugly.

"Because, because you have my sister's scent on you. I am very familiar with it. I can smell it. Have you met my sister?"

your sister?
Painted skin ghost? ?

He is still an uncle in love... Li Daoxuan was a little surprised. Thoughts flashed through his mind quickly. After each thought appeared, he felt blessed and said in a deep voice: "You are talking about painted skin, right?"

"That's right, it's her!"

The molted ghost nodded repeatedly, looking a little excited.

Li Daoxuan's face showed a trace of sadness and nostalgia, "She, she is my wife."


The molted ghost leaned back, obviously in disbelief. This was a path he had never thought of.

"But you're not, aren't you a human? How can you be a human and a ghost?"

"What does it matter? Besides, why not."

"But she, she will suck your blood and you will die."

Li Daoxuan said sincerely: "For her, I am willing." The molted ghost didn't know what to say. He held it in for a while and then said: "But I still don't believe it..."

Li Daoxuan put away the knife, patted his shoulder again, and took away the hemp rope.

"I accidentally bumped into my uncle, please forgive me."

Molted Ghost: "Huh??"

He moved his body, but it was still a bit unbelievable, but in this situation, he couldn't help but not believe it.

If it really didn't matter, how could the grain-eater in front of him let him go?
"So, where is my sister now?"

The molted ghost asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Li Daoxuan stopped using any conventional skills. When he showed his body, he also hid his body behind the door to prevent him from being seen by the evil spirits outside.

He sat down on the spot, raised his head slightly, and said with a wry smile: "She, she will live in my heart forever."


The molted ghost's face was twisted with anger, and its already ugly face looked even uglier.

Li Daoxuan sighed again: "It's all my fault that I was too weak at the time, but fortunately I have avenged her now, and will kill that grain eater..."

After Li Daoxuan finished speaking, he also gritted his teeth and said: "I chopped it into minced meat with a knife!"

The molted ghost also expected this result. The expression on his face gradually calmed down. He looked at the affectionate grain eater in front of him again. He was silent for a moment and said:
"I have a piece of oath paper here. If you dare to use it, I will... I will believe you."

The molting ghost didn't know where he had the courage to say this. Maybe if he stretched his head or shrank his head, he would die, so he dared to say this.

Pledge paper.

Li Daoxuan had seen this thing before and knew its use. When Li Peishan left him a letter earlier, he used the oath paper.

When he heard what the molted ghost said, he didn't rush to answer, but was thinking about it.

The scammer was just a choice he made on a whim, trying to see if he could get more benefits from him.

Now he wants to use the pledge paper himself.

Once you use this, you can gain his complete trust...

[There is a lot of lies in the world, but the greedy pig butcher used his sharp tongue to deceive the molting ghost. The molting ghost sends an application to you. He needs you to use the oath paper to prove your identity. Your survival points +6 (green). 】

Li Daoxuan added a point casually and made a decision.

"it is good!"

He said seriously.

When the molting ghost saw this, he also picked it up from his body, turned out a folded piece of yellowed paper, and then found some pen and ink nearby in the room.

Li Daoxuan also took advantage of this time to think about the content of the rewrite.

He spread out the paper and slowly wrote: "Painted Skin Ghost and I got married in Puliu Town, and we were actually husband and wife. If there is any falsehood, I will be killed immediately!"

[You made an oath using the oath paper. What you wrote is true. The oath takes effect and you are safe and sound. 】

The panel also gave the answer.

After seeing Li Daoxuan writing it down, the molting ghost immediately said excitedly: "Yes, that's Puliu Town. She was going in the direction of Puliu Town at that time."

By now, the molted ghost has believed [-]% of it.

But in the blink of an eye, the oath paper turned into ashes and disappeared, which meant that the oath had taken effect, but the person in front of him was safe and sound...

At this time, the shed ghost no longer had any reason not to believe it. He shouted with a sad face: "Brother-in-law, yes, it is my fault."

Li Daoxuan shook his head and sighed: "Brother, there is no need to blame yourself. No one can believe this kind of thing."

The shed ghost wiped his ugly face, "This red lantern shop is dangerous, what are you doing here, brother-in-law?"

Li Daoxuan glanced at him angrily, "What do you think?"

The molted ghost was startled. He thought of something and understood something, but he still couldn't believe it.

"Before Huapi left, she told me that she was worried about everything else, but she couldn't be worried about her big brother who was hiding in the Red Lantern Place."

"I had no choice but to come all the way to Hand Witch City, but after I arrived, the Red Lantern Square had become a restricted area. There was no other way. For her last words, I had to break through even the restricted area."

The more Li Daoxuan spoke, the more relaxed his expression became.

It was as if the mission to Red Lantern Square had really been completed.

After hearing this, the molted ghost felt warm all over, and his mouth was trembling as he opened his mouth, as if he didn't know what to say.

Li Daoxuan looked at him and continued angrily: "Don't worry, if my uncle still doesn't believe it, I'll just write another oath paper."

"No, no, no, I believe it...Besides, where did I get so many oath papers? One of them was just a coincidence."

The molted ghost said quickly.

Oh, I knew you were gone. If you were, I wouldn't dare to say that... Li Daoxuan's expression recovered and he looked outside the door again, "I feel more relieved now that I have found my uncle, but I still have a few companions." You came with me."

The molted ghost insisted: "Brother-in-law, don't worry!"

"They came to me with you, and I will definitely take them out intact!"

Li Daoxuan nodded, "Of course I believe in my uncle's ability."

Regardless of whether this ghost is capable or not, put on your hat first and then talk about it.

After saying that, the molted ghost peeked out the door.

"Brother-in-law, let's go first, something big will happen on this street tonight!"

"what's up?"

Li Daoxuan was surprised and thought that there was indeed a circle between ghosts and ghosts.

"Many ghosts have united and are preparing to kill this ghost mother tonight!"

"There will definitely be chaos later, so I'll take you out of the way first."

After saying that, he took Li Daoxuan and left.

But Li Daoxuan grabbed him with his backhand and said seriously:

"I seek wealth and wealth in danger, uncle!"

 I gave it a try. Sharing folklore knowledge still has to be in the group. You can’t post it here because some of it involves feudal superstition. It’s easy to get 404 when posting it in this book. So if you are interested, you can join the group~

(End of this chapter)

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