Who still falls in love in the interstellar era?

Chapter 172 Praise to the God of All Opportunities

Chapter 172 Praise to the God of All Machines (two chapters in one)

Wang Chao has already messed up, and this matter is very embarrassing. He has become the honorary supreme ruler of the United Star Cluster inexplicably, and he has inexplicably exploded a Spaceship of the United Stars.

And he didn't do anything. He just wanted to cheat something.

In the current situation, I became a clown because I deliberately tried to steal the prototype a few days ago. Now, wouldn’t Gaius give me all the prototypes I want?

You can even get a dreadnought, but the United Star Cluster's dreadnoughts have all had their automation systems removed, and it's hard to use them now.

Wang Chao began to think seriously about a problem: how to use his status as an honorary lifelong consul.

Nimiao is worthy of being an old partner. She immediately saw what was bothering him and directly suggested: "Get three thousand beauties first for fun."

Wang Chao was moved for a moment, "Three thousand, what a beauty."

But he immediately remembered the endless Shura field between Nimiao and Lily at the beginning of the journey, and decisively gave up the idea of ​​​​three thousand beauties.

——The two girls have already made me want to stuff them into an airlock and shoot them into the universe. Three thousand, then you might as well kill me.

Wang Chao thought for a while and said to Gaius: "There are a few things you need to do now."

Gaius replied seriously: "Please tell me."

"First, recover the wreckage of the exploded ship. It must be completely recovered. We have to study it carefully. Second, we need a cruiser that can operate covertly. We hope to concentrate the ship design power of the United Star Cluster to design and build it. .”

Gaius: "Understood! Leave it to me."

Nimiao's superego plays Morse code: "You really don't want three thousand beauties?"

Forget about the three thousand beauties.

Nimiao: "I understand, your kidneys can't handle two. Why don't you just replace them all?"

Wang Chao couldn't help but respond with his superego: "Why are you talking to the lifelong consul of the United Star Cluster!"

Nimiao: "Yes, your Excellency the lifelong consul, I was wrong, can you spare my life?"

The two of them were communicating here, and Gaius asked, "Is there anything else you need?"

Wang Chao: "No, you guys can go. There's no point in standing here and looking at me, right? We'll have a good drink at the banquet later."

Gaius: "Understood."

After saying this, he bowed respectfully.

Behind him, the current leading figures of the United Star Cluster also saluted.

Nimiao: "Let them kneel down. Is it okay to just bow?"

Wang Chao could see that Nimiao was in a happy state now, and she felt that the current situation was not happy enough.

After Gaius and his party left, Nemiao put on a straight face and asked directly through encrypted communication: "How will it end if it ends like this?"

Wang Chao: "Why don't you use the superego action?"

"I'm tired. Although the confidentiality is good, the transmission efficiency is too low. You see, we can exchange dozens or hundreds of megabytes of information in one second. Superego communication, regardless of Morse code or sign language, can reach the sky in one second. A few bytes of information.”

Wang Chao: "Aren't you afraid that our communications will be intercepted and others will discover that Organization X does not actually exist?"

To be honest, Wang Chao didn't care anymore. After all, in his opinion, such nonsense should have been exposed long ago. Anyway, if it was exposed, it would just be a fugitive. It was as if no one had ever been on the run.

So now, knowing that the communication might be eavesdropped, he didn't care and just said it directly.

Nimiao's response was similar: "Whatever, we escaped from the beginning anyway. If we continue to escape, we will just make things return to the way they were. The current situation is too complicated, and I like to make it simpler."

Wang Chao glanced at Nimiao and suddenly had the feeling that he was indeed an old partner and had a heart-to-heart relationship.

Nimiao continued to ask: "So how many more days are you going to stay in the United Star Cluster? Are you really planning to deceive a specially designed cruiser?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Wang Chao responded, "The spacecraft is too small now, and it can't even be assigned to one living cabin per person."

Nimiao: "I quite like living in the computer room, it feels like a sense of security."

Wang Chao: "Consider Helena sleeping in the living room and Nia sleeping in the ball screen room."

Nimiao: "They can sleep in the captain's cabin together. What, your still fleshy kidneys can't handle it?"

"Don't keep making jokes like this. It's not like Teddy wants to have sex with her whenever he sees her."

"Sorry." Although Nimiao said sorry, judging from her super-ego performance, she didn't apologize at all.

Nimiao: "After you deceived the cruiser, what's the next step?"

Wang Chao: "As previously planned, we will go to New Eden to work on the Adventure Club, and at the same time clean up the company that sold me and Lily."

"Have you ever considered that you are now the honorary governor of the United Star Cluster, and if you go to the core colony of New Eden and kill people, it will cause a war." Nimiao said angrily.

Wang Chao: "Never mind it, it's not us. Let's kill the company, take over the Explorers Club, take away the road, and then Korrun, don't worry about the flood behind us."

Nimiao thought for a few milliseconds and said: "Is there a possibility that you ran over and messed with the company, which just echoed Gaius' previous misunderstanding - didn't he ask the entire United Star Cluster to prepare for war? And then you really did Create the excuse for the invasion yourself.”

Wang Chao: "Then the United Star Cluster will start its own conquest? Build a great empire around the center of the galaxy in the galaxy?"

The circumference of the Mediterranean Sea is also a ring, and the circumference of the center of the Milky Way is also a ring, both are Rome.

Ni Meow: "Maybe this will really be the case. I just don't know whether future generations of history will call this the Galactic Unification War or the Galactic Anti-Fascist War."


At this time, the eavesdropper was almost scared to death.

Mainly they can only decipher part of it.

For example, what the "Eileen" agent team of the Explorers Club deciphered was: "Start conquering... around the center of the galaxy... the war for galactic unification..."

The leader of the team, the agent codenamed Irene, felt his scalp numb: "The goal of Organization X is indeed to unify the galaxy and establish a great empire around the center of the galaxy!"

At this time, an agent in the team said: "Could it be that we took it out of context? Are they just chatting? I often brag like this when chatting."

Erin retorted: "Would you use this level of encryption for small talk?"

The agent stopped talking.

Erin: "Quantum entanglement communication notifies headquarters!"


Wang Chao was killing time when someone knocked on the door in the lounge again.

"Come in."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gaius came in with a smile.

Wang Chao: "You are a dictator, don't always come here by yourself, why do you let your subordinates do this?" Nimiao said in the communication: "How could he let his subordinates do it? He is doing this through this This behavior establishes one's position in the new governing structure."

Nemiao's communication was sent in less than a millisecond, but Gaius took a full seven or eight seconds to prepare his expression before he said, "We have come up with a preliminary plan for a cruiser."

Wang Chao: "So fast?"

Gaius: "Yes, we originally had a low-signal cruiser prepared for agents performing special missions. Our designers modified it and added a luxurious bridge and throne."

As he spoke, Gaius turned on the projector and projected the overall structure of the bridge.

Wang Chao: "Is the bridge of your cruiser a little too big?"

Gaius: "Yes, we have specially added a public space that is sixty meters long, ten meters wide and eight meters high. It is located on the back of the spacecraft. There is a long bridge like this in the space. Your throne is on the ship. A three-meter-high platform at the head of the bridge.

“In addition, we have also configured other operating stations, all located on a secondary platform [-] meters lower than the bridge, to ensure that everyone standing on the bridge can enjoy the feeling of overlooking everyone.

"We also designed a giant holographic projector that can project the status of the entire galaxy in real time, ensuring a sense of ceremony."

Wang Chao originally wanted to say hello, why bother with so many useless things, redesign it for me.

But when he saw Gaius' projection demonstration, he hesitated.

Wang Chao: "You talk about operators, my ship needs to be highly automated, don't give me so many operators."

Gaius: "Of course, considering that you have been controlling the entire ship by yourself for a long time, we will ensure that the cruiser has enough automation that one person can control it.

“The operators are just actors, the atmosphere team on the bridge, to give you the real feeling of commanding a large warship.

"Of course, if you are worried about spies boarding the ship, you can use people you trust as actors. You can also use synthetic humans or AI. Anyway... you don't have to worry about AI rebellion anyway, your partner can control the AI."

Good guy, Lily's ability has been misinterpreted as controlling AI. Couldn't it be that the AI ​​is happy to hear her sing?

Wang Chao frowned, he suddenly had a brilliant idea!

Nimiao guessed it as soon as she saw his expression, and said quickly: "Stop it! Last time you created an organization X based on your nonsense, and we became operators of organization X. Don't add identities to us anymore. "

However, the way of expression that Nimiao chose was to ask the superego to send Morse code, but only a few bytes were sent. Wang Chao had already spoken: "She is not dominating AI, it's not that mysterious. She is just the singer of Omnisiah." , praising the God of all opportunities.”

Nimiao's superego was still trying hard to send signals, but when Wang Chao's words came out, she was immediately dumbfounded - the superego will reflect her own emotions.

A millisecond later, Nimiao couldn't help complaining through the communication: "The settings of the Warhammer series have not been lost. What are you talking about Omnisiah? Others know it. And aren't you afraid that the current copyright owner will come to you and ask for royalties? They The legal mercenaries are very powerful!”

Wang Chao thought to himself: Damn, there are still legal mercenaries who dare to trouble me now? Be careful, I will dispatch Helena to send you all to the sky!

As for being found out, Wang Chao is not worried about this kind of thing at all. If he finds out, he will find out. He just lets things return to their original state. By then, I will have deceived all the things I should have deceived, and I will take the girl to travel around the sea of ​​​​stars.

If you look at the design of this new cruiser, I like the bridge very much. It’s very cool to think about sitting on a high throne overlooking the front armor of the girls.

Wang Chao thought so, but Gaius didn't know.

Gaius nodded solemnly: "So that's it. I searched for Omnisiah. It seems to be a very ancient concept. Sure enough, Organization X has already penetrated into human history."

No, just wait a minute!

You got it wrong, I copied the concept of Warhammer 40K!

Nimiao's reaction is similar to that of Wang Chao. You can tell by looking at her super-ego state.

Wang Chao thought for a while and decided to explain the misunderstanding, so he said: "I just..."

It's just a joke, that's what I have to say.

Gaius: "I understand that the best way to hide something is to throw it into the field of public communication. Disguising Omnisiah as a board game concept can hide its essence."

Original, is this the case? I almost believe it!

Nimiao complained in the communication: "It's over, this Gaius man has gone crazy. For him, things with strange power and chaos exist objectively, and he can see one now.

"So he really believes in the existence of the Omnissiah."

Wang Chao said: "Well, that's right. That's it."

It was already like this, and Wang Chao suddenly wanted to see how it would unfold next.

So he added: "Actually, Lily did not sing the real song of Omnisiah."

At this time, Wang Chao called his manned computer and quickly wrote the lyrics of the children's song "Two Tigers" in binary encoding, and then adjusted the order of the series of 0s and 1s.

Then he wanted to install a composition AI on Apollodorus's local network to compose music based on this string of 0s and 1s. As a result, he regretfully found that Apollodorus overcorrected and killed all the weak AI.

The entire space station network can download less than one AI.

Fortunately, Wang Chao was also a literary and artistic worker in this life, and he knew some music, so he composed this string of 0s and 1s into a tune. Zero means "ah" and 1 means "oh". Wang Chao "sung" this "oh song" using synthesized speech.

The moment she heard it, Nimiao realized that it was a song composed of 0s and 1s, and then she realized that this song made no sense at all in binary language.

So her complaint was immediately transmitted along the sacred encrypted communication - no, it should be called the Sound Array Network -: "You might as well just adapt the ready-made Omnissiah prayer. There is a saying that this song is quite nice. .”

What does "very nice" mean? Look at Gaius, everyone is intoxicated by the singing.

It was just a song. Gaius praised: "It's such beautiful music. I feel that the prosthetic body in my body is full of vitality."

No, Lily is probably really full of energy when she sings. If I sing, it won't have this effect. It's probably a "placebo effect".


Erin's team was actually monitoring the footage in the lounge at this time and could hear sounds.

After hearing Gaius say that the prosthetic body was full of energy, Erin checked her prosthetic body.

There is no performance improvement.

He touched his chin: "It's strange, this song has no effect. Gaius said that the prosthetic body is full of energy, could it be a placebo effect?"

"It's possible." One of his subordinates agreed,

"But, is it possible that there is a meme hidden in this?" Another subordinate asked worriedly.

Agent Erin shook her head: "No, no, have you seen something strange? If you haven't seen it, there is no meme. This song does not have the conditions for large-scale diffusion in terms of communication. It is not magical enough to spread virally. of.

"It seems to me like a boring piece by a bad composer."

At this time, the subordinate asked a key question: "Then why does Wang Chao play this song at this time? Is he too busy? Impossible."

Erin was lost in thought: "Yeah, it's impossible. What's the point of this?"

If there is some malfunction in the mechanical device of the "Irene" team at this time, even if it is just a pure coincidence, it will probably be misinterpreted.

But unfortunately, there was no malfunction in the mechanical devices of Team Erin. After all, they were a professional team and were well maintained.

After thinking for a long time, Captain "Irene" came to a surprising conclusion: "He is testing Helena's control over Gaius! Gaius really thinks that the performance of his prosthetic body has improved! This It’s either the placebo effect or the meme Helena planted!”

So other professional and well-trained agents in the team shouted in unison: "That's it! Organization X is so terrifying!"

If Wang Chao knew this, his jaw would definitely drop.

(End of this chapter)

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