Who still falls in love in the interstellar era?

Chapter 165 The long-lost harem crosstalk

Chapter 165 The long-lost harem crosstalk

The two professors looked at Lily, then at each other, and then Helena nodded: "It seems that there are indeed superpowers on that ship, and they are the kind of superpowers who can adjust the gravity engine."

Gale: "I had a fight with a spaceship supported by a superpower like this before. It had a shield that could hold up, and it could also quickly recharge the gravity engine. He almost ran away."

Gale is talking about what happened when Nia and Helena were handling the Adventure Club's ship before they came aboard.

Nia: "So what should we do? Wang Chao is participating in the celebration. It's not good for us to fly a spaceship and fight by ourselves, right? Do you have any experience in space combat?"

Saying that, Nia first looked at Helena.

The blonde girl spread her hands: "Although I travel alone in the world - Xingyu, I basically never fight with people in space. I always get to the big space station as quickly as possible and let the station's garrison fleet protect me."

Nia looked at Lily and Gale.

Lily: "Is the other side coming towards us?"

Nia: "I calculated the orbit - well, it looks like it is going to dock at the space station. Wait a minute, the other side is sending an identification signal. It is a spacecraft registered in the Federation of Independent Colonies, a neighbor of the United Star Cluster. The ship's name is - I think, therefore I am there?”

"Descartes?" Helena frowned, "Why is the ship called such a name?"

Nia: "How would I know? So what should we do about it?"

Gale: "Since the other side is docking at the port, it's easy. Let's rush over and have an exciting super power battle."

Nia: "I have no fighting ability. I don't even have a combat prosthesis."

"Same as above." Lily followed.

Liefeng: "But you have superpowers. Have you forgotten? Before my adoptive father killed that superpower person from some religion, he just let his super self go up and beat him up."

At this time, the two wise men looked at their super-ego respectively.

Lily's is a big mechanical rabbit, which doesn't look like it can hit people. Nia's is a literary girl, and she doesn't look like she can hit anyone.

Nia: "My superego is so helpless, I think she probably won't be able to defeat the opponent."

As she said this, Nia saw her superego nodding.

Nia: "My superego thinks so too. The fighting ability of the superego depends on self-confidence, right? If neither she nor I think we can win, then we really can't win."

Here Nia uses "she" to refer to the superego, which makes psychologist Helena frown: "I don't have the 'knowledge' to see the superego of the two of you now, but what you said just now, does it mean that your superego can't see it?" Get up and be self-aware?”

Lily: "It's true. If you look closely, Nia's superego looks just like a real person."

Nia: "Isn't this normal?"

Helena held her chin: "My superego... Thinking about it carefully, I didn't pay attention to my superego most of the time, and my prosthetic equipment couldn't capture the superego at all, so naturally I didn't leave any records.

"I can't recall the situation to determine the situation!"

The advantage of a prosthetic person is that he can recall the past in detail at any time, and can re-examine details that he did not pay attention to at the time but were recorded by the prosthetic body.

An experience like this that cannot be confirmed through memories is quite new to Helena. After all, she has been gradually modifying and adding prosthetic bodies since she can remember.

Lily looked at her superego: "I often don't notice it. Wait a minute, it's actually eating carrots now! How can the mechanical rabbit eat carrots?" Gale: "Of course the robot rabbit has to eat carrots, Doraemon. Cats should love eating dorayaki."

Nia was also observing her superego carefully at this time: "Speaking of it, I really didn't pay much attention to the state of my superego before. She... is simply a real person."

As she said this, the girl with glasses and braids in her sight smiled bitterly.

Lily happened to look over and shouted, "She smiled bitterly."

Liefeng: "Psychologist, please explain!"

Helena held her chin: "I guess the name superego was probably coined casually by Wang Chao. In fact, this projection is more like what we subconsciously want to be.

"The subconscious mind is not very controlled by our subjective consciousness, so it is normal for the superego to have its own actions."

"It turns out it's normal!" Liefeng looked disappointed, "I thought I was going to stab myself in the back subconsciously."

During the discussion, the AI ​​​​Page on the ship said through the loudspeaker: "Everyone, I suggest that Captain Wang Chao be informed of the current situation."

Liefeng slapped his thigh: "That's right, I forgot to inform him. A bunch of us have been here for a long time and it's all over if we inform him and let him make up his mind."

Lily immediately used the new saying she had just learned from Nia and Helena's discussion: "Humans always tend to make choices with less pressure."

Liefeng spread his hands: "How can you blame me? A bunch of us don't know how to fight in space, and we don't have espionage capabilities to know what the other side is trying to do. We can only have blind discussions here, so why not leave it to our adoptive father."

Helena: "It's not necessarily that we don't have espionage capabilities. Although we can't invade the other side's spaceship, we can let the other side reveal its purpose."

Nia said thoughtfully: "You mean, deceive the opponent? I mean, use the current rumors about your ability to deceive the opponent? But the prerequisite for this is that the opponent already knows your ability.

"They just came from hundreds of light years away. How could they know this? The colonies within the United Star Cluster territory may not even know what happened."

Helena: "You won't lose anything if you make a bet. And if the other party has superpowers, there is a high probability that they are agents of some other organization that has mastered superpowers. Such agents are usually equipped with quantum entanglement communication devices."

"It makes sense." Liefeng crossed his arms, "How do we do it? You command and we execute it. You are now my adoptive father for the time being."

Helena didn't bother to complain about Li Feng's last act of recognizing her father. She directly ordered Paige: "Contact I think therefore I am here and ask for a call."

After speaking, she looked at Nia: "Do you have any way to affect the engine on the opposite side?"

"No." Nia shook her head like a rattle.

Helena: "Is that true? It doesn't matter. You should pay attention to the abnormality of the opponent's engine later and notify me immediately if there is any fluctuation. For example, if the opponent's superpower stops interfering with the engine, you must tell me."

Nia nodded: "Okay!"

Helena: "This is very important. Whether you can deceive the other party or not depends on you."

Nia: "Don't put pressure on me! What you just said is that humans tend to avoid pressure!"

Lily: "Then let me sing you a song? At least it can calm down your prosthetic body."

"Physically calm down!" Li Feng patted Lily's shoulder with the back of his hand. This action usually appears in "Mancai" (Japanese cross talk), and its status is equivalent to the person who praises him in cross talk and says "Fuck you" while pushing him. one time.

(End of this chapter)

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