Sanctuary Paradise

Chapter 175 Hard fight

Chapter 175 Hard fight
On the fourth day, at dusk.

A series of roars exploded around the rock walls that appeared out of thin air in the wilderness.

I saw thousands of monsters with gun barrel-like parts on their heads, about two meters high and three meters long like piranhas, coming from all directions.

Arakami Guboro.

As one of the weakest types of medium-sized Aragami, they are replaced by their huge group numbers.

"Explosive bombs, stop them!"

"Left! Here comes another thousand fish. Don't give these fish cubs a chance to get close!"

"Be careful, a new salvo is coming!"

On the battlefield, all the contractors and divine machine operators were seen, their faces red-faced and roaring, and the divine machines in their hands continuously emitted dazzling oracle bullets.

"Damn it, how many fish cubs are there? I've already shot ten of my gun barrels, and there are still so many!"

On the left defense line, the bullets were fully discharged and he slammed the overheated barrel in his hand. After switching to the sword form, he stabbed the sword into the mouth of Guboluo in front of him. Then he pulled the sword hilt hard, and the man-made Aragami turned into a bloody mouth. Rushing out from the sword, he instantly tore Gubolo's body apart and swallowed its core in one gulp.

"And the most damning thing is that killing three of them only counts for 1 point of merit. I spent a damn long time killing them, and my merit points only increased by less than [-]!"

He cursed with all the bullets fired, and switched to the gun form again. A blast of explosive shells knocked back all the Guboluo that came forward, and then with a step, he retreated behind the rock wall.

Bang, bang, bang——!
Dozens of water bombs hit the rock wall covered with a large number of prismatic spikes on the outside. After being punctured, a large amount of water splashed out, but the impact still caused the rock wall to tremble.

"Who knows, speaking of bullets, how much recovery medicine do you have left?"

Feng Huo, who was covered in blood, cut off half of Gu Boluo's head as he rushed in through the gap with a sword, took out a needle and stabbed it hard on his arm, shouting.

"17 sticks, take it easy, if you get bitten on the head by this thing, even the gods can't save you!"

With all the bullets fired, he threw three needle tubes into Feng Huo's hand. He quickly took out the overheated and melted magazine in the divine machine and threw it away. After replacing it with a brand new magazine module, the gun barrel was Pull the trigger firmly.

"Let me turn you into a fucking piece of fish!"

call out--!
The crimson light instantly penetrated the entire straight line of Guboluo, and finally fell on the densely packed Guboluo army behind, suddenly exploding into a large fireball nearly ten meters high.

All the surrounding Guboluo were thrown away, but they were quickly replaced with new Guboro.

"The rock wall in front is about to break. Everyone, pay attention! Retreat to the inner defense line!"

A loud shout rang out, the bullets were fired, and the nearby contractors and divine machine operators heard the words. Without saying anything, they quickly switched all the divine machines to sword form and unfolded their shields. They covered each other with the help of the inner bunker. Retreat quickly.

A few minutes later, with a loud rumbling sound, the rock walls directly in front collapsed, and the roar of artillery fire became a bit more violent as a large amount of rubble rolled down.

"Praise the sun!"

Suddenly, a chorus of loud shouts came from the rear. The next second, a hot light rose from the rear. The next moment, the water on the entire battlefield began to evaporate rapidly, rushing into Gu Bo on the inner battlefield. The water film on Luo's body also began to quickly burst in the hot light.

[*Tips: Having received the blessing of the sun, the resistance to all water attribute effects is increased by 20 points, and the water attribute damage received is reduced by 20%]

Chi Jia: "@All members, it's done. Bake all these things into dried fish and let them see what it means and why the sun is so red!"

Finally finished!
Gundam Quanfa looked at the news on the war channel with a happy expression. Looking at Guboluo, who was suddenly slowing down a lot, he immediately shouted:
"Fenghuo, Iron Shell!"

Without any hesitation, the two teammates beside him immediately cooperated and rushed towards Guboro in front.

In an instant, Guboro's screams began to sound crazily on the battlefield.

The light of the artillery fire illuminated the originally dark sky brightly.

A contractor and a master machine operator who had been waiting for an opportunity to counterattack, as if they wanted to vent all their anger from the previous hour, crazily slaughtering the Guboluo who kept rushing towards them.

"Friar has been repaired, everyone, retreat!"

Finally, with the sound of retreat, the contractors and the God Machine players, who had been fighting for two hours continuously and smashed countless parts of the God Machine in their hands, finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly retreated directly under the cover of artillery fire. Inside the mobile fortress.

As the whistle sounded, the huge mobile fortress directly crushed the two-meter-high Guboluo. For a moment, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and after a while, Friar's figure disappeared into the night.

"Phew! It's finally over. Damn, I feel much more tired than the first day."

In the hall, the bullets were all fired, and like many contractors, he lay directly on his back on the floor, stretched his limbs into a big Chinese character, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Now I understand how ridiculous the number of ghosts on the battlefield is. It seems like they can't be killed at all. They are worthy of being born in the year of fish. The ability of this birth of a hundred is too perfect."

Feng Huo also complained in the same way, and many contractors nodded, obviously sympathetic.

Facing [-] Bergkas, although they would have a headache because of the opponent's hard shell and extremely penetrating attacks, at least they could actually feel that the number of enemies was decreasing.

But facing the Guboluo army, which numbered more than 12, it was almost impossible to feel that the enemy was dwindling.

As soon as one is killed, a new one will immediately fill it up, as if there is never an end in sight.

"No, I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about fish now."

"Me too, I never want to touch canned fish again in my life. Now I feel like vomiting when I smell fishy smell."

One contractor complained, obviously disgusted by today's battle.


On the other side, in the conference room.

"In this way, the second battle can be considered successfully passed."

Kongmu Lianhua looked at the information on the map, his eyes slightly focused.

"Did it go well? I'm just a little bit unhappy."

Xin Lailai said with a wry smile as he looked at his clothes that were completely stained red with blood.

“Although I had thought that quantity would cause qualitative changes, to be honest, the impact being so obvious is beyond my expectation.”

"I thought Mr. Black Sword had already prepared for this? Did Mr. Black Sword also have something unexpected?"

Kongmu Renhua said with a chuckle.

"As I said, I can only make some judgments based on my advantage in intelligence."

Xin Lailai spread his hands helplessly and complained.

If he had known that the pressure when facing Gu Boluo would reach this level, he would definitely choose to switch his magic attribute to fire attribute instead of rock attribute.

Facing the overwhelming Guboluo, not to mention the other contractors, even Xin Lailai himself was about to vomit.

In today's battle, Xin Lailai really realized what it means to drown a person with a mouthful of water.

It's not a description, but the group of big fish monsters really spat and charged when they charged. After one scene, a good wilderness was almost flooded into a wetland by those things.

"Speaking of which, thanks to Mr. Black Sword's machine, otherwise, we might have suffered a lot of casualties this time."

Kongmu Lianhua said, a subtle color flashed in his eyes, even he did not expect that Xin Lailai in front of him could actually come up with such a magical thing.

No unnecessary operations are required. Just stuff some of the Aragami's flesh and blood and add water to automatically produce magical potions that can bring the dead back to life.

"It's okay. After all, this war is related to my own life and death. Naturally, I can only prepare more means."

Xin Lailai answered and looked at the map aside.

Different from three days ago, almost everywhere on the map at this moment was occupied by vast red areas.

Since the start of the war, the Aragami camp has started to raise troops crazily. For example, the Guboro Legion they faced today only had 8 soldiers three days ago, but it increased by half in just three days.

If the small Aragami are also included, the number of Aragami on this battlefield may have exceeded one million.

"It's getting harder and harder."

Xin Lailai whispered, staring at the arrows that were surrounding Friar.

"This has been predicted for a long time. After all, the greatest advantage of the Aragami is their number." Renka Kongmu stared at the map and said.

For the Aragami camp, as long as there are still Oracle cells, they can continuously produce Aragami in batches, but their overall strength will continue to be reduced due to attrition.

The enemy keeps getting stronger and we keep getting weaker. This is also the most difficult part of this war.

"Fortunately, with the medicine provided by Mr. Black Sword, we should be able to successfully control casualties to less than [-]% in the first stage of the battle."

Renhua Kongmu said calmly, his golden pupils not showing any other emotions, as if the [-]% of casualties were just a number to him.

"[-] doesn't feel like an easy thing to do."

Xin Lailai's eyes narrowed slightly and he whispered.



Day eight, at dawn.

"Flash bomb! Hurry!"

"Don't fucking aim, just throw it at the sky!"

"Fuck, why are these damn birdmen so tough!"

"Explosive bombs! Scatter them away! Don't give them a chance to charge up their ultimate moves!"

Killing cries echoed crazily on the battlefield. Under the dome made of rocks, contractors were seen holding up the divine machine and frantically attacking the bird-like god with two pairs of iron wings flying in the air. Pull the trigger.

Tens of thousands of flaming light bombs fell from the sky and heavily bombarded the rock dome. Under the dome, Xin Lailai stood in the center of the crowd, trying his best to maintain the stability of the dome with the help of Ling Yuzi.

I saw a group of iron-green Aragami with feathers that looked like they were woven from steel and bird-like heads swooping down from mid-air.

The god of desolation, Chiyou.

It has the ability to fly at low altitudes, has excellent defense and maneuverability, and can launch a large number of fireballs for long-range strikes. The only flaw is that it has poor endurance and a relatively small amount of health among the Aragami.

"Hey, engine oil guy, how are you doing over there?"

"Stop bothering me, now!"

At the edge of the battlefield, Chi Jia slashed Chi You in half with a sword, and shouted to Lana, who was holding a huge seven-meter-long cannon barrel to the side and staring at the Aragami high in the sky under the cover of Azheng. .

Suddenly, a dark red figure flashed past the crowd of Chi You. In an instant, Lana's eyes burst out with a ray of light, and she gritted her teeth and roared:

"Finally found it, go to hell!"

I saw a laser beam as thick as a bucket rising into the sky, tearing open the dome in an instant, piercing through each Chi You species, accurately hitting the dark red Chi You's head, and finally reaching into the sky.

[Killed the forbidden god Sekhmet and obtained 200 merit points]

"It's done! Black Sword, the leading birdman has been taken care of!"

"Well done, Captain Lana!"

Lana shouted. Xin Lailai, who was in the center of the battlefield, heard the words and raised his hands. After layers of rocks rose from the ground to form a new dome, he shouted:

"The enemy's leader has been killed, all members...start counterattack!"

I saw small rock bunkers starting to spread outward. After hearing this, a group of contractors began to move towards the outside of the dome without any hesitation, actively exposing themselves to the sight of the Aragami, and fired wildly into the sky.

"His grandma, that thing who liked to shoot dirty things is finally dead!"

"Iron Shell, cover me. If Mu De doesn't say this, I will write the code name backwards today!"

"You like to play with fire, don't you? I'll turn them all into cold-cut chickens!"

Under the cover of the tank contractors on the side, a fire contractor started pouring firepower into the sky like crazy.

Xin Lailai, on the other hand, opened up a shield composed of spell chips, accurately helping the 77 contractor teams and 136 magic hand teams in the field to resolve some scattered attacks that the opponent had no time to take care of.

bang bang bang...

Chi You, whose head or core was penetrated by an ice-type sniper bullet, fell from the sky, causing a rain of desolate gods in the sky.

Many Chi You tried to rush to the ground to engage in close combat, but basically they would be torn into pieces by the contractors and masters responsible for close combat as soon as they landed.

"The time has come, everyone needs to retreat! Don't waste time here with them!"

Finally, when the sky in the distance gradually changed from a faint wisp of white to a fish belly white covering most of the sky.

Xin Lailai and Kongmu Renhua, who were in charge of the command, gave orders at the same time. Upon hearing this, a group of contractors and magic operators resolutely reduced their defense lines and retreated back to Friar.


in the conference room.

"Nineteen people were killed as a result of divine machine damage, and 19 contractors died. Is this the worst loss since the war began?"

Kongmu Lianhua leaned on the half-empty chair and stared at the ceiling without speaking.

"Where is Mr. Black Sword?"

"Already went to rest."

"Really? Then don't bother him. Just send me the report."

"Also, remember to send me the list of dead personnel, including those from the contractor."

"Yes, Captain."

Renhua Kongmu said calmly, glanced at the map in front of her, and after being silent for a while, she got up and walked out of the office.


Friar, personal room.

"Are there three more games..."

Xin Lailai was lying on the bed, looking at the rising sun outside the window, talking to herself.

"In the end, what I was most worried about actually happened."

Thinking back on today's experience, Xin Lailai's eyes narrowed slightly.

Chiyou's taboo species, Sekhmet.

The appearance of the other party established a fact:
——The number of taboo species thrown into the second-level battlefield beside Aragami has exceeded five.

In other words, Aragami's side has crammed all the over-level quotas on the first-level battlefield to this side.

"Tsk, I thought they would send a few Hannibals over to gamble?"

Xin Lailai clicked her tongue, sighed, and closed her eyes.

No matter whether the difficulty increases or casualties occur, what he wants to do will not change.

Winning the war, that's all.


 emmm, listen to my explanation. I went out for a whole day of experience and accidentally slept until nine o'clock when I came back...

  Anyway, that's it.

  PS: The liver index has exceeded again, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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