Who still falls in love in the interstellar era?

Chapter 194 If you want to develop materials science, you have to tie up a robot.

Chapter 194 If you want to develop materials science, you have to tie up a robot

Although the decision was made suddenly, Wang Chao himself still wanted to implement it.

It's cool to see Necrons awakening from the ground, but if it's fake - it'll be even cooler!

Before traveling through time, Wang Chao had heard about the Martian riots in Britain or some other country.

It is said that the British National Radio produced a radio drama of Wells's masterpiece "The War of the Worlds".

This novel has a title that makes people think it is about World War II, but in fact this book was published eight years before the outbreak of World War I. It tells the story of Martians invading the earth, and all countries in the world went to war with the Martians.

This novel created many unique firsts, such as Martians driving giant robots with slender legs. Later, it basically became the standard template for aliens invading the earth.

At the end of the story, the large-scale human resistance has been completely collapsed, the army no longer exists, and the remaining people are lingering. As a result, the arrogant Martians were defeated by the virus on the earth. It is said that this ending refers to the virus brought by European colonists. The history of the virus that destroyed the Inca Empire.

The most shocking thing is that this ending actually corresponds to the real influenza pandemic after the end of World War I.

All in all, "War of the Worlds" is a science fiction masterpiece with wide influence, and then the British radio station adapted the story into a radio drama.

As a result, when the Martians invaded the radio drama, the announcer's horrified cry of "Martians are invading" was too intense and was taken as real. This caused chaos across the UK and became a famous own incident in world history.

When Wang Chao read this period of history before traveling back in time, he longed to visit it one day.

It's a pity that Wang Chao's life is similar to that of most small town essayists. There is a two-point line between school and home, and occasionally there is a third point called an Internet cafe. There is really no stage for him to perform.

Now it's time to put it to use.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. The second reason is that you should do big things after traveling through time!

The Qing Dynasty wanted to rebel, the Ming Dynasty wanted to launch an industrial revolution, the Three Kingdoms... broke. Everyone in the Three Kingdoms liked different generals. I guess they only had the same point of marrying Diao Chan, rebuilding Tongquetai, and preparing to lock Er Qiao.

In this case, I, Wang Chao, have gained superpowers, so what's wrong with this whole scam that deceives the entire galaxy?

So Wang Chao started planning: "Although we have printing capabilities, we don't have raw materials. We have to mine basic minerals first. Are there any unmined mineral veins on this planet?"

Nimiao: "You should ask what mineral veins have been mined on this planet. This planet has only been colonized for more than ten years, and the second generation of immigrants have not yet reached adulthood. There are undeveloped mineral veins everywhere.

"Not only are there mineral veins, but in fact most of the mineral deposits on the planet have not been carefully surveyed. We can only know the approximate distribution of mineral deposits through the results of the expedition team's scans back then."

While talking, Nimiao shared the mineral exploration information found on the Internet with everyone.

"You see, this has been carefully explored, and basically only the minimum mineral deposits required to maintain the operation of the colony have been mined. We can know where to get the required minerals by comparing them with the distribution maps obtained by telemetry from space by previous expeditions. "

After Nimiao finished speaking, Liefeng asked: "Didn't we originally only plan to mine helium-3 here? Now we have to dig a big mine?"

Wang Chao: "What are you afraid of? We are not digging it ourselves."

The new Jackdaw has LV5 printing capabilities. It can first use the materials stored on the spacecraft to print a mining robot, airdrop it to mine, then print a refiner to refine it, and then continue to use the refined materials to print more mining and refining equipment.

This is how the so-called von Neumann machine works.

In a way that is easier for people in the 21st century to understand, the New Jackdaw is like the main base of the human race in the "StarCraft" series. As long as there are 50 mines to build a "miner", which is an SCV, it can continuously use local Resources realize self-replication.

The New Jackdaw originally carried a certain amount of inorganic materials.

The Jackdaw's furnace and printer can reprocess damaged parts into new parts, but there will be a certain amount of loss in the process, plus parts wear and tear, and the inorganic materials carried on the spacecraft are used to make up for this deficit. .

Now these inorganic materials have become Wang Chao's start-up capital.

While he was talking, Wang Chao had already called up the drawings of the mining machine and issued manufacturing orders to the printing factory on the spacecraft.

Nimiao asked: "How to solve mineral exploration? The scanned data only has a distribution map, which only roughly outlines the range and marks the depth of the mineral deposits. We need a geologist to complete the exploration."

Wang Chao: "There are no geologists, Nia, come on!"

"Eh?" Nia was shocked.

Wang Chao: "Don't you study celestial bodies?"

He deliberately hid the word physics.

"Astrophysics and astrogeography are two different concepts, okay! Hey, forget it, let me see if I can do it quickly."

Wang Chao: "Please, Nimiao and I are both engineering majors. We can only be the chief engineer, and you need to be the chief engineer!"

Nimiao: "First, I don't have a higher education background, and second, neither do you."

I have! It took a lot of effort to pass the exam! But that was all a lifetime ago.

Although Wang Chao did not actually send the words to the data link this time, it still attracted Helena's ridicule: "Have you forgotten his 'setting'? He is a college student in the 21st century, maybe he still Remembering every detail as if he had actually gone to college.

"But in fact, he read it all online. After reading it too much, he forgot the source. His subconscious combined it all and regarded it as his own memory."

Nimiao: "Then he is quite seriously ill."

Wang Chao suddenly felt that he might not be able to make Helena believe that he was really a person of the 21st century in his entire life.

Nimiao changed the topic: "Then what should we use to build ancient buildings? Iron is the easiest in terms of smelting difficulty, and there is a note in the expedition team's telemetry data that there is a large area of ​​iron ore in the open air, and it is easy to mine."

Wang Chao: "Would ancient civilizations made of iron be a little low? Isn't this high carbon steel, nanomaterials, neutron star materials, etc.?"

Nimiao: "Neutron star material? Do you know how much mass one cubic meter of that thing has?"

"But using iron to build the machinery of ancient civilizations is really tricky." Wang Chao argued, "And it's easy to expose the secret. What if someone exposes it? Could it be that Helena is asked to undergo cognitive modification?"

Helena: "Yes, yes, I can indeed make the person in charge of the test open his eyes and tell lies. Obviously the instrument measured iron, and the spectroscope also showed the spectrum of iron, but he just thought it was some kind of extraordinary thing." Unknown material'.

"But I don't recommend doing this, because every time someone comes to test me, I have to revise my cognition. As time goes by, there will always be times when things are confusing."

Wang Chao: "Then we will use steel to make it. All materials are materials that have been discovered by humans. Who stipulates that the machines of ancient alien civilizations must be made of unknown materials?"

Nimiao: "Is it really possible? Carburizing is necessary to make steel, right? What should you do if you encounter a carbon-12 test? You will know at once that this thing has just been made." Wang Chao: "Nonsense, super civilization has already been It transcends time, so time stops when super-civilized things are sealed, and the carbon atoms in the alloy don’t decay at all! It’s very reasonable!”

Liefeng: "Although I don't understand what you are saying, but you are my adoptive father and if you say it is reasonable, it must be reasonable."

Nimiao: "Then how to explain the sudden appearance of 'ancient machinery' rusting and surface oxidation?"

"Of course the time seal state has been broken!"

"No, no, it's too far-fetched." Helena's message was transmitted to the spacecraft after a one-second delay.

Wang Chao touched his chin: "Then what do you think? We use aluminum to build ancient machinery."

"Aluminum?" Everyone asked in the data link almost simultaneously.

Wang Chao: "Yes, you see humans use a lot of aluminum products. In the 20th and 21st centuries, aluminum alloy doors, windows and aluminum cans are everywhere. But now we have entered the aerospace era, and aluminum is still everywhere on spacecrafts. All ancient civilizations What are the problems with using aluminum to build equipment?

"The question is that ancient people have solved the strength problem of aluminum alloys, so they used aluminum in large quantities.

"In the future, we will find a materials science fairy—I mean, a materials science expert, turn her into a superpower, and then let her develop real mysterious materials."

Helena: "It's not impossible, but mining robots made of aluminum are not strong enough, and the mining chisels are also very worn."

At this time, Nia, who had been "offline" for a while, suddenly came online again: "I've done it! Now I'm a half-full geologist, what are you talking about?"

After she posted this question, she turned around and reviewed everyone's chat history during this period.

"You guys, use aluminum or iron. Wouldn't it be over if you just use polymer materials?"

Gale: "Oh, the half-full geologist joins the debate!"

Wang Chao: "Liefeng, please don't cause trouble. We also want to use polymer materials, but doesn't that mean we don't have materials scientists?"

"How long does it take for a bunch of Cybermen to learn polymer materials? The key to polymer materials lies in polymers."

Wang Chao: "What you just said was like saying a sentence."

"No, no, no, the structure of polymer materials is very complex, and it also has all kinds of strange properties. Even materials experts dare not immediately tell what properties this material has when they see it. They have to test it before they know it."

Wang Chao also followed Nia's thinking at this time: "It doesn't matter if some of the materials are seized. They couldn't detect the unique properties after testing for a long time. Instead, it will make them suspect that they have encountered a technological barrier. Is that what you mean? ?”

Helena added: "The premise is that the person doing the test firmly believes that this material comes from a super civilization. If they lie and claim that this is a newly developed material in a laboratory, find a powerful materials scientist to test it. Scientists will think this material is ordinary."

Wang Chao: "If they do this, it means they have not been deceived. They have doubts about this super civilization we forged. That is your dereliction of duty!"

"Eh?" Helena was shocked, "Why did I fail in my duty?"

Wang Chao: "What? You can't be negligent in your duty? It's obvious that you just drove a big iron tube at low altitude and supersonic speed and shattered my eardrum. Such an obvious dereliction of duty!"

"No, no, no, I mean, why should I be blamed if others didn't fall for it?"

"You are the oldest liar here! If I don't blame you, do you blame us, the fledglings?"

Liefeng followed: "My foster father is right!"

It seems that as long as Wang Chao tells her not to interrupt, she will automatically step into the role of admiration.

Helena: "You are using strong words! But it is true that I am the one with the most experience in deceiving people. Although you have told a big lie now, you did it passively."

Wang Chao: "Yes, I have no subjective desire to lie. I always thought that I would be exposed soon."

Helena: "Okay, I will be responsible for cognitive deception. And Nia will be responsible for choosing what polymer materials to print."

Nia: "Most polymer materials use carbon elements. We need to find a place with dense vegetation and rare metal mines that are easy to mine underground.

"I'm looking for it on the telemetry map... There is a place named Georgia Mineral Group that seems to be suitable. It is estimated to contain at least 20 kinds of elements. There are also a large number of broad-leaved deciduous forests on the surface. It is still autumn. We can go see the fallen leaves.”

Wang Chao: "While parking the car and sitting in love with Feng Linwan, are you building an ancient mechanical group from scratch? How to solve the problem of materials? Have you made new polymer materials?"

"You don't know?" Nia asked in surprise, "Nowadays, materials science uses the exhaustive method. Computers randomly generate material macromolecules according to random number tables, and materials scientists only test the randomly generated materials. We also let computers do whatever they want. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a few materials with acceptable strength - oh, most polymer materials are of sufficient strength to be used for mining.”

This time it was Wang Chao's turn to be shocked. He had indeed heard a saying before time travel that materials science is now a lottery. For example, in carbon nanomaterials, sometimes the properties of carbon nanotubes are completely different if the angle of the nanotubes is slightly off.

Therefore, materials scientists are doing it every day. When they come up with something new, they test its properties. If the properties are not suitable, they continue to create new materials.

Of course Wang Chao didn't believe this statement, because it sounded more like a big pineapple to farm equipment or a two-word game to farm holy relics, and it was too much like the imagination of a dead nerd who had never touched scientific research.

Unexpectedly, materials scientists in the cosmic age really started doing this.

Wang Chao: “Does materials science no longer exist?”

"It does exist, but now materials science does not require very strong professionalism. Anyone can become a materials scientist by catching them and doing some quick training."

Nia paused and then said: "By the way, the robot race is unique in the galaxy in materials science, mainly because they can work hard without sleep.

"Human materials scientists will start to doubt whether this direction is correct after exhausting it. Material scientists of the robot race - oh, they seem to be called materials supervisors, will try to follow the determined direction until the end of time."

Helena added, "Someone has studied the psychology of robots, and the conclusion is that they are no longer human beings. Robots do not need a sense of identity, self-realization, and have no curiosity. Not only in materials science, their scientists only know Keep experimenting according to the determined direction."

Nia took over the conversation again: "The current technological level of robots seems to be good mainly because of their powerful computing power, but they are far behind in cutting-edge subjects. I mean, if materials science is not considered a cutting-edge subject."

Wang Chao: "And in terms of materials science, robots are the only one in the galaxy?"


Wang Chao clapped his hands: "I understand, if I want to punish the materials scientist, I should tie up a robot."

(End of this chapter)

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