Chapter 163 Induction Psychology

Donald frowned.

"It has not been discovered yet." He repeated what Elon had just said, "In other words, there may be ruins in the control area of ​​the star cluster? The problem is that the core area has basically been detected, and the non-core area star cluster is basically out of control. It - I am It’s useless to say that Organization X controls the star cluster.”

Ailon: "Maybe they came for the fleet and industrial resources. A large-scale rebellion just broke out in the star cluster. They have been relying on artificial intelligence to manage society. After the rebellion, they dismantled all the AI. Now the entire production order is in chaos. .”

Donald: "Rebellion? Has the AI ​​finally rebelled?"

Elon: "It's an anti-AI rebellion."

"But it sounds like the anti-AI faction won in the end?" Donald shook his head, "You idiot, the one who lost is the rebel, and the one who won is called counter-insurgency."

Ailon nodded immediately: "You are right."

"Continue to report." Donald waved his hand.

Elon: "Organization Dictator consciousness.”

"Wait a minute!" Donald raised his right hand, "What do you mean? Can't you make it simpler and clearer?"

Elon: "It just makes the dictator see an illusion, but this illusion is actually a projection of the superpower person. The superpower person can monitor the dictator's every move through this illusion."

Donald was shocked: "Can it still be like this? I like this ability."

The scientific officer who had been silent finally spoke: "Director General, this ability is very dangerous. We think it is likely that information with memes attached will be contaminated. This is how Organization Hundreds of millions of people.”

Donald: "Is it possible to do this? Is this an ability derived from psychologists? What do you think, everyone in the psychology department?"

At this time, the newly recruited psychologists from the Adventure Club gathered in the observation room next to the experimental site.

The Adventure Club used to regard superpowers as a purely scientific issue, and deployed psychologists mainly to maintain the mental health of the research team.

There are basically no psychologists with a theoretical research orientation. They are all psychiatrists with medical licenses. The entire department is also a branch of the medical system under the Star Cluster Logistics, and is a third-level department in terms of organizational structure.

Now the Adventure Club has established a psychology department alongside the science department, and has hired the top psychology professor in New Eden.

After Donald asked the question, the boss of the newly established psychology department came over the loudspeaker: "Actually, there is nothing outrageous. Now the advertising departments of various companies are using similar technologies to artificially create memes and let them spread virally. .”

Donald waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no one knows the business aspects of the company better than me. What I'm asking is, is it possible to implant one's own clone into another person's consciousness through a meme?"

There was silence.

Donald: "Hello?"

"We don't know." The loudspeaker rang again.

Donald snapped his fingers: "Then give it a try. Do we still have 'Tao'? Find a volunteer from a psychologist. What is the background of the agent of Organization X who accomplished this?"

Aaron: "The agents over there at the Star Cluster believe that this was done by a former psychologist named Helena."

Donald: "Ex? What do you mean? Can psychologists still be rusty in their skills? Can they?"

Before Elon could answer, the voice of the boss of the psychology department came over the loudspeaker: "Helena Frost? That's not surprising. She is a master of deceptive psychology."

"Fraud psychologist?"

"The nickname, the scientific name is induction psychology, is a sub-discipline that studies how to induce people to think."

Donald: "I guess there are masters in this niche among you. If not, hire one right away."

"We have."

Donald clapped his hands: "That's great. Arrange the experiment immediately. Don't be afraid. Obtaining superpowers is not as dangerous as before. At least people will not be disabled." Aaron: "Experiment now?"

"Of course! By the way, aren't you an external relations officer? Go and do your work quickly, or do you also want to try to become a person with super powers?"

Ailon said with regret: "I tried it, but I didn't wake up. I am now receiving psychological diagnosis and treatment."

"That's a shame." Donald snapped his fingers, and his superego punched the molten iron that had almost solidified. The molten iron at the location of the punch turned red again.

  Donald's orders were swiftly carried out.

A total of 20 psychologists "voluntarily" signed up for the test, and only one of them developed a superego.

Donald: "Is your superego any female celebrity?"

The psychologist who awakened his superpower shrugged: "I have read Jung's books. Although Jung's theory has lagged behind modern psychology, some of his ideas are very interesting.

"I think the superego should be everyone's dream lover. In reality, women will fall in love at first sight as long as they meet some conditions."

Donald looked at his superego: a tough cowboy who had been grazing cattle on a ranch planet for many years. He usually tinkered with his own spaceship and was good at using various firearms.

Donald: "Are you sure?"

Elon: "Put aside the superego thing for now and try your superpowers."

Donald looked at the observation room on the wall of the experimental site: "How to test superpowers in psychology?"

Loudspeaker: "You can ask Subject No. 18 to draw a picture or say a sentence to see if there is memetic contamination."

Donald immediately gestured to Experimental Subject No. [-]: "Hurry up."

The psychologist immediately sat down at the table, picked up a pen and drew something casually, and then showed it to Donald.

Donald: "What's this? I didn't see any hallucinations? Wait a minute, could it be because I've seen your superego? Try it with someone without superpowers!"

He shouted at the window of the observation room with a loud voice.

In the next few hours, the science team and the psychology team conducted a large number of tests, and finally determined that the awakening ability of Experimental Subject No. [-] can modify other people's cognition to a certain extent, such as making people unable to remember his face.

After reading the experimental report, Donald concluded: "In other words, it can indeed change other people's perceptions, but only a little bit? How can Organization X do something like that?"

Ailon: "This ability is very suitable for a spy. I propose to assign him to my department and strengthen the standard field team. Anyway, we have no way to take back the 'Tao'."

Donald slapped the table: "No, no, no, this is all secondary. The main question is, how did Organization X do it?"

Ailon: "After all, it is Organization

"There were reports before that Galaxy Diva Lily was very weak when she first awakened her abilities, and the meaning of her abilities was unclear.

“But within a few hours of leaving, Lily’s abilities evolved and she demonstrated very powerful crowd control capabilities on Doyle Station.

"Then a few days later, on Caesar Star, the capital of the United Star Cluster, Lily's ability has evolved to the point where she can instigate AI to rebel and stop the actions of the robots.

"Our intelligence analysts believe that if the initial group control is regarded as interference with the machine, that is, the prosthetic body, then Lily's abilities will be in the same line and have obvious strengthening lines."

Donald was speechless: "That makes sense. I am also a person with superpowers. My ability was only 1000 degrees Fahrenheit at the beginning, but now it has been increased to 8000 degrees. If the cultivation method of tissue X is used, I might be able to artificially create several It’s [-] degrees Fahrenheit!”

Elon: "Maybe."

Donald sat down on the boss's chair, lay back, and looked at the ceiling: "Organization X is so terrifying."

(End of this chapter)

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