It was said that Huang Mao was good, but it became the fairy's white moonlight

Chapter 19 Playing chess?Overturn the chessboard directly!

Chapter 19 Playing chess?Overturn the chessboard directly!
As an adult fairy tale game, Bahuang Changsheng naturally incorporates many adult elements, so it is normal for some awkward scenes to appear in the game.

There are even the immortal version of stockings, the immortal version of electric... no, small toys with spiritual power brakes, the immortal version of cups...

In short, game planners have incorporated all kinds of adult elements that can be incorporated into the game, and the main one is incompatible with drug gambling.

So even if an adult storybook novel appeared in front of him, Han Mo wouldn't be surprised. He even remembered that there was a supporting actress who specialized in writing such storybooks.

However, the words were normal, but the girl in front of him surprised him.


After scolding and interrupting the girl's strange words, Han Mo suddenly felt a little bad.

"Han Mo, are you angry? Are you finally planning to be scornful of me? I know that you were just pretending to be like this before, but now you can't help it anymore..."

"Shut up, didn't I tell you that I won't be frivolous? You...what are you doing...don't touch..."

After being rejected by Han Mo again, the girl suddenly came forward, with a faint silly smile on her lips, and blew gently into his ear.

"Hypocritical. You say no, but your body is honest? Even your ears are red. Such a treacherous face that refuses to admit is indeed very consistent with the character of the playboy in the book."

Han Mo: "..."

Nonsense, your ears will turn red if you are blown away like this.

After thinking about it, Han Mo didn't want to continue to entangle with him and quickly changed the topic.

"Jun Han should be a man's name. Since you are a woman disguised as a man, what is your real name?"

Logically speaking, as a veteran player, he couldn't have no impression of such a unique character.

So out of curiosity, he didn't immediately walk away, but asked this question.

"Jun Ruohan." Without thinking, the girl answered almost instantly.

But after finishing speaking, she seemed to react and quickly showed a vigilant look on her face:
"Did you have any evil intentions in asking me for my real name? Could it be that... you wanted to find out about my family's background, and you wanted to catch me and threaten my sister and mother.

Just like what is written in the storybook, forcing them to fall together, and finally making the three of us, mother and daughter, kneel on the ground like obedient dogs, begging you? "

Han Mo put on the mask of pain again, but after hearing the name clearly, he couldn't care so much.

Jun Ruohan?
Wait, isn't this Boiling Yang Yang... no, Yan Xiao's fiancée?

Yes, according to the plot, Yan Xiao will be publicly broken off by his fiancée in Jiyue Tower.

So since Yan Xiao is here, Jun Ruohan is naturally also here.

But this is not right. In the game, Jun Ruohan is clearly a stone girl who abstains from sexual desires. She is completely different from the woman in front of her who seems to be full of desires.
Could it be that this is the so-called extreme situation?Or is it because of that notebook?

Han Mo was a little unsure for a moment, so he didn't answer the call.

"Why don't you say anything? You must have guessed by me. I know you don't have any good intentions. I understand the truth. A rich and messy dude like you is so interested in my beautiful face and hot body. , there is no endurance at all.

But I advise you not to waste your efforts.No matter how you humiliate me and torture me, I will never turn into the kind of person in the storybook who only knows how to roll his eyes, make a V-shape with his hands, put on a black face expression, and his tone is broken, and he only wants to pray to his master. Pet spirit dog! "

Jun Ruohan, you’ve had enough! ! !

In the end, Han Mo walked away, even picking his ears vigorously before leaving.

Why do you pick your ears?

Of course it's to get rid of the rubbish in my ears.

The two met for the first time and broke up unhappy because of this.

"Miss, are you okay? The evil young man didn't do anything to you, right?"

"Alas~" After reuniting with Jin Lan, Jun Ruohan once again returned to his previous appearance of being very indifferent to everything, as if he had no desires or desires.

Jin Lan was worried for a while, but fortunately, looking at it like this, the young lady didn't seem to be bullied by the dude.

Having said that, Miss, why are you sighing?
"Then miss, should we still break off the engagement?"

"Retreat, why not? I already have the person I like, so naturally I don't want to marry someone I don't like."

"Okay... eh eh eh... the one you like???"

what happened?It was clear that there was no one before, so why did the person you like suddenly appear when you went to a brothel?
Who is he?
Not to mention that Jin Lan fell into deep confusion and surprise, and Han Mo also joined Guo Mingyuan on the other side.

After taking some time to adjust his emotions, Han Mo quickly put the previous encounter behind him. He was still more interested in Yan Xiao than Yan Xiao's fiancée, of course referring to the other party's opportunities.

"Mingyuan, I've been hearing you praise Xiufang from the imperial capital for how outstanding she is. Since she is such a stunningly talented woman, it might not be easy to meet her, right?"

"Brother Han, this is a good question. You don't know something. Today is not my first day in Jiyue Tower.

On the contrary, I have been here since three days ago, the day Xiufang and everyone arrived in Yifeng City, but until today, I have not been able to see her.

Do you know the reason for this? "

According to Guo Mingyuan's account, this famous and talented woman from the Imperial City came to Yifeng City. Naturally, countless young talents and children of aristocratic families in Yifeng City wanted to meet her and take a look at her beauty.

But they don’t just meet everyone.

Although Shang Xiufang did not refuse to see guests, her maid made it known that she would only see one person every day.

If you want to be this lucky person, you must answer three difficult questions raised by the other party. If no one can answer correctly before noon every day, you can only wait until tomorrow.

In the past two days, no one could answer these three difficult questions until noon, which shows that their difficulty is extraordinary.

However, this not only did not make people quit in spite of the difficulties, but also made these young talents become more and more obsessed, wanting to see the beauty of the fairy. Of course, a small number of them came to challenge the difficult problems.

These are no different from the plot of the game. Han Mo has known it for a long time. The reason why he asked Guo Mingyuan was out of caution and wanted to confirm it.

"So what are these three problems?" Han Mo asked.

"The three difficult problems are a pair, a piano score, and a set of sword techniques. Match the pairs within the specified time, play the piano score, and practice a complete set of sword techniques."

Sure enough.

Only by answering difficult questions can you meet a beautiful woman. No one else can solve these difficult questions, but only the protagonist can answer them. It's a very old routine.

According to the development of the plot, it is no accident that after Yan Xiao's fiancée breaks off the engagement, he will use the method of solving these three problems to gain the favor of the talented women in the imperial capital to slap his fiancée in the face.

Of course, as an experienced player, Han Mo naturally already knew the answers to these three difficult questions.

In this way, it seems very easy to seize Yan Xiao's opportunity. All you need to do is answer these three difficult questions before the opponent.

But is this really the case?
The other party is the son of destiny, blessed with great luck.

It's like, if a superb chess player plays chess on the same chessboard with an opponent who can cheat, can he win?

I'm afraid it's difficult, at least Han Mo wouldn't do something so uncertain.

What's more, the current plot seems to have been affected by that notebook and has undergone considerable changes.

In this case, in his opinion, only by doing something more ruthless and unexpected can it be possible to overturn the cheating opponent and win for once!
"Come on, Mingyuan, let's go meet this Xiufang from the imperial capital."

"Hey, can Brother Han answer those three questions?"

"You don't have to answer questions to meet beautiful women."

(End of this chapter)

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