A certain person is the Heavenly Killer Li Gui.

Chapter 224 The advent of the artillery era

Chapter 224 The advent of the artillery era

"I know that the Qing family is brave."

"It's just that Wang Qing and Tian Hu are evil gods from the sky who have descended to earth. We can fight them with extraordinary force. It's better to let the Song Qing family of Tian Kuixing put down the rebellion."

The Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty was sitting high on the throne, playing with the jade Ruyi in his hand tenderly, and rejected the suggestion of cultivating the Tao of Masters.

Now that the Liangshan bandits have been repelled and the throne under his butt has been saved, he is back to his old ways.

He had received guidance from the "National Preceptor" Qing Huanzi before, letting him know about the existence of the Tian Kuixing and the Heavenly Slaughter Star, and he was able to escape the catastrophe and keep the throne, but he was very unhappy in his heart.

He is the leader of the Yuqing Cult, the Emperor Wei Daojun, and the Emperor of the Heavenly Sky descends to earth. As a result, the Heavenly Killing Star actually dared to offend him and killed Xiao Zhao. Now that the bandits are invading the country, the Heavenly Killing Star needs to be rescued. It really made him feel unhappy.

So when he met Song Jiang, the great minister of great merit, he had a droopy face.

He was used to being an emperor and never had to hide anything, so it leaked out in his words.

Song Jiang had never been a Jinshi, but when it came to emotional intelligence, he was not inferior to others. He found out that Zhao Guan's family had some grudges about Tian Kuixing, so he took the initiative to honestly explain his dream about the Nine Heavens Xuannv teaching the Dharma, and then a little A little embellishment was added, and Emperor Shenxiao was also included, and it became the focus.

He used the Jiutian Xuannv's mouth to call everything that had happened before the Emperor Shenxiao's descent to earth "a calamity", and he, Tian Kuixing, was responsible for escorting the emperor's calamity.

The reason why the Heavenly Slaughter Star repeatedly offended His Majesty Long Wei before was because the Heavenly Kuixing Star was not in place yet.

Now that there is Tiankuixing, it means that the doom of Emperor Shenxiao has passed, and he can only wait for his merits to ascend to the heaven.

He was very eloquent, and he was willing to sacrifice his body to curry favor with the emperor. He easily made the faint emperor happy, beaming, and completely changed his view of him.

After the court meeting was over, Song Jiang was directly promoted to the third and sixth levels in a row, and was directly awarded the post of a seventh-grade military official, a martial arts doctor, with the title of Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Japanese army.

This level can already participate in court meetings, and I don't know how many people are jealous.

The brothers under his command also each received rewards, and the worst one was a ninth-grade official, and they were all included in the Japanese army.

There are many military officers in the world who could not reach the ninth rank in their lifetime. As a result, the emperor was happy and rewarded seven or eight of them.

However, Song Huizong has always been an out-of-the-ordinary monarch, and Wang Fu once even surpassed the eighth level to serve as prime minister. This Song Jiang is just a military commander, and King Qin has made great achievements before him. It is not a big deal to be promoted to the third or sixth level.

Furthermore, as for the Japanese army, because Zongze forced the Fourth Army to take turns to die in battle, they were killed by Li Gui, resulting in heavy losses. Many people fled the army afterwards.

The requirements for joining the Fourth Army were originally high, and the quota was never full. Now there is a serious shortage of people. It is also a good idea to ask Song Jiang and others to fill in.

Therefore, the civil servants acquiesced in the emperor's reward for Song Jiang and others.

Song Jiang was also a man who knew how to work hard. After taking office, he took out a lot of money to pay visits to people everywhere. Even if he put his hot face on someone's cold butt, he still had to send the money.

Especially Qing Huanzi, the "National Preceptor" who recommended him, sent a lot of gold and silver to the temple and made friends in every possible way.

How could Qing Huanzi dare to meet this star like him directly? He accepted the money, but thanked the guests behind closed doors. He just asked him to live a good life, help the country and the people, and get rid of evil and return to justice.

With this large amount of money, everyone praised Song Jiang's name of benevolence and righteousness in front of the emperor, and it made Song Huizong value Tian Kuixing who protected him.

So when Zhong Shidao planned to conquer Wang Qing and Tian Hu, the first thing Huizong thought of was Song Jiang.

Faced with the emperor's attitude, Zhong Shidao was filled with shock and anger.

The DPRK has always been afraid of the Western Army. He has long known that if it cannot be proved that the Western Army is unique and irreplaceable, I am afraid that the Western Army will be split up overnight. But the emperor had his sights set on Song Jiang and insisted on letting him perform meritorious service. What could he do if he cultivated his teaching skills?

Faced with this situation, Zhongshi Dao had no choice but to use a silver bullet offensive.

He gave more money than Song Jiang, and finally gained the friendship of the civil servants.

So in the new round of court meetings, a group of civil servants found various reasons to persuade the emperor to withdraw his order and instead use the Western Army to attack Buchen.

These reasons all sound high-sounding, including but not limited to such things as Song Yuhou's soldiers suffered heavy casualties and needed treatment, Song Yuhou and others' saddles and horses were tired and needed to be repaired, Song Yuhou had just arrived to support the Japanese army and needed to be reorganized, etc.

Song Jiang was also Xiaoshi. Although he was eager to perform meritorious service, he also knew not to offend his colleagues, so he just bowed his head and remained silent.

In the end, the emperor was defeated by the ministers and changed his mind, letting the Western Army go out to fight the incoming Wang Qing, Tian Hu and others.

After receiving the decree, Zhongshidao was overjoyed, summoned his subordinates, swore to set off, and was ambitious, intending to destroy the enemy in one fell swoop.

Who knows that the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

The two sides were fighting in Tangyin County, Xiangzhou. Unexpectedly, there were so many fierce generals in the bandit army. After taking turns, the Western Army was killed by the bandit general, seven generals in a row, which dampened the morale of the soldiers. They were also killed by the demon Qiao Daoqing. The formation was dispersed by the spell cast, and the bandit army took the opportunity to cover up and kill them. They were defeated and retreated to the Amway army, switching from offense to defense.

The bandit army took advantage of the victory to pursue and surrounded Liyang City.

Today's Western Army has long been corrupted. It is no longer the Western Army that could fight to the death with Xixia. It also left its homeland and fought away from home, and its morale was low. After a bloody day and night, the Western Army collapsed first and Liyang fell.

The generals protected Zhongshi Dao and fled in embarrassment to Baima, Huazhou. While gathering the rebels, they hurriedly requested reinforcements from the court.

After learning that Zhong Shidao was defeated, Song Huizong was furious and had a violent fit in the court. He beat up all the civil servants who were always trying to snatch his authority. After that, he temporarily calmed down and ordered Song Jiang to go. rescue.

During these days, Song Jiang had already replenished gunpowder and other supplies, and immediately led a group of brothers out of Tokyo and headed for Huazhou.

The two thieves, Wang Qing and Tian Hu, always brought little military resources and often provided food to the enemy. Their marching speed was much faster than the official army. They followed the generals of the Western Army long ago and surrounded Baima again.

The Western Army was defeated again and again, and the soldiers had long lost their morale. Within half an hour, Baima fell, and Zhong Shidao committed suicide after defeat.

After a short rest, the bandit army continued to attack Tokyo City and collided with Song Jiang and his party.

They originally wanted to fight the generals, but Song Jiang lined up dozens of artillery pieces and fired randomly, destroying the rebel army on the spot.

The officers and soldiers took the opportunity to cover up the killing, and the bandit army was defeated.

Song Jiang led his army all the way forward, opening the way with artillery. Whether it was battle formation or siege, he was invincible and invincible, pushing the position back to Hebei.

It wasn't until the gunpowder was almost exhausted that they stopped and applied for material support from the court.

After this battle, Song Jiang became famous and became a famous general and a pillar of the imperial court.

Likewise, he has become a thorn in the side of all civil servants!

Once those bandanas became vigilant, their mobility immediately exploded. They began to carefully collect dirty information about Song Jiang for future use, and also began to pay close attention to all Song Jiang's movements.

Because of this, the civil and military officials in the DPRK and China knew the power of the artillery. They were surprised and moved, so they began to summon craftsmen to cast the cannon.

The age of artillery has finally arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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