Chapter 614

Aespa's schedule was very trivial, which reminded Li Yan of his previous life. At that time, his schedule was the same as theirs. It didn't matter whether it was dawn or not, but what time it was.

According to the requirements on the schedule, Li Yan would drive the nanny car in the dark night and wait for Hong Beibei to leave the warm bed.Li Yan remembers very clearly that Joy's face would always be a little rosy when she was angry because she couldn't wake up. She looked stinky but was cute.

"Oppa, Eri bullies me all day long."

"Brother, I didn't. She was the one who scolded me all the time, saying that you are in the most romantic honeymoon period now."

"I did not say."

"Brother is eating an apple. I'm so hungry."

"I saw you stealing snacks just now. Are you still hungry?"

Do girls like to bicker and play?The same thing happened when Xiaomei and Yeri were at home. They couldn't talk for a while, but they would secretly bicker and play.

Li Yan lay on the sofa and listened to their noise, and quickly finished the plate of apples.Looking at the people who had changed their clothes and put on makeup, Li Yan gave a thumbs up.

"Brother, you are just partial. You used to accompany Bae Zhuhyun every day, but now that we have debuted, you don't even want to be a bodyguard."

Li Yan stopped chewing and looked at the two beautiful beauties with staring eyes on the phone screen. There seemed to be nothing he could do about this problem for the time being. Let's not talk about whether Pei Zhuxuan could let himself be their bodyguard. It seemed that he didn't have any idea now. Then I got used to that kind of life.

"Brother is old."

"Why are you so old? How old are you? You still have the mood to seduce a child as young as Zhang Guizhen. And you have three more children without saying a word. Dad said that you look honest, but in fact you are just a little bastard."

Seeing Eri planning to go all out to deal with her, Li Yan covered the screen of his mobile phone with his big hand and made a beeping sound from his mouth.
"Eri, the phone's battery is going to run out."

"Ernie, the agent is here."

Li Yan heard Liu Zhimin's angry complaints, Eri's merciless contempt, and Minhyang's laughter. He turned off the mobile phone software. The timing of Ningning's appearance was very good. With her manager around, they should be very happy. Forget about your presence.

Are you a bastard in Brother Neiyong's mouth?Li Yan couldn't help but think of Brother Neiyong's comments a long time ago.

"You kid is stupid at heart after all. This world is very dangerous for you. When you become a bit of a jerk, you will find that it is not that difficult to survive."

Li Yan used to think this sentence was contradictory, but now he knows that this is Brother Neiyong's life experience. In the society where humans live, whether it is intrigues or mutual use, in the final analysis, most of the actions are for one's own benefit. Life can be better.

This is actually a very basic requirement. Thinking about the smiles of Jimin and Eri just now, Li Yan felt that he should find an opportunity to talk about life with Brother Uchiyong again.

There have been great changes between my teenage self and my current self, and I don’t know if Brother Uchiyō can still say a few more warning words to myself.The old man seemed happy fishing all day long, but Li Yan always felt that he was actually helpless.

When the cell phone rang, Li Yan thought it was Eri who wanted to complain about him, but he found out that the number was Zhang Gyujin. What happened, that she took the initiative to call him?
She used to send herself daily greeting text messages at most, so why did she suddenly make a phone call?

"Hey~~ Kyuzhen, um, a variety show? Yes, but normally I call other artists. I'm not against it, but I'm afraid of getting you into trouble. That's it, no problem, you can do it anytime. What makes me Pay attention to what you say, what should you pay attention to? You little girl even taught me a lesson."

She didn’t know what program it was, but she was so bold to ask Zhang Guizhen to call her. It was probably because of the issue of the medal. Li Yan was not averse to being on the show in this way, but she was quite cautious based on what Zhang Guizhen meant.

He was so arrogant when he invited him to dinner, but now he knows how to behave. Li Yan suddenly thought of Jimin's face when Eri mentioned Jang Kyujin just now, "Hit, just hit, I'm such a bastard, do whatever you want."

He ate too many apples and his voice was a little hoarse. Li Yan coughed twice and simply sat up from the sofa, waiting for the only serious matter of the day to arrive.

Zhang Guizhen didn't let Li Yan wait for too long. The call came in about 5 minutes. Li Yan looked at the ringing phone and suddenly had a prank on his mind.

"Hey, it's me. I'm not busy. I'm holding a shareholders' meeting to discuss the next development route of the company. It's okay. Don't bother me. You can tell me. It's okay. My favorite NMIXX song? Uh~~~GEE~~ ?Girls’ Generation? I know it’s Girls’ Generation. Ah, I know, you nmixx, don’t you just have one song, Goldfish Eyes?”

Listening to Zhang Guizhen's angry but afraid tone, Li Yan suppressed his laughter and teased her.
"Not goldfish eyes? What oo, aren't they just goldfish eyes. Yes, I like this. Haha~~ Okay, I know your songs, so that's alright. Let Xueyun and Lily eat more, watch She looks too thin. That’s it, um, okay, let’s work hard.”

It should be enough for the PD editing over there. Li Yan couldn't help but praise himself. After following Hong Beibei for a long time, he probably understood some of the plot points needed for variety shows. As for his kindness and good intentions, who made Keizhen look very angry? Cute, you're welcome.

Putting down the phone, Li Yan felt a little bored and didn't want to smoke. He really wanted to exercise. Xiaonan wasn't coming back at night anyway, so there was no need for him to keep watch. He might as well go out for some fresh air. Xiaomiao wouldn't let him wander around, so he went to the gym head office. Bar.

"Zhong Guoxi, you are really capable. You are still persisting after all these years."

Kim Jong Kook was a little confused by this guy who came in and patted him on the shoulder, then walked aside and took off his clothes and started to masturbate.Who is this? Are you familiar with it?
I have to say that this guy's face looks a bit familiar. To have this feeling, he is either a friend he met in a previous show, or this guy is very famous. Jin Jongguo's mind turned and he saw the scars on Li Yan's body. and tattoos, with a hint of judgment.

"Is it Kim Tae-hoonxi?"

"Why are you so polite? It's been a long time since we last met. It's been several years since we last met."

This is a problem. When Li Yan sees familiar people, he will naturally recall them, but halfway through the conversation, Li Yan realizes something is wrong.After changing my identity, this was the first time I came to the gym to lift irons. It would be wrong to say that I was familiar with it.

Li Yan didn't say any more, but Jin Zhongguo smiled, narrowed his eyes and nodded,

"You've maintained your figure well. It seems you've put in the effort."

If you don't know Kim Jong Kook very well, this behavior of touching muscles with your hands is very similar to those of men who like men. No matter how hard Kim Jong Kook's claws scratched his muscles, after several sets of iron lifting, Li Yan exhaled, and his body was still the same. If you want to be active, you must not stay too long, otherwise you will feel rusty.

"RM doesn't look good now."

Jin Zhongguo looked at Li Yan with his eyes hanging, but did not answer the question. Li Yan ignored Jin Zhongguo's reaction and continued,

"Now that I think about it, tigers also grow old. Zhong Guoxi, the muscles on your body may become a burden to you in the future."

"But this is my personality. I'm already obsessed with this feeling. I can't bear it, but in the next life."

There are many differences between artists on the show and in private. Li Yan did not have much contact with Kim Jong Kook in the past, but Li Yan was still willing to get to know a good person like Kim Jong Kook who is well known to the public.

"Who is your girlfriend?"

It was a very gossipy and slightly offensive question. Li Yan turned to look at Jin Jongguo and found that he was staring at him, as if he was looking forward to an accurate answer.

"Bae Zhuhyun." "Really?"


Covered in stinky sweat and feeling refreshed after taking a shower, Li Yan didn't want to chat with the nagging Jin Jongguo anymore, so he returned to Xiaonan's residence. Why did such a big man talk so much, and in the end he started to help himself? Consider the impact of announcing your relationship.

You don’t even have a daughter-in-law yourself, but you still educate a person like me who has three sons. It’s a lesson from heaven and earth. Kim Jong-kook, can you please do something about your own affairs? Or is it really like what the show said, hiding in the United States? family.

So Kim Jong Kook, who masturbates every day and has no known girlfriend, has been masturbating for so many years?
Unreasonable, definitely unreasonable. It is human nature for men to love women. Thinking of this, Li Yan shook his head. This is not a personal problem, but one of the most common needs. Just like that girl Sana, she doesn’t want to be a man with him at all. Girlfriend, but that doesn't stop her from twisting more flexibly than a snake.

With sympathy for Jin Zhongguo, and as a revenge for being nagged by him, Li Yan patted Jin Zhongguo on the shoulder again, and left the gym while he glared at him.

He didn't know how many people dared to tap Jin Zhongguo's shoulder, but Li Yan believed that Jin Zhongguo should have recognized his identity. Without him, men would remember the scars on his body more clearly than others.

Jin Zhongguo didn't test himself, as if he didn't know about his change in identity, chatting casually, gossiping and educating. Li Yan could feel that Jin Zhongguo was very curious about him, but he stopped being curious.

Even a good guy like Kim Jong Kook can't be a good friend. Doesn't he have the destiny to have male friends?

Li Yan was lying alone on the comfortable big bed, thinking over and over again. He didn't need any male friends. Brothers were enough. Soo Hyuk, Basong, and Okada, weren't they better than ordinary friends?It's all Xiao Nan's fault because he is idle.

Lin Hansheng returned home with great honors, and even reporters interviewed him at the airport. He seemed to give a few serious answers, but according to Li Yan's understanding, the old man must be very conceited.

It was as if the company couldn't survive without his work, so when the old man looked at him with contempt, Li Yan couldn't help but straighten his back.

"What's wrong? I just don't have time. I can go to the next meeting."

"Yooner doesn't even go home, what's your point?"

It turns out that this is the reason why he despises himself. Li Yan moved his lips. What does it have to do with me if Yoona doesn't go home?When I went to her place, she wouldn't let me live there.This is his own problem. It’s obviously the old man’s fault. Li Yan thought for a long time and then said:
"Aren't you just trying to scare someone away?"

"Ha~~Have you become more educated?"

"In general, people will make progress."

"Others will, so forget it. This is the main spirit of the meeting. Take it back and understand it. Whether we can develop well in the big country next door in the future is all related to this."

Lin Hansheng left, leaving Li Yan with a lot of information.Li Yan looked at the thick information and snorted.What do you realize?We can just comply with what others ask of us. You Koreans always want to put on airs, and you don’t care what era we are in. Who still takes Korea seriously?

Whoever wants to understand can do it, I don’t have time.Li Yan simply threw his legs on the table and leaned on the boss's chair to think about Wendy.

First of all, Wendy is a good kid.

Second, Wendy is a mature woman.

In the end, he seemed to want to bully her.

This last summary was not a sudden thought of Li Yan, or it was because of the last contact.To be precise, it should be an idea I had when I was still Hong Beibei's bodyguard.

A cute girl who is well-behaved, occasionally silly, and occasionally off-kilter is a girl worthy of liking in the eyes of a normal man.

Not to mention that Wendy is really soft-hearted and kind-hearted, with an attitude that makes her unable to recognize the true nature of society.

According to normal logic, Wendy should be very afraid of herself as a person. Rude, rude, and violent should be the labels on herself at that time.

If Pei Zhuhyun at that time was like the sun in the morning, warming her up, Wendy was more like the cold moonlight. The silver light that always tilted towards her body made her know at all times that she really hoped that she could get better.

It’s not just her life that has changed for the better, but also her personality. She won’t say it out loud, but in the dance studio, she will never be far away from her. When she and Yeri are fooling around, she is always in his sight. With a smile in it.

Li Yan knew all this, but because of this, Li Yan would always be more like an older brother when getting along with Wendy.If Wendy needs anything, Li Yan will definitely help her, but unfortunately, Wendy will never ask him.

Wendy was too kind, as pitiable as a white puppy, which meant that Li Yan, who was covered in blood, would subconsciously avoid her.

Until that day when she fell from the sky, Li Yan had no hesitation in his mind at that moment, as if saving Wendy was his mission. That is, after that day, Wendy expressed her feelings.

She wanted to be her boyfriend for a few days. Those words sounded like a girl's little wish. For Li Yan, there was nothing wrong with this, but it was just not something that should be done immediately.

After all, before Wendy's mood calmed down, Li Yan felt that she was taking advantage of others.But who knows whether her reaction in Wendy's eyes is a kind of alienation, but it's hard for her to actually come up with such a way to get close to herself.

This is Xiaomiao's analysis. In her words, Wendy is a fool who actually deceived her parents and used this reason to get close to her.

In fact, there is really no need for this. Li Yan feels that if Wendy is like Yeri, it is impossible. The two of them cannot be the same. Yeri is a naughty and mischievous type.

Sure enough, only children who cry can get candy.Although she is not considered a candy, in Wendy's eyes, she quite likes it.

After a few days, Wendy's parents have left. Have a good chat with Wendy. It's not that Oppa is alienating you, it's because Oppa is very busy all day long. No, it's Oppa. Well, Oppa likes to take the initiative?

That's not right. How to explain it to Wendy? This is a problem.

"Yooner will go home the day after tomorrow, and we should have dinner together in the evening. Do you want to come?"

"Are you committing a crime?"

"You are the one who committed the crime, Yoona will forgive you."

"No, I refuse."

Lin Hansheng glanced at Li Yan angrily, and Li Yan glanced at Lin Hansheng angrily.I'm afraid that at this moment, the two of them are thinking exactly the same thing.
"You bad thing."

(End of this chapter)

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